Don’t be a strumpet – IOTW Report

Don’t be a strumpet

How did we go from calling the girl who likes to kiss boys in the car being a Strumpet, toScreen Shot 2016-05-10 at 11.06.31 PM

50 high school girls in one school taking nude pictures of themselves and posting them online?

Is it because we didn’t take the cheesy PSAs seriously enough?

ht/ nm

13 Comments on Don’t be a strumpet

  1. It’s because “back in the day” when we grew up (by cracky), girls’ mothers acted like mothers and not like the girls best friends. Also, social media back then was a cheap Valentine’s Day card.

  2. The left has destroyed our moral values. Tv shows. Hollywood films.
    Watch TCM they are proud of the job they have done.
    Children are not taught right from wrong.
    Very sad

  3. It seems there are no victims; they are volunteers. Dumb action that will follow them throughout life, like a criminal record.

    My mom used to say never put anything in writing that you don’t want anyone to see. It will always be seen and read by more people than you intend, and that includes your diary.

    Seems even more applicable to pictures, especially posted on the Internet.

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