Battle Of The Bathrooms Moves To The Courts – IOTW Report

Battle Of The Bathrooms Moves To The Courts

The Department of Justice’s letter last week threatening the State of North Carolina with loss of Federal moneys if the state doesn’t rescind its bathroom law has brought a response.



The State filed a lawsuit against the DOJ for “baseless and blatant overreach” in interpreting existing federal law in a manner never intended by Congress.

 The DOJ has counter sued declaring that the N.C. law is discriminatory on the basis of sex.


N.C. governor Pat McCrory is calling on Congress to firmly define sex discrimination that was originally codified in federal law.

14 Comments on Battle Of The Bathrooms Moves To The Courts

  1. Axe y’seff … why are the “Administration,” the “media,” and the SCROTUS wasting time on the “Pervert Shithouse” affair?

    They (perverts) comprise, what? maybe 1% of the population?

    They’re averting attention from the illegal alien invading hordes of rat-people and the nuclearization of Iran and the sharia creeping across our land.

    Not to mention the incited feral savages who will go berserk this summer, or 95 million citizens out of work, and the fetid stench of our educational “system.”

    If anyone is so somnolent as to accept the proposition that there is no collusion amongst these criminals, the Rhodes thing should have awakened him – if not, then he’s perpetually befuddled.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim ==> Anonymous:

    “Between the SCOTUS and the DOJ it’s time to start hanging people.”

    Past time … shoulda started back in the 30s.

    As far as I’m concerned, the hanging shoulda started back in 1791 with GW’s handling of the Whiskey Rebellion.

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