A Troublesome Graphic Is Being Passed Around Amongst the Right – IOTW Report

A Troublesome Graphic Is Being Passed Around Amongst the Right

Click through to see a Trump graphic that is redefining what “any port in a storm” means.

This is the right, embracing the idiotic rhetoric of the left in order to convince people not to vote for Trump and allow Hillary to cross the finish line unencumbered.

The entire graphic is the suck, but ISLAMOPHOBIA??? Really? The right is going to use the Islamophobia card?

#NeverTrump has reached its nadir.


40 Comments on A Troublesome Graphic Is Being Passed Around Amongst the Right

  1. No different than the NeverCruz ops who would be among us had it gone differently. Both are leftist mobys.

  2. Another persuasion fail. Ic ould just as easily mean that Trump will never be any of those things. And the word “never” is so monotonously repetitive that it stops looking like a word at all about halfway down. Ditto for all the “phobias”…looks like budget Ogden Nash poetry.

    # neverclever.

  3. If you take out “never Islamophobia,” you have a great reason to change the line to “Never Islam.”

    Because who exhibits more of the other traits than Muslims?

    America had better wake up, fast.

  4. They were never part of the Right, ideologically. They’re just too friggin stoopid (think looser) to figure out the Dems are more in line with their ideologies. But they just had to join a group bigger than themselves in order to forget they are individuals, which they are scared shitless of.

  5. Go constitution party. Won’t be a part of voting in a Trojan horse even if they have no chance. Either Trump or Hillary it is all collapsing America, but will still have my morals not voting for that slime.

  6. The guy IS seriously F’ed up.

    “That was the day that I became a fully LGBTQ-affirming pastor, though it would take years to get up the nerve to admit it to myself, let alone to anyone else.”

  7. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks … the Republic is dead and the socialists are clawing over the corpse.

    “Ignorance” like Globaloney Warming?
    “Islamophobia” like the Twin Towers?
    “Bullying” like Obola’s Dept. of Justice?

    Total crock of fuckin bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. For one horrifying moment there, I thought that I was still on tumblr and had somehow mistakenly followed a liberal/sjw blog… phew… ofc this is even scarier considering the ‘right’ is apparently just another part of the ‘left’. (Not that I haven’t suspected as much all along…)

  9. I have a conspiracy theory.

    I believe the “never Trump” and the “never Cruz” movements were actually created by Democrats to divide the Republican vote.

  10. Take Moonbattery for example, that has an article “Trump’s Massively Bogus Supreme Court List.”
    There is absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump never intends to select one of these spectacular candidates. But that doof over at Moonbattery goes on and on like we’re all being duped. I don’t understand the mentality. The opposition is true evil. Alinsky/Obama evil. With certainty.

  11. JohnS, you call BS?

    I got this from my Twitter feed from a very high profile person on Twitter and it had lots of retweets.
    I’m not going to call the person out because I like them and I’m hoping they come around.
    I also belong to this person’s FB group which has thousands of members and this graphic appeared there too.

    Is it good enough to take my word on this?
    Like I said, I’m not going to call this person out by name.
    If you choose to believe I’m a liar, so be it.

  12. These “phobia” created words bother me on a linguistics basis. “Phobia” means fear. Literally, “homophobia” would parse out as same-fear. Even allowing that “homo” is suppose to mean homosexual, it comes out as fearing homosexuals. But does ANYONE actually FEAR homosexuals? But that sounds much nicer than what the reality is, which is closer to disgust or revulsion, not fear.

    “Islamophobia” is even weirder, and in a different direction. People who use that word seem to have utterly lost sight of what the root “phobia” is, fear. Do we and should we FEAR Islam? Hell, yes, it’s not a bad thing!

  13. OK BFH, so ONE PERSON picks up something off the daily kookloos and forwards it to you.
    That constitutes ‘being passed around amongst the right’.
    You are correct, you need more sleep.

  14. It wasn’t forwarded to me.
    I am one of 35,000 people in this person’s timeline.
    It was “presented” to 35,000 people.
    Of those 35,000 people it was favorited over and over and
    retweeted to other people’s followers.
    This is called “being passed around amongst the right.

    Besides, why does this upset you so?
    Do you disagree with everything on the list?
    Or maybe you want to say that Trump is a bigot for closing the borders?
    Or maybe you want to call Trump a homophobe?

