MSNBC Performs a Virtual Funeral For Hillary’s Campaign Over IG Servergate Report – IOTW Report

MSNBC Performs a Virtual Funeral For Hillary’s Campaign Over IG Servergate Report

The pathos is palpable in this clip. They are worried. They are scared. They are  depressed.

Chuck Todd makes one of the better points. He says, “I never bought her story that she set up her emails that way for convenience. Putting a SERVER in your house is convenient?? I don’t even like dealing with WIFI.”

He stated it plainly. Hillary did this so FOIA requests for State Department information would be difficult to fulfill. PERIOD.

This bitch is going down.


17 Comments on MSNBC Performs a Virtual Funeral For Hillary’s Campaign Over IG Servergate Report

  1. It’s hard to imagine how she can avoid going down, but it has been hard to imagine how she and Slick have avoided going down so many times (Whitewater, Mena, Foster, Impeachment, Libya in general, Benghazi in particular, flouting security laws, lying, lying, lying…) before but they haven’t gone down!

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

  2. Can we dispense with the “she broke rhe rules” bullshit? She broke laws. And even if the MSM wants to stick with rule-breaking, we have already transformed from a nation under the Rule of Law, to a nation under the Law of Rules.

    If I violate an EPA rule– not an actual law–I am just as screwed, if not more screwed, as I would be breaking an actual law. Put that bitch through the regulatory wringer, just like any other poor schlub who runs afoul of federal agency rules.

  3. She’s being thrown under the bus – – the bus of her making. Dems fear the Trump surge so they are looking for a better alternative, most likely Sanders-Warren. Regardless of who they run I am so looking forward to Trump mercilessly tearing them apart in a debate.

  4. I wonder whether this has been planned out. Hillary is a power hungry, remorseless, back stabbing, lying, rat bitch who would be more then happy sharing tea with Hitler and Stalin and I can’t see her walking away from her last chance at the big seat. I wonder whether the real rulers of the Democrat Party decided months ago to let this circus go on until the convention then drop the hammer on Hillary in the form of an arrest or indictment. Then, if Sanders doesn’t have the votes and Hillary can’t run, an open convention would result with a already groomed candidate (chosen by the true Democrat rulers) in the wings who steps in and takes the nomination. That way there is way less time for any true vetting by the public and with the distrust of Trump no longer outweighed by the distrust/hate toward Hillary the new candidate wins easily.

    I know, tin-foil hat time but it does kind of makes sense. It wouldn’t take that many people to arrange.

  5. She can’t walk away from running. She’s into it too deep with obligations out the wazoo from influence pedaling involving hundreds of Millions of dollars from corporations and foreign governments. If anybody’s gonna drop the hammer on this Bitch, I’d suggest they have a few wooden stakes handy too!!

  6. There is a way for her to walk away: declare a “health problem”. What are the people she owes big to going to say? “Come back here and run! We don’t care about your congestive heart failure!”

  7. It’s been in the works. This vile despicable person has met lucifer, himself. The Obama Mafiosi will offer her a deal she can’t turn down.

    Step down, full pardon, chance to rise again like a stinking Phoenix of corruption.

  8. Part of me wants her to go down hard, put away below the prison.

    But I see Sanders as a stronger candidate, his only fault is an insane platform full of unfulfillable promises, in other words business as usual.

    Sanders Warren would be a very formidable opponent. I’d rather have Trump go up against Hillary.

    In 2016 I really don’t think that a socialist is unelectable with the Democrat vote fraud machine.

  9. The MSNBC is just the beginning. As I’ve been saying, once she secures enough delegates for the nomination, the coughing attacks will begin and increase exponentially.

    I expect Biden & the fake indian on the (D) ticket. Joe already has a speech written.

  10. How can Obama pardon her if she hasn’t even been charged with a crime, let alone gone to trial and been convicted? Until that happens, she’s presumed innocent, right? Even if she were indicted today, this would drag out long past November, and I guarantee she’ll be in a court that’s very sympathetic to her.

    This is all just the excuse to take her out of the race to put the REAL candidate in. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if she’s ever indicted, let alone pay for her crimes.

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