Iran wants reparations – IOTW Report

Iran wants reparations

USA Today: The Iranian parliament wants the U.S. to compensate the country for damages from a series of events dating to the 1953 coup that increased the power of the pro-American shah.

The parliament on Tuesday passed a bill requiring its government to demand compensation from the United States for “spiritual and material” damages.

Also Tuesday, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council voted to file a complaint with the International Court of Justice against the U.S. over last month’s Supreme Court ruling that approved confiscation of Iranian assets.  more

20 Comments on Iran wants reparations

  1. Great. We’ll go first. Let’s start with charging those worthless goat humpin muslim faggots for the cost of our hostages and the rescue attempt. OK so we’re up to a couple hundred billion already. Next up, let’s go after them for the trillions we’ve spent in the last 40 years fighting terrorism and acts of wars they’ve started all over the world. Then tack on another trillion or so for all the money we’ve lost because of the sanctions. Just to sweeten the pot, assign the legal work to America’s brightest Jewish lawyers. And those dozen or so sailors humiliated a few months ago? Couple mil apiece. Then the commander who got the axe? Have a greedy sleazy lawyer come up with a settlement. How bout them apples, assholes?

  2. Geezus. Do not offer to send Jimmy Carter and/or Obammie the commie. Those clever bastards will counter with an offer to send a hand fulla Mullahs, a couple hundred top of the pyramid traitors, most the upper echelon of their military, all their State secrets, classified Battle Plans, all their launch codes, and a treasure trove of their top leaders having sex with farm animals in case we need to blackmail them, and all their top secret computer codes. Geez man, what were you thinking?

  3. Robert Stethem.

    Two words amongst many others that many, many Americans will never forget, and damn well won’t let the Iranians forget either.

    Reparations for Iran? Nothing more than a sick, sad joke.

  4. Anybody who has even a small amount of knowledge of Middle East history knows that the coup that ousted Mossadegh in 1953 was planned and carried out under the direction of the U.S.’s CIA and the UK’s MI5. Shah Reza Pahlavi was installed by those two govts. The shah was a repressive autocrat who was brutal in protecting his power.

    You may not like it, but those are facts. They won’t go away.

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