Budget Cuts Produces Smallest U.S. Army Since Before WWII – IOTW Report

Budget Cuts Produces Smallest U.S. Army Since Before WWII


The Army Times reported this weekend that the Army’s endstrength for March was 479,172. That’s 154 fewer soldiers than the service’s previous post-World War II low, which was reached during the Army’s post-Cold War drawdown in 1999.


“These are not cuts the Army wants to make, these are cuts required by budget environment in which we operate,” Gen. Daniel Allyn, vice chief of staff of the Army, said at the time. “This 40,000 soldier cut … will only get us to the program force, it does not deal with the continued threat of sequestration.”

The Army Times report said that 2,600 soldiers departed active service in March without being replaced.

In addition to those on active duty, the Army has 548,024 soldiers in reserve, for a total force of 1,027,196 soldiers. Under the drawdown plan, the total force number would be reduced to 980,000 by the end of fiscal year 2018.


6 Comments on Budget Cuts Produces Smallest U.S. Army Since Before WWII

  1. “… continued threat of sequestration.”

    There has been NO threat of sequestration since Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of that socialist cabal gave Obola 2 years of squanderable cash, without restraints.

    Besides that, there has only been one budget in the past 7 years.

    Gen. Allyn needs to quit wasting money on hens, faggots, and perversity/diversity seminars and concentrate on defending America.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That’s 154 fewer soldiers than the service’s previous post-World War II low, which was reached during the Army’s post-Cold War drawdown in 1999.

    And what happened in 2001?

  3. Tim
    Don’t forget the money the military is spending on “Climate Change” and “Green Energy”

    Sure we need to cut the military. . . everyone who achieved flag level rank under this regime.

  4. Our irresponsible and incompetent traitor in chief and our weak kneed congress has built (torn down) our military readiness and turned their backs on wounded and disabled veterans.

    Yet, they continue to pump billions of dollars to cover the cost of unbridled illegal immigration, Billions for international aid to dictators and Islamic terrorists, obamacare, assistance to sluggards who should not be on disability, 100’s of millions of IRS refunds to illegal Soc. Sec. #’s and dead people, failed green energy projects, funding obamaphones, waste fraud and abuse, over reaching and redundant federal agencies, retirement & health system for politicians and on and on and on. And oh yeah, the worthless anti-US – U.N.

    The truth is, there are a small minority of elected officials who represent citizens, the constitution and this Nation.

    Scandalous, offensive and nauseating.

  5. I’m one of them who has left active duty since March. The last few years were insane for soldiers. When there’s work to be done, they’re still treating the units like they are full strength. Instead of training on our actual jobs, we are stuck doing online training, sexual harassment classes, or equal opportunity classes. I genuinely feel bad for my guys because when the next conflict kicks off, they will not be ready.

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