Gotta Hand It To MJA – She Called It, I Should Have Ran With It – IOTW Report

Gotta Hand It To MJA – She Called It, I Should Have Ran With It


As soon as the story broke and the details were coming out, MJA said the Muslim shooter was most likely gay himself because anyone that obsessed with being anti-gay has an inner conflict they are trying to cope with. That, and all the selfies.


Orlando Gunman Used Gay Dating App and Was a Frequent Customer At Pulse, The Gay Nightclub He Shot Up.

Kevin West, a regular at Pulse nightclub, said Omar Mateen messaged him on and off for a year before the shooting using the gay chat and dating app Jack’d.

But they never met – until early Sunday morning.

West was dropping off a friend at the club when he noticed Mateen – whom he knew by sight but not by name – crossing the street wearing a dark cap and carrying a black cellphone about 1 a.m., an hour before the shooting.

“He walked directly past me. I said, ‘Hey,’ and he turned and said, ‘Hey,’” and nodded his head, West said. “I could tell by the eyes.”

As soon as West saw photos of Mateen released after the shooting, he said, he drove to his local police station, where officers summoned FBI officials, who showed him a photo of Mateen on a computer screen.

“I said, ‘That’s him,’” West said, and turned over his phone and Jack’d log-in information to the FBI, which still had the phone late Monday, he said.

Investigators are looking at reports that Mateen visited gay clubs and was using gay dating apps, a law enforcement official said. “Watch that space,” the official said.

NYDN- his ex-wife, Sitora Yusufiy, when asked on CNN Monday if he was gay, sat in silence for a few seconds before answering, “I don’t know.”


50 Comments on Gotta Hand It To MJA – She Called It, I Should Have Ran With It

  1. There is a hell of a lot of latent homosexual self hatred in the muzzie community. You just know that those bastards throwing gays off the roofs have had as many little boys as they have had ladies. It is a sick bunch of animals in the Muslim community. Good call by MJA.

  2. Not to detract from MJA, but ANN Barnhardt discussed this kind of stuff at length on one of her many videos some years ago.

    Ann recently commented on this shooting and I totally agree with her conclusions:

    “Look folks, when bad people get murdered by other bad people, it doesn’t make them suddenly good. It makes them DEAD.”

  3. Selling firearms to Muslim fudgepackers (which would account for all of them based on empirical data)will be ill advised in the future. You see, we are making strides on gun control after all.

  4. Good instincts MJA.
    Yesterday I mentioned that this is skewed anger, hatred and retaliation for anger, humiliation and hatred of the Bacha Bazi mentality ingrained in that “culture.” Not everyone who was molested is gay, by any means, but most who are gay have been molested.

    Going out on a limb here, but he was either a practicing gay, or was so drawn to it that he wanted to eradicate or atone for his own behavior by following the dictates of his allah.

    Can you imagine how many there are with his mentality given that Islamic men are allowed to have sex with boys as long as the boys do not yet have hair. The number of sexually skewed Islamic men is enormous.

  5. It figures. Orlando is a longer drive than Fort Lauderdale, which I assume has plenty of gay clubs. Hell, Miami has to have plenty too.
    My guess is he chose Orlando to remain dark.
    Dude was married, too.
    This is early info and may turn out false.
    Either way, the sick bastard should have just offed himself.

  6. You pegged it, MJA. It does fit right in with the whole sharia nightmare, lying, stoning women to death, burning girls, who don’t want to be raped, in cages. Filthy animals.

  7. MJA, you trusted your instincts and were spot on. I had a fleeting thought along the lines of “this is one hell of a crazy gay man” but dismissed it.

    Aside: I keep seeing this “worst mass shooting in U.S. history” and I’m getting tired of it. It isn’t true. In the 19th century there were the mass murders at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee. Within our lifetime, there was Mount Carmel, although the FBI never bothered to tell anyone how many of the 76 Branch Davidian and their kids died in the fire versus how many were machine-gunned to death from the ground and from the air.

    There may be those who will claim that these don’t count because the killers wore uniforms or carried badges. Like Hell they don’t count! Especially given the eye witness accounts of mutilation and disgusting defiling of bodies at Sand Creek.

  8. I have an Allah Snackbar alert. It hangs on my hip poorly concealed. I’m now torn between listening to Marty Robbins “Big Iron On His Hip” or “Let’s Get it On” by Marvin Gay. I might need some help.

  9. Hey, I also said my gaydar was pinging, right MJA? 😉 It was the precious selfies that set it off, plus the irrational hatred of gays. Very conflicted because he knew what his “religion” taught about gays.

  10. I’ll bet there aren’t a half dozen Muzzie males in the whole Middle East who weren’t ramrodded by a male relative or such. It’s a cultural thing. It explains a lot of the hyper-anger those bastards exhibit.

  11. BB – my favorite Marty Robbins song is “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” but I think you were looking for some gun symbolism so that doesn’t count I guess. 😉

  12. I had a strong feeling that he was most likely closeted gay, simply because in this kind of situation I’m sure Omar thought he was ‘cleansing’ himself and the the rest of the world by murdering people whose only crime was that they were sinners, just like the rest of us. I hope he’s roasting in hell.

  13. Not buying it, not yet. Too convenient. This way they can spin his murderous rage as the result of suffering bigotry — not for what it was, the simple outflow of consistently applied Islam.

  14. I’m just amazed that someone on this thread actually found a Liberal with nuts!
    That homosexuality is so prevalent in muzzyland comes as no real big surprise considering that the family trees (all three of them) basically have no branches!

  15. “This will be tough on the WH and their ability to spin a narrative to please their most revered grievance group.”

    They’re now in second place. Muslims give the left more bang for its traitorous buck.

  16. I don’t believe this guy was gay or had suppressed gay tendencies.
    Not buying that.
    It may actually fit the MSM and White House narrative if he were.

    He was Islamist of course, but he was a sociopath and a sadist.
    I believe he visited the club beforehand, all the while stoking his fire and hatred.
    He fed his sadist fire with the knowledge he was going to kill a lot of people.
    He was patient and calculated.
    A stone cold killer.
    He wasn’t going to blow himself up.
    He was going to go out in a blaze of martyred glory.

  17. Trying to move some of the blame away from Islam and shuffling it over to a mental illness is wrong.
    This happens every time, some underlying factor, lonely, abused, gay, mistreated,…..
    The common factor, and the only one that needs addressing is MUSLIM.
    Being a muslim is a public declaration that you support and condone those who take Mohamad’s words to heart and act them out as this man did.
    Mohamad says kill infidels and gays, if you disagree with that, you are not a muslim.
    I have talked to muslims about this issue. They all say, without hesitation that this kind of thing is against Islam. I prove they are lying by asking is they don’t believe that part of Mohamad’s teachings. They clam up because while they can lie to me and everybody else about just about anything, they cannot disavow Mohamad.

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