Trump Chooses Farmers and People Over the Delta Smelt – IOTW Report

Trump Chooses Farmers and People Over the Delta Smelt

Trump, in a speech to Californians, said, “If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water.”

Hillary believes the opposite… but Trump is worse than Hillary, or so I’m told by the *Transparty community.

(*The Transparty community is a percentage of the human population that hears a candidate saying left-wing things when they are saying right-wing things. The condition is characterized by a delusion that convinces the afflicted that the person expressing right-wing ideas is actually worse than a person expressing left-wing ideas.)


Speaking at a rally in Fresno, Calif., Trump accused state officials of denying water to Central Valley farmers so they can send it out to sea “to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish.”  (Last year they said there were only 6 of them left. – bfh)

“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea,” Trump said to cheers at a rally that drew thousands.

Trump said he spent 30 minutes before the rally meeting with more than 50 farmers who complained to him about their struggles.

Politically influential rural water districts and well-off corporate farmers in and around California’s Central Valley have been pushing back against longstanding federal laws protecting endangered fish and other species, saying federal efforts to make sure endangered native fish have enough water is short-changing farmers of the water they want and need for crops.

Water authorities say they can’t do it because of the water rights of those upstream of the farmers, and because of the minimum-water allowances needed by endangered species in the bay and by wildlife in general.

The farm lobby, a heavyweight player in California’s water wars, also is seeking federal and state approval for billions of dollars in new water tunnels, dams, water distribution plans, and other projects.


“He’s never going to divert the water.” Erick Erickson

“We must stop this lying WaterWorld madman and install Hillary for the good of the conservative movement.” – Rich Lowery

“I don’t believe him. Have I called him a racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, misogynist, bully today?  Go Hillary!” – All the other assholes.

21 Comments on Trump Chooses Farmers and People Over the Delta Smelt

  1. This has never really been about fish – it has been about destroying the political power of the solid Republican majority in the Central Valley of CA – bankrupt the farmers and you cutoff the donations

  2. The idiot said that there is no drought. I note that part is conspicuously absent. Also, it is not true that there would be enough water if we stopped diverting so much to the fish.
    Delta farmers will be destroyed by salt water if we take even half the water currently needed out of the system. Their land would be ruined for many years, possibly forever.
    Yes, more water is going by than needs to, and it should be put to better use, but claiming that to be a ‘solution’ and that there is no drought is insane.
    I don’t think he is lying, I just think he is talking out of his ass like he often does when saying whatever it takes to get elected.
    It would be great to have a president that understood CA’s water problems, but that isn’t happening anytime soon. Also the only thing worse than a politian ignoring something is when they do something while completely ignorant of the situation.

  3. The idiot? “I don’t think he is lying. I just think he is talking out of his ass LIKE HE OFTEN DOES when saying whatever it takes to get elected.”
    JohnS. He has never been elected to anything…..YET!
    And if you think he’s an Idiot? Well, someone is talking through their arse!

  4. Moe, I never said he has previously been elected, I was just pointing out a character flaw he has exhibited repeatedly during this campaign.
    Now, as to the idiot part, do you have a better description? Moron? Dunderhead? There are lots of options.
    I live in CA, I have lived through droughts, and am living through one now.
    I am being charitable in my description of this person who is basically claiming the sky is plaid.
    He is wrong, and he is misleading people, so either he is talking out of his ass or he is purposefully being deceitful.
    Your choice.

  5. You know willy, if you shipped a bunch of that here it would be the best of both worlds.
    I like the weather better during droughts. Raining for weeks sucks, especially when you are a contractor as I am.
    Texas is getting too much water also.
    So what will it be? Will you help us poor tanned, but dry, souls out?

  6. JohnS. Don’t you in CA have a Governor (Moonbeam) who is controlled by the federal EPA and is no friend of the farmers, and very protective of the delta smelt?
    There are a lot of people in our government John with character flaws and Trump is not one of them. You don’t like him, fine, just vote for the crooked bitch with the flawless character. You and some others here, along with Goldberg, Lowrey, Kristol of NR and The Standard, give Trump no quarters whatsoever; his every utterance is criticized in a most insulting manner. You are all tearing us asunder.

  7. Tommy
    I live in California too and it’s true we’ve had several years with less rainfall than normal it would pop the wax out of JohnS ears if he knew how much water was running through the Delta out into the Pacific. Trump spent a considerable amount of time talking to some farmers and ranchers before his rally. If the libs and tree huggers would have let us build some water storage we wouldn’t be in this mess. A couple more interesting fact JohnS doesn’t know, Lake Shasta, our largest pool, can go from bone dry to overflow in a heart beat. It drains a tremendous amount of real estate and yes it’s currently full as is my local lake, Folsom. But here’s the deal, the mandatory releases out of those lakes are controlled by the Army Corp of Engineers from criteria established back in 1958. There’s been a few changes since then. I know this because I use to do a lot of tournament bass fishing and we fought these bastards tooth and nail about leaving some damn water in the lakes. Even in years with excessive rain, the lakes are always extremely low by the end of June.

  8. Moe
    I understand the issue, far better than you do. That is why I don’t respond to what Trump says about your local issues.
    To repeat myself, water is being wasted to protect a useless bait fish that is not even native.
    However, Trump is sidetracking people from the solution. The solution is to stop tearing down dams and draining reservoirs, then start building more of them.
    Telling people that we can let this fish die and the problem is solved is a dangerous kind of stupidity, it is an almost exact duplication of the kind of stupidity that got us in this situation (done in large part by people Trump helped get elected here)in the first place.
    If Trump wants to help he can let CA own our own wetlands rather than having the feds own them.
    He won’t go there, though.

    And Brad, I am well aware of the details. I also know some delta farmers. You should talk to some of them also to round out your knowledge.

  9. But JohnS, We’ve already established that my knowledge of this subject, and many others, is far superior to yours. Is there anything you want to know? Just ask.

  10. “If Trump wants to help he can let CA own our own wetlands rather than having the feds own them.”

    What in THEEEEE hell are you talking about? This should be a good one.

  11. JohnS my issue is not the issue of water or lack of it in California. Even though I feel that the farmers would have a better grasp on solving the problem than EPA bureaucrats.
    My issue is your treatment of Trump. Idiot, character flawed, etc. Let me tell you about Trump.

    40 Wall Street was built in 1928, the tallest office building in NYC at the time. Trump bought it in 1995 and gutted it for renovation. During the period of renovation the condition were pretty awful: little ventilation, one toilet every 3 floors, a bare commode
    in the the corner of a bare floor, with no privacy.
    When it came to Trump’s attention he took action.
    Within a week there was a toilet installed in every floor being worked on. A toilet with tiled floors and walls, a commode, a urinal,a sink, and a door with lock for privacy.
    That may not seem like much to paper shufflers and talking heads, but it meant a lot to the work crews.


  12. JohnS….sorry we’re on the wrong side of the divide, but when I lived in Colorado and we’d have record snow falls and rain…the reservoirs would be over full and then they’d send them to California….then they’d say that there was a drought because the lakes were low…so, Colorado sent California the water, but it was pissed away….run away, it’s California…and run away with Brad…video tape the car ride….LOL…

  13. The water shortage is God’s way of saying there are too many liberals in California and they need to jump off a cliff like lemmings. Then the rest of us will flourish, without the need to do a damn thing to any water.

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