Pixee Fox: The Price of Beauty – IOTW Report

Pixee Fox: The Price of Beauty

For Pixee Fox, the perfect body cost four boob jobs, a butt lift and six ribs.


 She started out as a blond Swede, wasn’t that enough?  Now she looks all top-heavy and unnaturally freakish. 


 Video – featuring the plastic surgeon, Dr. Barry Eppely who removed her ribs for cosmetic reasons.


22 Comments on Pixee Fox: The Price of Beauty

  1. So what the hell holds her skin up from her intestines, and other ‘innards’, when she lays down?
    Not a person I can envision laying in a sexy pose on her back. Eeewww, but then I’m female, so lost me anyway.

  2. She Was cute. Now she’s a cartoonish freak.

    Cool about this TU/TD – You can change your vote. Accidentally hit the wrong one? Just hit the right one and watch it flip the 0 and 1.

    Sig94, I think it’s questionable if her frontal lobe was in good working condition in the first place.

    Did I miss Fur’s saying something like: If you like your edit button, you can keep your edit button ?

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