Vermont mayor plots secretly to bring 100 Syrians to his town – IOTW Report

Vermont mayor plots secretly to bring 100 Syrians to his town

Rutland, Vt. Mayor Chris Louras
Rutland, Vt. Mayor Chris Louras– […] “They have nowhere to live,” said Jerry Dubeau, a 59-year-old who supports the move. “That’s what this country is all about. We’re all from somewhere else.”

But mingled with good wishes has been a touch of fear, and simmering anger that the decision was made behind closed doors.

“Their culture is different than ours. Their world is just different than ours,” said Chris Kiefer-Cioffi, a selectwoman in a neighboring town who worked for 27 years on the Rutland police force.  more

19 Comments on Vermont mayor plots secretly to bring 100 Syrians to his town

  1. “secretly” says it all.

    Fuck him with a fuckstick-he knows whats best and what anyone else has to say gets filed in the round file.

    When my grandfather came here from Italy in the early 1900s, it was his intent to assimilate. He insisted my father as a young boy not speak Italian in the house. Yes they had Italian parades celebrating Italians, mostly saints, but there was absolutely no resentment to America. In fact it was exactly the opposite.

    The intent wasn’t to create enclaves of Italians in no-go zones, the idea was to work your ass off and make it better for your kids.

    I guess that idea is just some quaint old bullshit form the stone age now.

  2. And here’s Refugee Resettlement Watch’s first post about it.

    “Local people are always last to learn about their town being targeted because the only way to get this plan in place is to keep it secret from the general public. And, by the way, once the flow starts it won’t be held to 100 refugees.”

    Louras is an idiot and should be recalled, should there be such a mechanism in place.

  3. That’s fine. He has compassion and love. And not one scintilla of common sense.

    Just wait until he finds out that these people have been desensitized by war and depredation and have sunk lower into their 8th Century Death Cult Religion. Just wait until 8th Century Islam and its victims start showing up in the faces of those well intentioned, naively stupid Progressives who think we’re all just one big family of man, right out of that silly-assed 1970’s Coca Cola advert.

  4. Who the hell does the mayor of an insignificant little town think he is?!

    This is yet another manifestation of the malignant NARCISSISM everywhere these days.

    And that he believes it’s OK to act unilaterally, and secretly from his constistuents, makes his act CRIMINAL, not compassionate.

  5. They would have a place to live back in their own country, if the idiotic world leaders would spend the same they are now, on creating an ever growing civilized sector. Once it became large enough it could begin kicking ISIS ass as they threw them out!

    The “po widdle” immigrants are military grade for the most part anyway…

  6. If ONE local citizen gets hurt due to this mayor’s “compassion”, the blood is on HIS hands.

    Since when do a mayor’s powers include immigration policy ??

    Perhaps he should be blasting the Muslim Preznit’s intention to prevent the vetting of ‘refugees’, implement illegal voting privileges to illegal immigrants, etc, etc.

    His compassion should be answered with impeachment and a 2×4 to the head for putting his citizens at risk, unnecessarily.

    Except that his enormous vanity pushed him to do this.

  7. Maybe this asswipe should have read about what’s going on in Europe right now to graphically see the effects of what he is about to inflict on his own town! It’s not speculation. It is very, very real!
    Get ahead of the curve Rutland.
    Get a rail and a bucket of tar people!

  8. @MM I guess we’re the last of immigrant sons and daughters who wanted to be Americans .Another generation of progressives and we’ll be barely mentioned in history books. God help America.

  9. It will be interesting to see how the town folk respond now that this is make public. I think just about every town/village has some sort of mechanism built into its’ charter that give relief in the case of a bad public official. If the town folk don’t say anything or allow him to move forward then whatever ill befalls them is deserved. Being charitable is a good thing however let’s not get into the habit thinking that being wary is bad manners. Don’t ever be embarrassed about sticking your hand up and saying no to some bureaucrat.

  10. well honey there goes the neighborhood- no not the black family that moved in that mows the lawn and keeps up an appearance. its the rag head lady and her husband sticking his butt in the air five times a day praying. 🙂 have a nice day

  11. @ Moetom, bank on it. He is. When it come to those ‘seeding’ efforts, it’s always a case of following the money. Patronage jobs, especially for friends and family, social cachet (for what that’s worth) – those are the balms to a gooder’s conscience.

    Blood on his hands? He won’t care one bit.

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