Paul Ryan Says He’s Voting For Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Says He’s Voting For Donald Trump


[Ryan] says he is now convinced Trump will advance the Republican agenda.
“I feel confident he would help us turn the ideas in this agenda into laws to help improve people’s lives. That’s why I’ll be voting for him this fall,” Ryan wrote.
He added, “It’s no secret that he and I have our differences. I won’t pretend otherwise. And when I feel the need to, I’ll continue to speak my mind. But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement.”
Hey this is a start. At least Ryan expects Trump to be in accordance with Ryan principles, which might not be our ideal, but it’s certainly not Hillary’s agenda.
From my vantage point, the #NeverTrump gang are the same people that were cool with Ryan… and Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Cantor, Graham and Romney.
So this endorsement touches them more than it touches me.
Happy yet, guys?

15 Comments on Paul Ryan Says He’s Voting For Donald Trump

  1. Seems like kind of a back handed endorsement, but it is better than saying he is sitting this one out. I hope that “advancing the Republican agenda” proves to be something different than what we have seen the last 10 years.

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