Mark Zuckerberg Promotes Female Genital Mutilation As “Beneficial To Women” – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg Promotes Female Genital Mutilation As “Beneficial To Women”

I will no longer say “Facebook” when denigrating it.  That’s too impersonal. It’s Mark Zuckerberg that deserves our wrath.


THIS FACEBOOK PAGE says that female genital mutilation (or as they falsely call it, *female circumcision) provides health benefits to both the man and woman.


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According to the World Health Organization’s guidelines issued in 2007, FGM has “no known health benefits,” and that the procedure is “harmful to girls and women in many ways.”

In 2008 the WHO issued a global strategy calling on the U.S. and international organizations to “support specific and concrete actions directed towards ending female genital mutilation.”

The WHO estimates that there are over 200 million girls who are victims of FGM, living in over 30 countries mostly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, defining the practice as “a violation of the human rights of girls and women.”

“Defenders of FGM must be held accountable for perpetuating and supporting what is perhaps one of the worst human rights violations in the world. Community and religious leaders that foster and encourage this practice must be held accountable,” clinical therapist Zainab Zeb Khan told The Foreign Desk.

Khan, who typically works with survivors of domestic violence has worked to end female genital mutilation and honor-based violence. Khan was featured in the documentary “Honor Diaries.”

“If there are no consequences, then women and girls will continue to be violated by FGM, which is often tied to other forms of violence, oppression, and subjugation of women and girls. It not only carries severe physiological repercussions, but a lifetime of emotional, psychological, sexual, and interpersonal relationship impairments. This abhorrent crime has no place in any corner of our world,” Khan said.


*When a man is circumcised the nerve endings that provide pleasure are not removed. This is precisely what is removed in a clitoridectomy.

Again, Muslims are savages that lie as easily as they breathe.


81 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg Promotes Female Genital Mutilation As “Beneficial To Women”

  1. Know what would truly be ‘beneficial to women’ worldwide ?
    If Mark Zuckerberg were to be gang-raped in a disease-infested Cairo alley by 40 swarthy Egyptians that also defecated on his comatose body.

    That would be beneficial to women, because then maybe Zuckerberg would either have a realistic perspective or be silenced permanently.

  2. Gee Zuck, you’re regarded a scholar.
    Tell us, where does the rate of oral cancer in muslim men fall in comparison to other causes of death due to their nihilism (suicide by religion), illiteracy, and poverty? Afraid to take on the ‘pillars of islam”? Zuck you, you chickenshit dhimmi.

  3. Can a woman chime in here about the “hood,” or layer of skin covering the clit that traps dirt and bacteria? Is it an actual thing? Cause the muslims claim it’s only this layer of skin that’s removed. They describe it, however don’t have a term for it other than “hood.” Which makes me believe it’s not an actual thing in medical circles. Well, I don’t believe anything from muslims, or the Zucker fucker.

  4. So his wife is getting one too right?
    But not in a hospital. No no. On a dirt floor with her hands tied behind her back by her own mother.
    No screaming allowed, sweety. Its not lady like

  5. OK, The Onion is facing some serious competition from this sort of prank story.

    Tell me this shit isn’t real.

    If not, just shoot me now. 🙁

  6. I thought the ragheads burned it off.

    Put an iron in the fire until it’s glowing red and hold it to the little man-in-the-boat.

    For the musselmen, mutilation must be painful – or – what’s the point?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. We have met the Enemy and he is us.
    The American empire will collapse on itself if this crap isn’t met with fierce vocal backlash.

    Bill Gates, Zuckerbird, Warren Buffett, Jeff Immelt, the legions of overpaid/traitorous CEOs…. offen, these seem worse enemies for American liberty, than the external ones.

  8. At least he is being fair, he is promoting male genital mutilation also.
    Isn’t mutilating a boys penis equally as offensive as mutilating a girls labia?
    Jews make quite an elaborate ceremony out of mutilating the penis’s of their young men, maybe Zuckboy wants girls to have an equal opportunity.

  9. Sorry to cause you displeasure ma’am, however neither of your assertions are true.
    Even though my genitals were not mutilated I am well aware that many men go through life suffering little or no ill effects from the procedure.
    Removal of the hood over the clitoris (female circumcision)appears, at least from medical studies, to have no more negative outcomes than male circumcision.
    Personally, I don’t think carving up kids genitals (male or female) is a particularly civilized activity, but if one is to accept the mutilation of males, then accepting the same of females is a reasonable position.

  10. @JohnS:

    Well, at least I’ve identified the source of our disagreement.

