Jim Hoft Says It’s Time For Gays to Come Home to the Republican Party – IOTW Report

Jim Hoft Says It’s Time For Gays to Come Home to the Republican Party

As a gay man, Jim Hoft, of Gateway Pundit, says there is no other party for gay people than the GOP.

He has been a conservative activist. He is also, now, a conservative gay activist.

Breitbart –

I came out in the 1980s to family and friends during the AIDS epidemic. I saw a lot of friends get sick. I saw a lot of friends die. I went to a lot of funerals.

It was a scary time to be gay.

Like most gay Americans, I don’t wear my sexuality on my sleeve. I go about my daily business. I try not to harm anyone. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my country.

I’ve been a conservative activist for years. But today I’m coming out as a conservative gay activist.

In the past few years I’ve built one of the most prominent conservative websites in America. I created The Gateway Pundit because I wanted to speak the truth. I wanted to expose the wickedness of the left. I was raised to love my country. Today I serve my country by defending her from the socialist onslaught.

But last night at least 49 gays were slaughtered at an Orlando club.

Despite this obvious Islamic attack, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are still in denial.

I can no longer remain silent as my gay brothers and sisters are being slaughtered at dance clubs.

There is only one man who can lead this nation and protect all gays and all Americans. His name is Donald Trump.


15 Comments on Jim Hoft Says It’s Time For Gays to Come Home to the Republican Party

  1. Makes sense, really. Conservatives really aren’t all into publicizing private acts that happen behind closed doors like the left wants. The gays had a really good thing going before signing on with the progressive movement to be recognized as a married couple. All it did was welcome Uncle Sam into the same bedroom and the outcome is zero biological children.

  2. With arms wide open, Welcome! I’m a life-long conservative, married heterosexual white guy. I served my country for 21 years, to protect EVERYONES rights and freedoms. I have no judgements to make on anyone (I’m too busy keeping my own house). I believe my Christian God expects me to show everyone (except those trying to harm us) love, compassion, respect, brotherhood and friendship…. without judgement! Love and peace to all

  3. I would never have known. And that’s fine. I prefer not to know someone’s personal disposition, unless there’s an issue of credibility or hypocrisy. Is this going to be a one-off, or is this his limit of disclosure on the issue?

    I sincerely doubt – as he is conservative – that he would ever go the route that I find most objectionable; militant, in-your-face, demanding, proselytizing to children and snowflaky.

    If he can – like the log cabin republicans or the chicago boyz – bring more to the table, great. It’s high time the progs are put on notice that people are catching onto their plantation requirements.

  4. The fact that Jim Hoft is just “coming out” now as a gay only gives more heft to his credibility as someone who has written for conservative views and against progressive ones from a greater objective perspective, unlike his militant counterparts who have used militant progressive tactics to persuade.

  5. i believe there are many more conservative lgbts, hispanics, blacks than we are led to believe and trump will tie them together and leverage them to a surprising advantage

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