GAYS MUST DIE- Muslim Scholar Decreed in Orlando Mosque – IOTW Report

GAYS MUST DIE- Muslim Scholar Decreed in Orlando Mosque

more at Gateway Pundit

22 Comments on GAYS MUST DIE- Muslim Scholar Decreed in Orlando Mosque

  1. It’s quite interesting watching Brian Williams on MSNBC and Wolf Blitzer on CSPAN twist themselves into knots. “He was an American citizen” “assault rifle” “no known connection to ISIS” “bla bla easy access to high-powered weapons, bla bla” “bla bla home-grown terrorist, bla, bla” Schmucks!

  2. I hope I live long enough to see assholes like Brian Williams and Wolf Blitzer frog-marched to a war crimes trial and get the Herman Göring treatment for being complicit in misleading the America people!

  3. Times change, but people don’t.
    Look into the heavy influence of gays in Hitler’s rise to power and his rule.
    Then look at how they were treated.
    Same with Castro and the early days of the USSR.
    When choosing to be whipped in Sanfagdisco for $100+ an hour, or having the government do it for free, in an odd way, it makes sense.

  4. Yippeeeee I just got banned on another site for posting this video. One of the knuckle draggers was declaring the slaughter the fault of the evil Christian Westboro Church so I countered with the happy speech video from the Imam. How dare i be an evil pisslamophobic hater.

  5. Thanks riverlife_callie. It is a craft site with a lot of libturds, severely terminally stupid people. No big loss.
    Have you tried S&V’s coffee? Just chugged a pot of Sumatra for the mega-caffeine lift.

  6. JohnS, there’s a theory going around you live in your mother basement and are a 28 year old hipster Bernie supporter. Your last couple witty comments are suspect. I think we are about two steps away from “I know you are but what an I”. Either way, you are a Troll that poorly executes.

  7. Come on Brad.
    Man up and fix the situation you are in.
    Putting others down may make you feel better for a moment or two, but succeeding again is a permanent solution.
    Tomorrow is Monday. A fresh start.
    Go out and make it happen.
    I know you can.

  8. Yea that’s me a quitter. Come visit me some day in my 1.2 mil house. That’s how I got it, being quitter. You can’t stay here, we have our standards, you can drive past though and we will wave. Do you really want a Dick measuring contest with me? You’ve mistakenly interpreted me diagnosing Obama’s economy, which appearantly you approve of, with a sign of desperation. Not the case. But thanks for your concern.

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