    I am NOT committed to “equality for women.” Never was. I didn’t want to fight in a war, have a career, or burn my bra. All I wanted to do was marry and raise a family.

    Then I kept on metting guys like you……I’m still single at 59.

  11. JohnS, you DINGBAT. Male circumcision is not only practiced in western society because it’s one of God’s commandments, it’s practiced because the foreskin carries disease extremely easily, also it makes sex more painful for your correct partner (a female). As for female circumcision? That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of, as a woman I can GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE you that we have hardly anything there to ‘circumcise’. All it would do (and is proven to do), is hurt females and remove any chance of sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives. Check yourself, sir, you’re being a fuckhole.

  12. There are major differences between male circumcision and FGM. But they are both violent and irrevocable changes made to the bodies of persons with rights and is done forcibly without their consent.

    For those who accept that male circumcision is God’s direction, note that God has not made clear when the cutting is to be done. Not allowing the person involved to make an informed decision is a negation of free will, and is doing a wrong on him just as much as FMG is doing wrong to girls.

  13. Chuffed, that is one of the reasons for male mutilation. It is also the basis for female circumcision, it is part of their religion (not just Islam either).
    Can you honestly say that your religious genital mutilation should be allowed and other religions not?
    Christians are NOT required by scripture to be altered, so we are exempt from your Jewish traditions.
    Is it right to say Jews may cut their boys, but other religions cannot cut their girls?
    Religious freedom is important.
    Either we ban all genital mutilation, or allow people to follow their religion.
    What would you do?

  14. I have five brothers, all of them circumcised. None of them are bothered by it, and none of them even equate God into it. It USED to be an accepted fact, not a bad one either. I believe the reason it’s done when the male is in infancy is because after puberty it’s more painful? Not completely sure on that. Maybe some people had a really bad job done or something, because all of the fuss over this has only been an issue for the last few decades.

  15. UncleAl I agree with you, except one clarification.
    The Christians and secularists that practice male genital mutilation usually do it at infancy when there is no choice in the matter. Jewish tradition has it happen later in life when the boy is old enough to understand what is going on and give consent. Granted the peer pressure is huge and few decline even when they want to, at least a minimal effort is made toward informed consent.

  16. Chuffed, I am 61 and many of my Christian peers (including my Dad) were not circumcised.
    Catholics tend to be universally cut, so you must have grown up around them.

  17. Wait a minute. If there actually is a proven link btw cancers and oral sex (just for argument’s sake, I have no idea if there is), wouldn’t abstaining from oral sex, or possibly TAKING A BATH, be a surer and simpler means of avoiding it? Getting circumcised, man or woman, to avoid spreading cancer seems the same bad logic as leftists use for putting all 12 year old girls on birth control and Gardasil “just in case.”

  18. “Jewish tradition has it happen later in life when the boy is old enough to understand what is going on and give consent.”

    What is this “Jewish tradition” you speak of?

    Through Moses, the LORD prescribed the eighth day.

  19. Ohhh, Fuck you, JohnS. I’m not a Catholic. I just grew up in a sane, 1st world household. Wow. Stop inferring I grew up in a cult, you nutcase. Most of western, secular and none, agree with me. It’s nothing to do with religion in the end, it’s health. Do your research, moron. I’m done with you.

  20. JohnS – Respectfully beg to differ. The Covenant of Abraham requires male Jews to be circumcised on the 8th day after birth. However, it is Jewish teaching that Gentiles are not required to circumcise their male children, and Jesus, while respectful of the practice, never said it was needful.

  21. Get to the meat of the matter. Who’s got a video link to a woman getting her clit cut? We can compare to a dude getting his wanker cut. What’s the post-op recovery procedure one versus the other. Eh, I suppose to JohnS it doesn’t matter much because religion. Well the same religion also says to chop my head off (both of them, apparently), so it kind of matters to people outside the religion.

  22. JOHNS –
    I’ve had enough of you, you fuckin idiot.
    Clitoridectomy is removal of the pleasure senses, you fuckin’ idiot.
    Male circumcision does not remove the pleasure senses of the man, you fuckin’ idiot.
    Muslims remove the clitoris of a woman as a form of oppression, you fuckin’ idiot.
    Jews, nor Christians, nor any religion, aren’t oppressing males by forever removing pleasure senses, with a circumcision, you fuckin’ idiot.

    ONE WORD OUT OF YOU ON THIS. ONE PEEP, because you are wrong, you fuckin’ idiot, and you will be gone.

    You got it, you fuckin’ idiot?


