Muslim Severely Beaten For Wearing “I’m Muslim Don’t Panic” Shirt – IOTW Report

Muslim Severely Beaten For Wearing “I’m Muslim Don’t Panic” Shirt

Sounds terrible, right? What an indictment against Islamophobes. How can some infidel do this?

Well, it was his fellow refugees that beat the hummus out of him. He miscalculated their “sense of humor,” and they accused him of blaspheming Islam.


The 23-year-old Iraqi had thought that his fellow Islamic asylum seekers would see the funny side, but instead they accused him of offending their religion and decided to teach him a painful lesson.

The man was attacked in the evening as he returned to his asylum seeker home in Berlin, Germany wearing the T-shirt which he had just bought.


You’re never safe around savages.

Story HERE

ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on Muslim Severely Beaten For Wearing “I’m Muslim Don’t Panic” Shirt

  1. OK I’m confused, you got your Muzzies from what ever goat humping country that move to Germany. Odds are don’t get the lingo. And then they wear some shirts printed in Enish, while in Germany, and get their asses kicked by what’s written on the shirt which probably nobody can read. Besides, it needed a bulls eye.

  2. an sides……dat shirt look TRETNIN…..ain ony merkin college snowflakes gettin triggered….

    man lucky be alive……shoulda paid da full price……

    hey, warnin…….garmint pulleeece comin to yo town too…..

  3. let’s see… says “i’m muslim, don’t panic”…..

    and that’s offensive to his fellow muslims….



    because we’re going to chop off your heads, blow up your shopping malls, drop airplanes on you, poison your water supplies, destroy your interstate roadways, infest your public education systems with Islamic doctrines, force your women to cover up according to OUR SHARIA laws or get blamed for being gang-raped by our noble young men who should not be expected to control themselves if they see a female ankle, much less your damnable CLEAVAGE, exposed…..

    because ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF PEACE…, if you want peace……islam is here to make it happen…..sounds an awful lot like al sharpton’s NO JUSTICE NO PEACE riot mongering…..except these people can’t be bought off with a couple million dollars, like the good ole rev……

    THESE PEOPLE are SERIOUS…..if you don’t want your grand-daughters forced to dress in black bags, you need to wake up and fight back NOW……

    i don’t care how “racist” it sounds…..THESE PEOPLE are trying to take over our country, like they have taken over europe….

    in europe, the PEOPLE don’t have GUNS…..

    they also don’t have republicans, who turn obama’s illegal executive orders into law in the middle of the night, when no one’s looking…….


  4. because you’re not going to have the chance for very much longer……..

    they’ve already given up on GUN control……because they know it won’t go anywhere……

    but BULLET control, now, that there’s a whole other thing…… one NEEDS more than fifty rounds, really, DO THEY?…….you can “keep and bear” as many guns as you want……but BULLETS are not protected by the Constitution….

    actually, they can say you can have as many GUNS as you want…you just don’t have any right to bullets…..

    evil, your name is the Democrat National Party….you call evil, good, and you call good, evil… raise the rainbow flag to glorify the very behavior- homosexuality – that brought about the Great Flood, that ended with God giving the rainbow as a pledge……you’re false claim of “inclusiveness” explicitly bans anyone who won’t fall in line – to bake a “wedding”cake, or take “wedding” pictures, for something the bakers or photographers DO NOT CONSIDER A WEDDING…..but..hey…it’s not YOU who are forcing people to act against their principles…….people who hold THOSE KIND of “principles” are just bigots and haters….

    ya know what???????…….no, you don’t know what……you don’t have the ability to know what……you are so screwed up in the head that you can’t even realize how stupid you are, how stupid your arguments are, or how stupid your sacred “inclusiveness” is, when it EXCLUDES anyone who disagrees with you………

    best of luck getting through the rest of your silly little life, doofus

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