Jeb Bush Doesn’t Know What Racism Means – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush Doesn’t Know What Racism Means

‘It’s like eating a watermelon and saying ‘I love African-Americans”: Jeb Bush likens Trump’s ‘insulting’ taco Tweet to outright racism


  • On May 5 Trump shared a pic of himself eating Tacos, with the caption ‘I love Hispanics!’
  • Bush called the tweet ‘insensitive’ and an ‘insult’
  • He also said he didn’t know if the Republican party would survive Trump
  • ‘If we lose in November, we Republicans have ourselves to blame,’ he said 

    ‘First, not all Hispanics are Mexican,’ he explained in the article, which was published Saturday in Dutch.

    ‘Secondly,not all Hispanics eat tacos. Thirdly, showing your sensitivity by eating an American dish is the most insensitive thing you can do.

    ‘Fourthly, to say this, next to all things he already said, is a further insult.’

    ‘This guy… ‘If we lose in November, we Republicans have ourselves to blame.’

    The former Florida governor also told the paper it was ‘uncertain’ whether the Republican Party would survive Trump’s selection to be its presidential candidate.

    Read more: 



7 Comments on Jeb Bush Doesn’t Know What Racism Means

  1. Cinco de Mayo isn’t even a holiday celebrated by Mexicans in Mexico. Corona did a hell of a job marketing a huge party that is typically celebrated where? That’s right! People go eat Mexican food at a Mexican restaurant.

    And considering that Latino, Hispanic and Chicano are often used interchangeably, Jeb can go pound sand. This is the same dumbass that was selling “wuacamole” bowls in his online candidate store. But, since he’s married to a Mexican, I guess he feels entitled.

  2. How come Rinse My Penis isn’t up Jeb!’s ass for reneging on his pledge to support the nominee?

    Jeb! is irrelevant. So is the RNC. We need some one like Palin as RNC Chairman.

  3. The native Mexicans I know don’t like being called “Hispanic.” They’ve like, WTF, we’re Mexican. Is something wrong with that? The 17th century Hispania is old news.

  4. Carumba! Is this crap still an issue? El Jeb needs to go on hiatus with Mittens and not return for a long time. If Trump eats a big kielbasa is he supporting gays? I think not.

  5. So Jeb! tries to use PC BS to topple the guy that won not being PC.

    Right up there with Kristol’s Renegade Party that has 2,000 people favoring it.

    They just don’t get it.

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