  23. “Female Circumcision” is a misnomer if compared directly to male circumcision.

    To be equal, it would have to be that male circumcision means cutting off the whole end of the penis – no ‘helmet’ people! – so that orgasm is impossible. But anyone who knows, male circumcision removes what cam be called, arguably, superfluous skin. Skin that promotes infections compared to not being there. Sensitivity-difference advantages, or not, are still up for debate. But the man is NOT getting his most sensitive part lopped off his body – there is no comparison!

    Don’t even try, loser. Science/reality say otherwise.

  24. What little I’ve heard discussed over the years by the only men who could speak with authority — those who chose to be circ’d — there’s little if any difference in sensation.

  25. Wow. Only read up to JohnS and had to post.

    And now I read fur’s post preceding mine. F*ckin’ A

    Tear him a new asshole Fur! He as wrong as one can get on this!

  26. JohnS said: “Christians are NOT required by scripture to be altered, so we are exempt from your Jewish traditions.”

    Holy fuck! You retard! Pay attention to what you just said!

    Everyone is exempt already! Get one. Don’t get one. WHAT THE FUCK KEEPS YOU FROM DOING EITHER?! AND WHO THE HELL IS CHECKING FOR IT ON YOU?!

    Talk about straw men.

    Time to go to my safe space – Do4 re-loading room.

  27. Ban me asshole.
    I NEVER advocated clitorectomy. As a matter of fact, I have never discussed it here. It is a cruel form of abuse that even most Muslims don’t accept or tolerate.
    I don’t even advocate male genital mutilation, I think all of it done at birth is child abuse and should be outlawed.
    Yeah, I played devils advocate in order to get people to face their own participation in this Barbary.
    If that offends you, if you can’t handle an opposing view, kick me off the site.
    Just don’t do it based on the lie that I support the removal of sexual organs from children as that is a bald faced lie.
    Do it because I make you uncomfortable and disrupt the echo chamber.
    Be honest about it.

  28. If he wants to argue circumcised penis versus non-circumcised penis (as if this hasn’t been beaten to death, going nowhere, only getting minor traction on the issue of infant rights) that’s fine.

    But to fuckin’ idiotically compare what happens to girls with a clitoridectomy versus penile circumcision, on a purely biological level, is insulting and fuckin’ stupid.
    I suspect he doesn’t know his way around a vagina and wouldn’t know the difference between a woman with a clitoris and a woman without one.

    In his stupid rant he manages to run defense for Islam, which removes the woman’s clitoris for purely oppressive and controlling reasons, denying a woman her pleasure senses because they are woman-hating savages.

    A bris is not performed to control the male, deny the male of pleasure, or to make a sexual statement, or cause distress for the remainder of their lives.

    Given my work, my time, my effort, which comes at great risk, combatting the savage animals in Islam, I find his comments over the line and I’m not going to stand for it.

    It’s among the most egregiously fucked up comments ever posted on this site.

  29. That’s right. You were the DEVIL’S ADVOCATE, equating male circumcision to the removal of the clitoris, several times calling male circumcision “male mutilation,” putting it on par with clitoris removal.
    You falsely characterized it as “removing the hood.”
    You couldn’t have done a better job if you were the Grand Mufti.

    See ya.

  30. Fur, I see you read my e-mail. Thank you.

    Please step up to the podium to receive your medal commemorating your induction into the Yonkers Hero Hall of Fame. 🙂

  31. UncleAl yes, what Jesus brought to the table is what separates Christians from Jews.
    He relieved us of many of the old laws, like stoning adulterers and circumcision. Of course, Jews do not stone adulterers anymore even though it is in the Torah, but considering the way circumcision was handed down they would be hard pressed to let that one go.

  32. There isn’t another subject that would set me off like that.
    This was a ridiculous, ridiculous, horrific rant of his.
    I gave him an out, fairly.
    He chose to double down instead of educating himself.

  33. grool, unless it was a man who got it done after experiencing sex without a circumcision. – then no, he doesn’t know the diff.

    I speak as a man who was circumcised before I had self-awareness. There is no way I can speak about any differences of something that’s impossible for me to experience.

  34. I am admittedly ignorant of the history and religious aspects of circumcision.
    I here jokes on TV and movies and don’t really know what the fuck they are saying.
    Are Jews circumcised or not.
    I suppose I am simply glad the doc that did mine didn’t go on a bender the previous night.

    BTW Fur, can you suspend Brad for making false accusations against me?
    The jackwagon keeps posting bullshit claims that I wen’t after him here anonymously.
    It never happened. I never post as anon. NEVER!

