Trump’s Warning to Obama: If He Starts Campaigning, I Can Hit Him – IOTW Report

Trump’s Warning to Obama: If He Starts Campaigning, I Can Hit Him

TammyBruce: This is exactly what we so desperately wanted Mitt Romney to do in 2012.

Bravo, Mr.Trump!

Via BizPac Review.

President Obama may want to think twice about getting on the campaign trail.

During a massive campaign rally in Sacramento, California, GOP nominee Donald Trump issued a stalwart warning to Obama. The warning came after the president unsuccessfully tried to mock Trump….

“He’s going to start campaigning,” Trump continued. “Well, if he campaigns, that means I’m allowed to hit him just like I hit Bill Clinton, I guess right?”  MORE  [Video]

18 Comments on Trump’s Warning to Obama: If He Starts Campaigning, I Can Hit Him

  1. MJA, Thank you. This is an extremely noteworthy point of Trump’s rally.
    Unfortunately, I have no doubt that Obama will retaliate with more of his bully lefties and illegals pounding Trump’s supporters.

    I can’t wait to see Trump aerate the entire D.C. and globalist consortium and, Obama’s “legacy.”

  2. Historically, outgoing Presidents have stayed out of the election for their successor. This was always seen as interference in the will of the People, and beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.
    Now under Obama, nothing is beneath that office. So he’s already jumped in.

    Trump will demolish him. Obama’s entire bogus public image is a tissue of lies. He’s gotten this far only because his opponents have been feckless, feeble fellow Leftists (like McCain and Romney and Boehner and Ryan). These PC pussies tiptoed delicately and deferentially around the whole Mystery Muslim Exchange Student from Rev.Wright’s Man Country gay bar.
    Trump will go after Marxist Mom Jeans like Ali in his prime.
    He’ll reduce The Manchurisn Candidate to rubble in a few unforgettable sound bites. Whatever nickname he decides to hang on Obama will be devastating and unforgettable. That nickname, whatever it is, will be like Tricky Dick– it will stick, and become how Obama is forever remembered.
    Obama’s a hollow paper tiger who’s never been in any real fight in his entire short-and-sheltered political life.
    This will be fun to watch. Can’t wait to see Trump destroy this thin skinned imposter.
    For initial nicknames, I’m betting on some variation of ” The Manchurian”.

  3. HELL YES!

    Ahhh Obama/Jarrett, 08 &12 called and they want their Greek Columns and pansy opponents back.

    Trump will get this stuttering moron off script(and off teleprompter) and into Okie-Dohkie Land so fast, it’ll be how he’s remembered.

  4. I’m tellin’ ya, these people have no idea whatsoever who they are up against — and it only starts with Donald Trump. They should be on their knees thanking Trump for not setting the Hounds of Hell on them. At this point, if he gave the nod, it would be all over.

    At an early rally, he told one of his supporters to go ahead and beat the tarnation out a protestor and he’d pick up the legal fees.

  5. “Stammering Okie-Doke land”! I love that, MM.
    And yes Abigail, these Chicago-Commie lightweights have NO conception what is coming at them.
    Trump as Wyatt Earp to the cowering Ike Clanton in TOMBSTONE: “Run, you cur! Tell them I’m coming. I’m coming, and Hell is coming with me!”

    ‘Obama The Eloquent Speaker’ is another Leftist myth for the lemmings, just like ‘Obama The Global Mastermind’.

    Wasn’t it Harry Reid during the 08 primaries who called Obama “a clean Negro with no noticeable accent’?
    Meaning he doesn’t have to speak in mush/mouth ghetto land Ebonics.
    Being half white, and raised in Indonesia and Hawaiian prep schools far from American blacks, he can sound Midwestern when he needs to.
    Leftists found that remarkable, after the Ebonics jigaboo antics of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
    Both of whom can’t open their mouths on national television without sounding like they’re in an Amos ‘N Andy broadcast.
    Or auditioning for a bit part on Sanford & Son.

    But Obama has never, never, read off any TelePrompTer line that was better than mediocre.
    On his absolute very best day, he sounds like an assistant principal at some Kansas junior high, reading the morning announcements over the school PA. Nothing more. Meh.

    Trump will mop the floor with him
    Obama actually imagines himself to be Da Bomb.
    Trump will beat him like a dollar store Piñata.

  6. If I were Trump, I would pound the mooslime relentlessly and call him the Keynesian Kenyan. If Oblowme brings up Trump’s tax returns, I would tell Oblowme to show me his college grades and entrance applications.

  7. Obola will get the message.
    He’s starting to understand that American can see that the “Emperor has no clothes” and that he stammers and stutters like a schoolboy without his teleprompter. He possesses neither the acuity nor the facility to thrust and parry with Mr. Trump.
    He’ll tell his surrogates to attack, and attack, they will.
    I’m guessing that the attacks will escalate to the physical, rather than merely the verbal. The stakes are high, indeed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The battle has barely begun and Trump has reduced the self-proclaimed, most brilliant man on earth, the self-promoted best speaker in history, to a stuttering, vocabulary searching mess!

    Oh , the continued melt down of the left, contending with a candidate who will stand up to them, and shove back, is going to be so worth the fight.

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