Powerline: Dennis Ross is a respected, if thoroughly conventional, expert on the Middle East. A Democrat, he has served in both Republican and Democratic administrations as an adviser and envoy.

Ross served in the State Department as Hillary Clinton’s Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia. Subsequently, he joined President Obama’s National Security Council staff as a Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the Central Region, which includes the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia. So when Ross writes, in Politico, that Obama’s foreign policy weakness is hurting American interests, we should take notice.
Here are some excerpts:
The United States has significantly more military capability in the Middle East today than Russia—America has 35,000 troops and hundreds of aircraft; the Russians roughly 2,000 troops and, perhaps, 50 aircraft—and yet Middle Eastern leaders are making pilgrimages to Moscow to see Vladimir Putin these days, not rushing to Washington. more
My problem with IOTWREPORT is if you go to work for eight hours and come back, the whole conversation has changed. It’s hard to deal with. No, I will not give examples Figure it out for yourselves.
You didn’t need to be Hillary Clinton’s Special Advisor or the Special Assistant to the President to know obama’s weakness the first year of obama’s administration. He was inept and irresponsible from the beginning and remains so today.
He is a compulsive liar, incompetent and a worthless president, but he’s also a Traitor to our Nation and our allies from day one.
Still the Department of defense and Department of state push his failures as if they are successes.
No revelation here, Boss.
@Moetom: The problem is that the posts are coming too fast now to read them all, much less comment on each one, unless you devote more time to IOTWR than a lot of people have (or want to spend). IMHO, the best thing you can do is find 3 or 4 items that look interesting, read and comment, and hope they don’t roll off past the first couple of pages into oblivion before you can get back and check to see if anyone else has commented further. Once the post has reached the third or fourth page, nobody’s going to be looking at it anymore.
Vacuum = something taking its place. It’s a liberal thing, they never see it coming. Total failure to relate cause and effect.
that’s why…
Pull out = ISIS
Disgusting, I think I sicked myself.
Obama doesn’t care who our ex allies depend on as long as it’s not us. The only allies he wishes he had are all Islamic and most of them burn him in effigy.
10 likes to josemartinez! America wandering around aimlessly for eight years with this Phoney-Baloney, Plastic Banana Republic Manchurian Dildo insulting our allies and appeasing our enemies, while picking at every internal scab he can find until it bleeds to distract, divide and destroy America is exactly what the Left wants to allow Communism to rise around the world.
The Soviet Union was bent on spreading communist revolution around the world. This was an obvious threat to American interests.
The Russian Federation isn’t a saintly group (neither are we), but what are they doing to threaten American interests? Fighting islime?
In my humble opinion, we should have left them alone in Afghanistan, been on the same side in Yugoslavia and be on the same side in Syria.
@ cato
” obama’s weakness the first year of obama’s administration. He was inept and irresponsible ”
“Still the Department of defense and Department of state push his failures as if they are successes.”
Obama has been underestimated. His agenda WAS the denigration and ruin of America and the state department is right. Obama has been very successful in the ruination of America on many fronts at once.
We sit, holding our breath, listening for the next shoe to fall from this evil centipede.
He was far from inept. He actually kept his promise to change America.
His legacy will be likened to that of Nero, but instead of playing fiddle while America burns, he plays golf, vacations, and smirks.