Simmons Refutes Enquirer Trans Story – IOTW Report

Simmons Refutes Enquirer Trans Story

If you’ve been to the grocery story the last week or so you were probably assaulted with this cover of the National Enquirer claiming Richard Simmons had transitioned and now insists on being referred to as “Fiona.”


The 67-year-old fitness guru went to Facebook “to set the record straight and refute these lies.”


Enquirer Here

I almost retched when I saw the cover the this morning. I hope for his sake the story is not true.

11 Comments on Simmons Refutes Enquirer Trans Story

  1. I don’t know why the enquirer has a bug up its ass about Richard Simmons lately.
    The man just wants to put on his bedazzled robe, hello kitty slippers and just kick back and retire. Sheesh.

  2. how about more reporting on our crooked politicians who collect their paycheck from our taxes and write laws for us that they exempt themselves from and less reporting on a private citizen pervert who has no direct affect on my life.

    plenty of perverted politician stories out there msm if you only cared to report them.

  3. But they were right about John Edwards so now they’re Woodward & Bernstein.

    Still waiting for all those Cuban Mistress Crisis Cruz stories planted by Trump’s queer smear merchant Roger Stone to flesh out.

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