Precious snowflakes protest Seattle dean who recommended book with racial slur in title [Written by a black man] – IOTW Report

Precious snowflakes protest Seattle dean who recommended book with racial slur in title [Written by a black man]

FOX: A group of Seattle University students is demanding that a dean be fired, accusing her of recommending a student read a book that includes a racial slur in its title.

[SNIP: *In hushed tone* The password is… “Nigger“]

Jodi Kelly, the dean of the university’s Matteo Ricci College, told a black student last year that she should read the book “N—–: An Autobiography by Dick Gregory.” The unnamed student told The Stranger that she was unable to attend class after hearing Kelly, who is white, say the book title.

clutch the pearls

The student said Kelly “used the n-word… she said it three or four times. The full word.”  MORE

18 Comments on Precious snowflakes protest Seattle dean who recommended book with racial slur in title [Written by a black man]

  1. If I had a case quarter for every time I heard a black person use that word I’d be filthy rich!

    And let me axe this question, isn’t black people stealing our insulting words “cultural appropriation”?

  2. You know something. I don’t give a flying fuck about these ignorant motherfuckers any more.. I read all of Mark Twain’s books and it did not make me a racist.. But these last seven years, with this scumbag at thr helm, has made me a different person.

  3. Next on the reading list:’ Who’s Afraid of A Big Black Man’ by Charles Barkley. Run to the fainting couches little snow flakes.
    Mass heart attacks would occur if suggested reading was Joseph Conrad’s ‘The Nigger of The Narcissus’.

  4. Forty-plus years ago Yoko Ono released an album called “Woman Is the Nigger of the World.” There was a considerable amount of controversy over the album’s name, but not among African-Americans. In an interview Yoko said, “They understood what I was trying to say.” This is how badly strained the matter of race has become in this country.

    Because Obama.

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