    Or maybe you’re about due to come home and start calling these #NeverTrump people what they are — Hillary helpers who are so desperate they are grasping leftist bullshit rhetoric in order to take down Trump.

    We don’t use those cards because we reject those cards – but not right-wing #NeverTrump people.

    That is pitiful.
    That is shameful.

  15. Mr. Trump scares the ever-loving shit out of the people who are corrupt and their supporters.
    Socialism is a means to an end – and that end is a total and complete corruption of America, American ideals, and the American way of life. Bear in mind that NO ONE who supports socialism lives by it. They know it’s a lie founded upon lies to enslave the simple-minded and accrete all a nation’s wealth and power unto themselves.

    ANYONE who brays “NeverTrump” is actually in favor of “AlwaysCorruption” and the destruction of America – root and branch. Make no mistake: There is no middle ground between Life and Death – between Good and Evil – between Freedom and Slavery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. I am not upset.
    Not only did that graphic originate on a leftist website, it has been running around several of the sites for a few days that I know of, but it is patently obvious that people on the right don’t talk like that.
    That thing is so obviously leftist that it doesn’t need the pro-Bernie data that exists at the bottom of the original.
    What I would like to know is why you are fixated on this nonexistent nevertrump movement and the idea that Republican opposition to Trump is somehow different to the opposition that has existed to every candidate ever put up by the party.
    I understand that you want Trump to seem special and different, and that you need to keep his followers focused on something other than Trumps almost daily policy changes and u turns. Did you do this because it is in the news currently that Trump has convinced a major Latino that there will be no mass deportations? And that all his campaign rhetoric is negotiable?

  17. HEY JohnSh!tForBrains: why do you say JohnPavlovitz.com is a “leftist website”? What proof do you have? All I saw was that he is as fucked up in the head as you are (in the Pastoral Department, not your permanent condition of “A§$holitis”) regarding homo junk.

    “People on the Right don’t talk like that”…EXCEPT FOR ALL THE TROLLS LIKE YOU and all the others trying to sabotage Trump over the past 11 months.

    “Nonexistent NeverTrump movement”?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
    THAT is your ultimate TOKYO ROSE “tell.”

    TRY: Erick Erickson, Resurgent, RedState, Daily Wire, etc etc etc.
    Oh yeah: every asshole GOPe misanthrope who has contracted
    GOPe-AIDS from fucking your Quisling ass.

    Fuck Off And Die. Loser.

    You have NOTHING – I repeat NOTHING to add here.
    You are the pus of a syphilitic drip.

  18. ” but it is patently obvious that people on the right don’t talk like that. ”

    Try typing Never Trump and look at the websites ON THE RIGHT who agree with the contents of that poster. Visit Twitter and Facebook and look at the list of bloggers, Twitterers (is that a word?) and commenters who agree with it. They exist. It’s not bad enough that some lefty created the image, but some on the right are nodding their heads in agreement with it.

    I ended off being a Cruz person. But as a Cruz person, I’m calling NeverTrump [for the left and right] ridiculous. So is “3rd party.”

    This image is ridiculous.
    I am not a fan of Trump. Maybe that’ll change. But is he better than that 3 balled Hillary? Yup. I know what Hillary did while in public office. Trump has never been in public office and hasn’t had a chance to fuck anything up.

    And considering the people in Congress right now…The white house is a faaaar more dangerous place for him than he is to us.

  19. I just think it’s weird that a few of my iFriends are going to agree with calling Trump Islamophobic, when they themselves don’t want muslims imported from the middle east and neither did Cruz, or a bunch of other Conservatives. So I guess Cruz and the rest of us are islamophobes, too, riiight?

    Pfft. Whatever. Catch y’all later. I’m over this.

  20. I may not be a huge Trump fan, but I don’t believe anything on that list is true about him. It sounds like typical leftist hyperbole to me, so I am truly sad to know that any conservative would pick up this meme and run with it.

  21. I see Czar took his protein pills and put his helmet on.
    Trump is a centrist, so his orbit includes a lot of people that are calling themselves part of the right because Trump is positioned near them politically.
    I guess anyone can call themselves ‘on the right’, it’s kind of like being an environmentalist or becoming a woman and entering one of Trumps inclusive restrooms.
    That graphic was an attack on the right by the hard left.
    That many here consider what was said in it to be ‘right wing ideas’ shows just how far to the left many of Trump’s supporters are.

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