Not Even Remotely Clever Sarah Silverman Calls For Ultrasounds of Men’s Testicles – IOTW Report

Not Even Remotely Clever Sarah Silverman Calls For Ultrasounds of Men’s Testicles

Sarah Silverman makes a stale argument that I’ve heard before. Meanwhile, ignorant lemmings applaud these notions as if they’re pearls of wisdom, and plop down money to hear them. I don’t get it.


Speaking at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Sunday night, the 45-year-old comedian—

“Here’s something that I learned that is fascinating, and it’s this: Scientists have found that sperms cells smell,” Silverman said during her set. “Like I know sperm smells, but sperm cells have the sense of smell, and you know what that means: Sperm is life.”

“And you know what that means,” she said. “We’ve gotta legislate that shit.”

Silverman then reminded the crowd that some states require women to have an ultrasound before they can get an abortion.


“What we’ll do is — it’s a real simple procedure. We take a really long needle-like basically GoPro camera and we put it down your penis hole, urethra, then down into your testicular sack,” Silverman continued. “We’re going to show you the ultrasound, so you can see the life in your balls.”


Uh, Sarah. Sperm isn’t a baby. Nice try, though.


25 Comments on Not Even Remotely Clever Sarah Silverman Calls For Ultrasounds of Men’s Testicles

  1. Ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound scanning or sonography, involves the use of a small transducer (probe) and ultrasound gel placed directly on the skin. Does not involve placing a camera in the body, in addition to sperm not a baby.

  2. Talk about comparing apples and kumquats. My sperm has my DNA, no one else’s. A baby doesn’t have Mom’s or Dad’s DNA, it’s a totally unique person.

  3. I was amazed to see a billboard ad for her appearing at a casino in Oklahoma. I can’t imagine over a dozen Okies being interested in seeing her. Remember, it’s the only state Obozo never carried a single county in.

  4. She has no testes
    Therefor she is allowed no opinion about them, their care and feeding, their disposition, their attitude, their comfort, their existence, their animosity to America’s funniest videos, their hierarchy, pecking order, and size, heft and preferences about hot and cold.
    Keep your feminist baggage out of my sack!

  5. @eternal cracker p: You are 100% correctamundo on the ultrasound being totally external and painless, and if performed by a young female technician, it can even a semi-pleasurable experience.

    Don’t ask me how I know this.


  6. Eleven years ago I found myself in a local ER suffering from one heckuva kidney stone.

    Sarah Silverman wasn’t there (Thank YHWH) but they did perform an ultrasound of my testes. I jokingly reminded them that the stone wasn’t in the sack. The pretty young tech with the warm lube gel stated this was hospital policy to screen males for testicular disease. It wasn’t unpleasant.

    The jewels were fine and the stone passed two weeks later.

  7. How about an ultrasound of her cranial cavity to see if there’s more than one brain cell floating around in there? And there doesn’t even have to be a needle inserted into the cavity. Although a needle might be helpful in releasing the vacuum between her ears.

  8. “Speaking at the Brooklyn Academy of Music…”

    Gee, Wally…that sure sounds like a prestigious gig.
    I guess that lucrative Las Vegas deal hasn’t come through yet.

  9. Sarah,
    I was looking at your photo and I realized my testicals are larger than your boobs.
    You don’t need an ultrasound. You need a magnifying glass.

    You know what they say about flat chested women, right?
    A carpenter’s dream, flat as a board, easy to nail.

  10. I watched two of Silverman’s shows on HBO figuring everybody has an off day. Nope, the second time I watched was the same as the first. Her jokes falls flat, her delivery stinks and you come to the realization that she’s just not funny. Then I looked at the audience and noticed the majority of them were young(ish) males.
    Did a little research on her early stuff and development and realized a couple of things. She’s an attractive woman (well, except for those nostrils), had a great body, usually dresses to accentuate and loves to use the words F8ck, c*cksucker, c*nt, p*ssy etc etc etc. The men in the audience clap like trained seals whenever she slaps out one of these jokes. It occurred to me that she was the only good looking, well built comedienne working this kind of materiel. I’ll bet cash that each of the jokers in the audience were imagining they had a chance with this foul mouthed beauty and that just by her act you can tell there’s just about nothing she won’t do.

  11. The Left still goes after their same favorite targets, targets that have long since essentially surrendered to the Left, and acts like they’re still being edgy and transgressive. How many permutations of “Piss Christ” before it’s no longer shocking and transgressive, liberals? Any of you liberals have the guts to do a “Piss Mohammed”? Yeah. Didn’t think so.

    But her bigger offense is that she’s simply not funny. I can handle an affront to my sensibilities if it’s genuinely clever. The comedian Bill Hicks was a good example of that. You, Sarah Silverman, are no Bill Hicks.

  12. Been there, done that. After having surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, I suffered an extreme infection that made my testicles swell up to the size of a cantaloupe. The nurse told me they were going to do an ultrasound as to make sure the patch did not fail and squeeze my intestines into my scrotum. I told her absolutely not because it hurt so bad. Well, after 50mg’s of demerol, they asked me if it still hurt. I told them yes but I didn’t care and to “SCAN AWAY”!! LOLOLOL

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