Trump’s Calculated Move in California is a Powerful One – IOTW Report

Trump’s Calculated Move in California is a Powerful One

Tyler Durden –  Zero Hedge

If the Trump/Sanders debate proceeds as planned in California, you’re about to witness one of the most important moments of a 2016 general election that hasn’t even begun yet. To say such a debate would be an unmitigated disaster for Hillary Clinton would be the understatement of the century. Let’s explore why.

First of all, Hillary Clinton outright rejected a debate request from Bernie Sanders ahead of the June 7th California primary. Given Sanders’ recent momentum, as well as her need to persuade a significant number of his supporters to back her in November; such a denial was not only arrogant, it was highly insulting to voters in America’s largest state. From team Clinton’s perspective there was little upside to agreeing to a debate, versus easily manageable downside from a few days of negative media coverage.

Or so they thought…

The above strategic thought process would’ve worked in almost every other election season and against any other candidate. Unfortunately for her, it doesn’t work in 2016, and it certainly doesn’t work against Donald Trump.

Trump understands human nature as well as anyone I’ve ever observed. He’s also likely the most skilled natural politician of my lifetime, with perhaps the exception of Bill Clinton in his prime. Under conventional thinking, Trump would also certainly deny a Sanders debate request for the same reasons Clinton declined it. There’s little to gain in publicly battling a guy with nothing to lose, and you’ve already wrapped up the Republican nomination anyway. That said, Trump is far too savvy to fall victim to such straightforward thinking. He understands that debating Sanders in California ahead of the primary presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to embarrass and belittle Clinton in front of the whole world before the general election even begins.

Think about it for a second. Who cares what happens during the debate itself. Think about what the media will be saying. Think about how weak, irrelevant and stupid a Trump/Sanders contest will make Hillary Clinton look. As the largest state in the union heads to the voting booths Hillary Clinton can’t be bothered to have a discussion with Bernie Sanders, yet Donald Trump is more than willing. I can see the headlines already:

Hillary MIA in California?


Where in the World is Hillary?


Hillary Nowhere to be Found in California Primary.

ht/ annie

14 Comments on Trump’s Calculated Move in California is a Powerful One

  1. The proposal to debate Bernie was calculated to dismiss her, and show he was hungry to pummel Sanders, as if the other sixteen only whetted his infernal appetite.
    And now Trump has called it off because: “It would not be appropriate.” another dismissal for Hilary gloved in propriety.

  2. I’m really disappointed Trump didn’t take the opportunity to plunge the dagger into the Dowager Empresses’ shriveled, heartless breast.

    The ONLY downside would be if he said something stupid, and let’s face it, better to do that during a rehearsal with a non-entity like Sanders.

    Backing out of the debate is, in my opinion, his biggest mistake to date. I can only assume his confidence in final victory is so great that he chose to pass up an easy kill. . . never a good thing to do.

  3. Backing out of the debate was a wise move.
    Currently Trump has a tenuous hold on the right of center and a pretty firm grip on the center and left of center.
    There is no way a real debate between the two would be other than a losing proposition for Trump. It would either alienate people on one side, or possibly even both sides if he tried to split the middle.
    A congenial chit-chat that exposed the large common ground they have would be equally bad.
    If this back and forth makes his base happy, that is a win.
    On the other hand, Judy’s camp is already pointing out that Punch stopped debating those losing to him long ago, and Judy’s supporters rarely hear what goes on in sites like this one.

  4. For now I think he is better not debating Sanders. That would give Sanders more credibility than he deserves and I think Hilary will be easier to beat in the general. It’s better to let the donkeys fight it out among themselves.

  5. JohnS, you would make a horrible political consultant.

    Trump debating Sanders when Hillary wouldn’t makes her look like a complete failure–an arrogant, self-absorbed, dismissive little fraidy cat. She is losing support and any of those tags would hurt her now.

    I just support anything that gets Hillary reamed.

  6. yonkers, don’t get your ladybits in a uproar.
    Trump himself is following my advice.
    Well, actually not from me, but his handlers have shoved him out of the way of that freight train.

  7. JohnS, GFY. You’re a douche who doesn’t respect women. I will not tolerate criticism of me that references my gender.

    Besides, I’ve been in menopause since 2000. PMS is therefore no longer a cudgel with which you can beat.

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