Time To Vent – IOTW Report

Time To Vent

Raise Your Hand If You’re Sick Of….

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39 Comments on Time To Vent

  1. I like bad Brad I stopped going to the range like I should and after reading his comments over the years I go once a week like I used too. The guy knows guns.

  2. Going ‘anonymous’ leaves too much doubt…..I’ll have to start using some screen name. I posted; ‘I’m damn sick of liberals’, I have no animosity towards ANYONE on this site, Bad Brad or otherwise.

  3. I am sick of political criminals getting the red carpet treatment while honest citizens are made political prisoners, locked up without bail on trumped up charges – or they are ambushed and shot while their hands are up by orders of the federal government via the head criminal BH0.

    How do we change that? Be willing to pay the price for Freedom if you wish to keep it.
    Research, stock up, and be ready when the time comes.

  4. Butt hurt. Every time I hear or read it, makes me think of a homo who just had anal sex and they are crying over their butt. Make the images stop!

  5. I’m sick of a system where people who directly or indirectly take money out of my paycheck or bank account can vote for politicians who campaign explicitly on promises to pass laws that allow people to directly or indirectly take money out of my paycheck or bank account.

  6. I’m sick of the widespread assumption that putting the right signs on restroom doors will keep the perverts and predators away. I mean, signs prohibiting firearms do a great job of keeping armed predators away, right?

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