Employees Say Bernie Sanders is a Miserable Sonofab!tch – IOTW Report

Employees Say Bernie Sanders is a Miserable Sonofab!tch

Nooooooooooooooo!  I don’t see it. Just because he has osteoporosis and bleeding gums from his plaque, and dandruff the size of corn flakes, doesn’t mean he would be miserable and nasty to everyone in his wake.

But he is.


This is typical enough. Ralph Nader and Michael Moore both generated plenty of horror stories from the people who worked for them. Working for lefties is a miserable experience.

Though Sanders has spent much of his life fighting for working Vermonters, they say he mistreats the people working for him.

“As a supervisor, he was unbelievably abusive,” says one former campaign staffer, who claims to have endured frequent verbal assaults. The double standard was clear: “He did things that, if he found out that another supervisor was doing in a workplace, he would go after them. You can’t treat employees that way.”

Do as I say, not as I do is typical on the left. Bernie Sanders cares about working people the way Ted Kennedy cared about women. And here’s what it was like working for Bernie.

Criticism of Sanders’ leadership abilities is nothing new. Steve Rosenfeld, a former Vermont journalist who served as Sanders’ press secretary during his 1990 House campaign, wrote a book about his first successful statewide bid. In Making History in Vermont, Rosenfeld levels a tough assessment at his former boss, who passed him over for a congressional job at the campaign’s end.

“At his best, Sanders is a skilled reader and manipulator of people and events,” Rosenfeld wrote. “At his worst, he falls prey to his own emotions, is unable to practice what he preaches (though he would believe otherwise) and exudes a contempt for those he derides, including his staff.”

Rosenfeld quotes Sanders himself in the book as saying, “Some people say I am very hard to work with. They say I can be a real son of a bitch. They say I can be nasty, I don’t know how to get along with people. Well, maybe there’s some truth to it.”

9 Comments on Employees Say Bernie Sanders is a Miserable Sonofab!tch

  1. Quasimodo was NEVER so evil (nor his eviler brother, FULLmodo).

    GREAT graphic!
    Shows the hypocrisy of the Left PERFECTLY.
    You can hear them screaming:
    (“It’s not the same when the GOVERNMENT does it!!!”)

  2. Why wouldn’t a miserable son-if-a-bitch be a miserable son-of-a-bitch?

    A bunch of angry, insensate imbeciles stumbling through life until slapped in the face with a dead fish – which only brings them out of their stupor for a moment.

    izlamo delenda est …

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