  35. One question, where are all the grown men who were circumcised as babies now screaming, “Why did they do this to me?!”

    It seems that the uncircumcised are the advocates, no? So you like your junk just like the circumcised babies like their junk.

    It’s a non-issue on the male side.

  36. Just don’t do it based on the lie that I support the removal of sexual organs from children as that is a bald faced lie.>>>>

    You didn’t say FGM was removal of a child’s sexual organ. You said it was “mutilating a girls labia.” (Or are you saying male circumcision is removal of the boy’s organ? Either way you’re wrong.)
    Consult an anatomy book. The woman in your life will be grateful.

    And you equated FGM with male circumcision, calling it “male mutilation.” Mutilation is inflicting serious damage on something. Circumcised males are not seriously damaged.
    Muslim women are.
    You then went on to try and “enlighten” Christians and Jews that they were “mutilated” by their elders, much in the same way Muslim women are.
    You’re a fuckin’ idiot who decided to be “provocative.”
    Okay, so you provoked, and you were given a chance to correct your error and you chose to be a fuckin’ idiot with your last comment to me.

    I guess I was really off the mark when I called you a fuckin’ idiot, right?

    >>>Do it because I make you uncomfortable and disrupt the echo chamber.>>>>

    I don’t require an echo chamber at iOTWreport.
    iOTWreport provides more latitude than any other conservative political site you can name.
    No login to comment. (3 bannings in 7 years). No login to post your own article on a forum that is unmoderated and highly trafficked. Ya, it’s an ECHO CHAMBER!!

    The echo chamber I object to is the ISLAMIC ECHO CHAMBER that you brought here.

    That’s a no-no, Bozo.
    Also, we’re battling Mark Suckaturd and HIS PROGRESSIVE ECHO CHAMBER. Conservatives are being suppressed on Facebook. But you chose to go this route – At least he is being fair, he is promoting male genital mutilation also – in order to leverage your rant.

    You stood in the corner of both Zuckerberg and Islam, buying their propaganda, in order to “challenge” Christians and Jews.

    You had your chance. You fukt up.

  37. Meerkat Brzezinski May 28, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    One question, where are all the grown men who were circumcised as babies now screaming, “Why did they do this to me?!”

    As one of them, I would take note. Haven’t met one yet.

  38. Clitoridectomy and circumcision are very different anatomically.

    Clitoridectomy and circumcision are very different in the reasons given for performing them.

    Clitoridectomy and circumcision are the same in that they both are irrevocable violent physical injuries performed on persons who are not able or allowed to choose to refuse. Persons have rights that include the right to own oneself and the right not to be aggressed upon.

    No, clitoridectomy and circumcision are not the same. But both are wrong.

  39. “…but considering the way circumcision was handed down they would be hard pressed to let that one go.”

    You didn’t even realize it was given to be done on the eighth day, so everything else you opine on the topic is suspect.

    And since you brought it up. Apart from the Judaizers who sought to compel Gentile believers to become circumcized — and so were told off by the Jerusalem apostles at the behest of Paul — no Gentile has ever been compelled to be circ’d EXCEPT a proselyte, a Gentile who willingly sought to become one with Israel and essentially become a Jew. No one else.

  40. God’s plan for a single man and a single woman to marry, commit to each other, go though trials and tribulations. But ultimately produce a family, raise children, and stay with each other has got to be the most beautiful thing on this Earth.

    Included with that is God’s right for a woman’s pleasure during sex.

  41. grool – you are right except for one thing. There is indeed compulsion – the compulsion is in performing the act on infants who cannot know about much less refuse the procedure. This is regardless of the reason the parents have; it makes not moral difference whether their decision has a religious or hygienic or some other basis.

  42. this reminds me of that old joke about how 3 different governments spent time, money and effort on the advantages and disadvantages of male circumcision:
    America spent 3 years and 7 million dollars and claimed it gave the woman more pleasure during intercourse.
    Russia spent 5 years and 4 million dollars and came to the conclusion that it gave the man more pleasure during intercourse.
    Nt wanting to be left out…
    Poland spent $50.00 and one night at a Motel 6, determined that circumcision was worth while for masterbatation.. less chance of having your hand slip off..

  43. Circumsized Testies. That damn Doc took 6 inches to much off the tip on me.

    Loco, you are a petty little man. Maybe FUR will just send me to bed with out dinner. What a putz. Momma.

