Limbaugh: Obama Suspended Immigration from Iraq for Six Months in 2011 – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Obama Suspended Immigration from Iraq for Six Months in 2011

EIB: RUSH:  Okay.  You want to hear something?  You may remember this once I jog your memory.  Do you remember back in 2010, 2011, Obama became alarmed when we essentially gave up on Iraq because Obama was trying to establish that he was a president of peace?  How’s that working out?  We have more wars going on with this guy in the Oval Office than we had with Bush, or Bush, or Reagan, or Clinton.

But the point is this.  When Iraq was abandoned — and, of course, we didn’t have to abandon it.  We chose to abandon Iraq under a false premise that they would not grant our soldiers immunity from any actions that were taken in defense of Iraq for the world court, that kind of — I forget the name of it, but it was a phony — the Iraqis offered it to us, we turned it down.  We wanted to get out of there, and this left Iraq in a position of the Wild West.

And it turned out, you know what Obama did to deal with it?  He banned all immigration from Iraq. Just with a stroke of a pen, the waving of his magic wand, the Obama Regime stopped processing Iraq refugee requests for six months in 2011.  We might have been among the first to pass that on to you.

Now, everybody today is saying you can’t do that.  Hillary Clinton’s mocking it. Obama’s mocking it, you can’t do that. You can’t build a wall. You can’t stop ’em. We don’t have papers.  Obama did it.  They say you can’t stop immigration.  We as a nation shut down immigration from about 1924 to 1965.  Every time I mention that people are shocked.  People thinking immigration, legal immigration happens all the time.  We shut it down from 1924 to 1965.   MORE

5 Comments on Limbaugh: Obama Suspended Immigration from Iraq for Six Months in 2011

  1. Outrageous! That hypocritical, bastard seems to forget that, once-in-awhile, his criminal, dictatorial behavior is on record, and before he or his minions can expunge, delay or otherwise suppress his tyrannical actions, we the people are made aware of them.

    I hope Trump listens to Rush and starts shouting it to all.

  2. Assuming the MSM ever calls him on this, Obama will have to call his suspension of Iraqi immigration a failure, in order to further his political agenda. I don’t think he can admit to any failure, so the MSM will likely ignore this story for him.

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