Unfortunately We’re a Part of Their Suicide – IOTW Report

Unfortunately We’re a Part of Their Suicide


26 Comments on Unfortunately We’re a Part of Their Suicide

  1. Cut the rope, step off the board, and let them smash upon the rocks at the bottom of the pit. Anybody who can’t see the danger of a Hillary presidency is a worthless idiot who should be put down before they enable the death of us all.
    Yes, I am drunk, but still of logical state of mind. And not feeling much pain. 🙂

  2. I do believe that they are being given far too much air time by the left dominated media for a couple reasons.

    It takes some of the spotlight off the corruption that’s festering in Hillary’s campaign. Why else are these scumbags hammering the “scandal” of Trump University or his tax returns. They have so little to work with compared to the mountain of lies and felonies from their candidate.

    They also think it’s a win/win for them. Even if Hillary drops out, the rationale from the #neverTrump assholes doesn’t change. It could be Lucifer himself that gets the dem nomination and they still won’t vote for Trump so the media will give them all the time they can to make this movement appear to have legs. They’re glad to highlight division on our side and to soft pedal the fact there is a huge segment on the left that are walking away if Sanders gets fucked.

    The best part of #neverTrump though is how these guys, who have advocated for decades, policies and candidates that have been nothing more then REgressive Light, have been exposed. They’re irrelevant and if them and their worthless magazines, think tanks & foundations were to disappear, you’d hardly notice. NR & The Weakly Standard are on life support-good fucking riddance.

  3. “Cut the rope, step off the board, and let them smash upon the rocks at the bottom of the pit. Anybody who can’t see the danger of a Hillary presidency is a worthless idiot who should be put down before they enable the death of us all.”

    Can’t. That rope is more of a 1″ steel cable securely cuffed to both and all you have is a pair of nail clippers.

  4. It’s June. The election is in November.

    Just stand your ground, Trump Supporter. If they were truly intending to commit suicide, they would have done so by now. Eventually, they will have to come off that plank and find somewhere to pee.

  5. Ever heard the saying public opinion can change over night? This could happen. Sanders has a stroke – he is out. Clinton has revelations about her that no one can stomach – she is out. The never trump RHINOS make such asses of themselves no one wants them they can’t be reelected – they will be out. Trump is found to be a massive failure or fraud – he is out.
    Now who can rise above them all and unite while making us great again?….it could happen.

  6. The “never Trump” pundits are all positioning themselves for their next “opposition” gigs once Trump wins – talking head positions on the alphabet soup “news” shows and editorialists for the “daily delivered fishwraps”. They have already anticipated their limited usefulness as neocons once the conservative wave reaches shore come November.

  7. TO Jethro

    I can see it already:

    “Ladies, Gentlemen, and other confused folks!
    Be sure to tune into our latest MSNBC hit,
    coming up next season:
    The Maddow-Erickson Hour!”

  8. Its like Dinner.
    We’re having Trump for dinner because that’s what we have.
    We were going to have Cruz for dinner but now that’s gone.
    Never Trumpers do not want Trump for dinner.
    Never Trumpers wax prolific about how they do not want Trump for dinner.
    They announce that they will eat cardboard and bugs instead.
    Then they announce they do not want any dinner at all and stomp off to their room.
    Then they show up every five minutes to the dining room where everybody else is trying to get through the evening, and announce that that dinner everybody else is eating is not a true dinner menu item, has X amount of bug parts, is not truly organic, and is very likely GMO, non vegan, and will give everybody indigestion, if not kill them all outright.
    Then after dinner they bitch because the dessert menu was not run by them first to check for possible food allergies.
    Then it’s all “This is not the movie I wanted to watch”
    Then, “So I guess sex is out of the question? Fine.”

  9. The Trump supporters remind me of Bugs Bunny in the classic WB cartoon High Diving Bugs. they’re the ones who are always tricking and pissing off Yosemite Sam the know it all Never trump supporter who’s always going off over the high dive into the water far below the diving board high up in the air and keeps coming back for more of the same plummeting every time into the abyss below. And the GOPEE RINO’S are Fearless Freep making promises but never delivering on them and making Yosemite Sam take a dive for them over and over while Bugs is tricking him into taking another header off the deep end.

  10. Face it.
    You guys don’t want #nevertrump to go away.
    Otherwise what excuse would you use to have mutual talking points stroking sessions like this one?

  11. JohnS
    Don’t you have some appointment
    you have to get to
    to blow some syphillitic cross dresser
    in San Fran this afternoon?

    Saw your ad the other day for customers…
    …what a catchy phone number!
    I 8 H I L – L A R Y

  12. To the guy on the left on the plank, I say just think of the events of the last week or so:
    We’ve Katie Curic and and her dumb blonde producer, Mz.Soechtig, manipulate a documentary to make law abiding gun owners look stupid.
    We’ve had a riot in San Jose where Trump supporters were
    set upon, cold cocked, beaten and bloodied while the police stood by on orders (I say) from the mayor. The Police Chief gave some cockamamie excuse about not wanting to “break the line,” for the protection of the people, of course. Quite acceptable to the media.
    Then the mayor blamed Trump.
    Then Hillary blamed Trump
    The American flag was burned and the Mexican flag flown high.
    We are informed of outbreaks of TB among refugees in Vermont
    I could go on and on but my point is Trump, as President will try to address these problems: “Let’s close the borders until we can find out what the hell is going on.”
    And get a handle on it.
    Whereas Hillary will simply embrace and continue with this Obama plan of fundamentally changing America. So I say to those left, gather your wits and walk off that plank,embrace the guys on the ground and unite against the common enemy: Hillary Clinton. As Ben Franklin said “we must not tear ourselves asunder.”

  13. JohnS,
    you simultaneously say your not #NeverTrump but you act like a child when we post anti-NeverTrump posts.

    What’s up with that?

    Why don’t you defend Neil Stevens when he says illegals should be armed to confront Trump supporters.

    You’re not horrified by that?
    What’s going to be the rhetoric that proves to you that you’re standing with a group of traitorous shitstains?

    If you can’t find their nadir then I suspect you’re nothing but a shitstain yourself.

  14. BFH,

    I think you may have finally figured out what the “S” in JohnS stands for. I had always thought it was for “sanctimonious” or “supercilious” but “shitstain” says it so much better.

  15. The “S” in JohnS stands for seditionist. In his case it’s not against the dictionary def of “against a government.” It’s against the only presidential candidate who who is in a position to fix the U.S. gov’t. He’s not for us, so he the only other option is he is against us. He can use three dollar words all day long. It doesn’t matter at all. I can read the same types of comments at Huffpo, Salon and Politico all day long for less than a buck.

  16. I figured it out weeks ago JohnS is a troll. I feet he is one of several trolls as his writing pattern changes.
    He throws shit as us left and right hoping that some stick. Last week he was talking to Meekrat about “infiltration of IOTW” But nobody paid much attention.
    “Sides, he never commented on “my” whistle contest, sniff, sniff. So bug off JohnS whoever you are.

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