  44. God told His people to be circumsised – kinda like he told them not to eat port…..He knew that uncircumsised men spread cancer, same as He knew that undercooked pork was unhealthy….God never mentioned chopping off the pleasure-inducing parts of the female genetalia…..

    that was mohammed……they chop off her clitoris, they cut out her labia, and they sew her shut so the remaining “orifice” is sometimes as small as a pencil……nice and tight and really pleasant for THE MAN, but extremely painful for the girl….and i DO MEAN GIRL……
    any woman who has been subjected to this monstrosity has no chance of EVER achieving sexual gratification…..all those pleasure receptors have been, literally, CUT OFF……they are nothing but nice tight little holes for men to jack off into…..

    anyone who defends this practice is a woman-hater of the first degree……first, by denying her the right to sexual pleasure, and then, by insuring that she will be torn apart by giving birth……and, believe me, these women will be forced to give birth every year until they die……

    religion of piece (uh vass)……..

    where’s the feminazis when you NEED them????….oh, right,,,,, in the men’s room……

  45. i think mark zuckerberg should undergo the male version of female genital mutilation….let’s see….that means removing any and all “pleasure receptors” on his penis….ahhhh …ummm….probbly kinda hard to identify them, so let’s us just chop off the whole thing – like what moose limbs do to women….and then….no wait – all those people who don’t like us tea party persons refer to us as “teabaggers” – and we ALL know what that means, so…OFF WITH HIS BALLS, too…..then we can install a tiny little pipe for him to pee through……

    he should consider himself lucky – he won’t have to push a BABY out of it…….

    still leaves him with his back door intact……not really fair, if you aks me……..

  46. hey,mark!!!!……


    we’d tell ya what to go do with yourself, but, actually, we don’t want to have to teach you how to do it…….

    enjoy your money while you can…….but please try not to be the stupidest man on earth, in the meantime……

    you’re in FAVOR of female genital MULITILATION, for God’s Sake?????

    you have got to be the most luckiest idiot in the world….



  47. FYI that page was reported by someone in one of my groups. Right after he said he’d reported it I looked at the page and there were lots of comments from people who were NOT happy about the page.

    Only minutes later the guy got back the report: Page doesn’t violate FB standards but “some content” on that page did so FB removed it. When I looked at the page again, all those comments were gone.

    So I’m sure FB will say it’s their religious belief and they have a right to them. I wonder if we have a right to OUR religious beliefs and a page that reflects that?

  48. According to the Muslim Public Service Announcement above, the woman will still have her clitorus, and the husband is expected to pleasure it. With his mouth. So does this mean there are different types of female circumcision in the Muslim world? I understood it to be removal of the clitorus. This is the first I’ve heard of a female “prepuce.”

  49. UPDATE on JOHNS –

    We took the discussion offsite.
    JohnS’s position is that he never meant to soft soap FGM or condone it.
    My position was the way he framed his argument it sounded as if he was
    putting male circumcision in the same realm as the brutality of FGM.

    Uncle Al’s position is that FGM is unparalleled in its brutality compared to circumcision,
    but it’s similarity begins with it both being imparted upon the “victim” involuntarily, and ends there.

    JohnS says that he shares Uncle Al’s opinion.

    I didn’t see it that way because John continually said that FGM was clitoral hood removal, when it is clearly much more brutal than that and the motivation behind FGM is far different than male circumcision.

    I am lifting the ban on John because he says I got it wrong.
    I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. Readers should always be afforded
    that benefit, and those with the ban hammer must be open-minded.

    Let me say this, as well, because it is important to me.
    John was NOT contrite in his emails, argued his point without any “I’m sorry”
    attitude, just like I expect any conservative to do.

    I respect that. Even though I do not agree with some of his opinions, it’s
    very noble to have strong unwavering positions.

    I just hope in the future we can all, including myself, argue our positions
    without it getting too personal.
    I have a tough time tolerating any comments that seem, to me, to be
    mitigating Islamic behavior.
    I believe the number one problem on this globe today is Islam. I do not
    believe it to be a religion, I think it is a cultural and political system that masquerades as a religion, and it’s a third world savage system that needs to be eradicated.
    There is no good in Islam, and anyone that is Muslim and believes themselves to be a good and chaste person needs to abandon that “religion’ because you are good and chaste DESPITE that “religion.”
    Any goodness you think you’re imparting on society is negated because you’re giving power to a group that, at its core, is rooted in violence, domination and evil. Your prophet commands you to conquer the infidel.
    Allahu Ackbar – Allah is the greatest – is as holy as “Tenno Heika Banzai!”

    Go fuck yourselves.

    As you can see. The subject of Islam will tweak me and cause me to ban people.

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