Contemporary Bioart: Inspiring Weirdos Since 1985 – IOTW Report

Contemporary Bioart: Inspiring Weirdos Since 1985

ACSH: While I could spend endless hours gazing at paintings in the Louvre or marveling at the antiquities in Berlin’s Egyptian Museum, I find most modern art to be infuriatingly inane. For instance, the first and only time I went to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 2002, there was an exhibit by Martin Creed in which the wall of a room was lined with 39 ticking metronomes … presumably ticking down the seconds until I either left or shot myself.

Modern paintings are just as awful, an opinion supported by the fact that researchers have actually investigated whether people can tell the difference between abstract art painted by a human or by a chimpanzee, monkey, or elephant. Surprisingly, they could, but not everybody can. In 1964, a clever Swedish journalist had paintings by an unknown French artist named Pierre Brassau placed in an art show. One critic raved about the work, claiming that the artist “perform[ed] with the delicacy of a ballet dancer.”

Pierre Brassau, however, was neither an artist nor a ballet dancer. He was a chimpanzee named Peter with a fondness for eating blue paint.  read more

3 Comments on Contemporary Bioart: Inspiring Weirdos Since 1985

  1. The entire “modern art” scene is an incestuous perverted orgy of “artistes,” agents, and “investors” (suckers) who, like the morons who “invested” in tulips, will only learn the “value” of their “investments” too late.
    The “artistes” are little better than retarded anthropoidal protozoans who are attempting to scam the world with their dreck. Their agents are little better than child molesters; taking advantage of retarded anthropoidal protozoans and the art-ignorant suckers who possess great deals of money and are looking for ways to either “invest” or evade taxes by buying the dreck and “donating” it to galleries or museums.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Two of the 45 goals of communism:

    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

    Check and check. Funny, the USSR is gone but these people live on in all our institutions and haven’t gotten the memo. It doesn’t work. Go away and take your mooselman hench dudes with you.

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