Sessions: More Than 570 Charged, Convicted or Connected to Terror Since 9/11; Almost All Muslims – IOTW Report

Sessions: More Than 570 Charged, Convicted or Connected to Terror Since 9/11; Almost All Muslims

( – Sen. Jeff Sessions warned Sunday that more attacks like the one on an Orlando nightclub were likely, and disclosed that more than 570 people have been “convicted or charged or connected to terrorism” since 9/11.

The Alabama Republican, who chairs the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on immigration and the national interest, told Fox News Sunday that data it had obtained so far indicated that “about two-thirds of those people that were charged were foreign born, almost all Islamic individuals.”  MORE

10 Comments on Sessions: More Than 570 Charged, Convicted or Connected to Terror Since 9/11; Almost All Muslims

  1. It’s not the Muslims. It’s the guns. And the knives. And the planes. And box cutters. And law fertilizer. And pressure cookers. And…ok yea it’s the Muslims.

  2. He needs to lay the crack pipe down, his actions and words are pathetic. He’s embarrassing. He’s more whacked out than any terrorists! Obama is a terrorist.

  3. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of our government have failed this Nation, Constitution and people.
    The Administration has foisted this refugee/illegal immigration fiasco and other damaging programs upon the people.
    Congress has willingly funded these programs when they had the duty and responsibility to halt them.
    The Judicial is complicit by legislating from the bench and allowing partisan politics to rule over their judgements.
    What is most ridiculous and nationally suicidal are those individuals who are “professed” Conservatives who have refused to embrace and fully support Trump.
    You are as much the problem as obama, his administration, congress and the judiciary.
    May ridicule and shame befall you and follow you every step.

  4. So let’s jump in Mr Peabody’s Wayback machine and go back to 2011 when Jackass Joe (the grinning imbecile who swaggers around like the assistant manager of a used car lot with the mental agility of Karl Childers and the personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man) called Middle-aged and elderly Tea Party members, who cleaned up after themselves, “Terrorists”.
    Now fast forward to this year when violent, Leftist mobs beat up Trump supporters.
    Which ones are the real terrorists, Hmmmmmmm???
    All part of this Asshole’s campaign to Distract, Deflect, Divide and Destroy!!

  5. I wonder how long until the DOJ declares that laws against terrorism are discriminatory because they have a disparate impact on ass lifting, goat humping, pedophile prophet worshiping muslims.

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