Mateen Warning Signs Were Flashing With Neon and Sparkles… With Explosions… and an Air Horn – IOTW Report

Mateen Warning Signs Were Flashing With Neon and Sparkles… With Explosions… and an Air Horn

Be afraid people. Our government is clueless. When they stop anything from happening it’s pure luck.


Good Grief, put this in the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot file. The Orlando terrorist wasn’t just exhibiting warning flags, he was blasting off big flashy warning flares.

As an outcome of a very concerned resident meeting at PGA Village in Port St. Lucie, the location where Omar Mateen worked as a security guard, the county sheriff shared a rather disturbing revelation.

orlando 11 Omar mateenAccording to the county Sheriff, Ken Mascara, Mateen was reported to his security firm G4S and the FBI for threatening a local deputy and stating he could have al-Qaeda kill the police officer’s family. He then went on to praise Nidal Hasan the Fort Hood shooter.

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ht/ sig94

48 Comments on Mateen Warning Signs Were Flashing With Neon and Sparkles… With Explosions… and an Air Horn

  1. I don’t think they are clueless. I think the idea of an armed populous that one day will over throw their corrupt self serving bull shit keeps them up at night. Just run down the time line. NOBODY is that stupid. If we have one more attack look out. I think you’re looking at mandatory confiscation. That’s when the fun begins.

  2. So all levels of policing failed. Down to the cops who hung around outside for more than 3 hours eating donuts and chatting on cell phones while the slaughter was taking place.
    Obviously the police forces at all levels do not want the job of dealing with this problem.
    That leaves us two choices.
    Be armed at all times.
    Submit and possibly die for doing so as those folks in Orlando did.

  3. I never thought I would say this, but I am now taking second looks at anyone who looks like a possible moslem…in the street, in stores and at work.
    And I don’t see that as racism or bigotry, but just being practical.
    Situational awareness!

  4. Damn it, I need to give JohnS another TU, yea, the only time I’m not strapped is at the gym. And the Feds had a flair gun shot up their ass and ignored every warning. So by all means, disarm me. You dumb fucks.

  5. The only conclusion you can draw is that the people in positions of authority in the US government wanted this guy to stage an attack, and at the very least stood down and let it happen, because they intended to use the event for political gain.

    Specifically they are attempting to use this most recent muslim terrorist attack to push their treasonous gun control agenda – via administrative lists, devoid of even the pretense of legitimate due process.

  6. I’m reposting what I posted at the Oil Spill Video thread. I don’t know about the credibility of the link, but it sure sounds possible.

    “BREAKING: Insider Leaks Secret Reaction White House Had To Orlando Shooting… It’s SICK

    Conservative Tribune has obtained exclusive information from a Washington insider that revealed how the White House actually felt about the Orlando shooting, and it may turn a few heads (not to mention a few stomachs).

    An individual with connections at the White House who for obvious reasons asked to remain unidentified wondered what would come out of the Orlando shooting with regard to policy changes from the Obama administration. The responses to this question were shocking, to say the least.

    One senior White House official told the insider that if “shooting up 30 8-year-olds in suburban Connecticut didn’t change any minds,” a massacre of 1,000 homosexuals during Pride Week wouldn’t matter.

    “(N)obody would give a f***,” the official said.

    In fact, the official went on to say that the White House couldn’t even spin the story because nobody cared about a “bunch of queers,” and that it would simply be “bad politics” to try and do so.

    Perhaps more damning, another White House official, also described by our contact as “senior,” added that the administration didn’t want anyone to look into the matter very closely.

    When asked why, the official pointed out that Mateen had been hired by G4S, a company that, along with other security firms, had been “leaned on” by the Obama administration to hire Muslims.

    Those companies had been encouraged to “look the other way a little bit” when it came to background checks to ensure they weren’t hiring a “bunch of white weekend warriors playing Army.”

    If these responses indicate how the Obama administration as a whole reacted to the shooting, it is sick in more ways than one.”

  7. Columbine taught law enforcement to go in guns blazing.
    This guys intent was killing.
    He had a captive, unarmed audience.

    One guy said he feigned dead with his head under a couch.
    Omar was walking around shooting those on the ground in the head, to ensure they were dead.
    This guy played dead for 25 minutes before Omar got to him and blew his arm off and shot him in the back.
    This guy survived.
    He was waiting for the police to arrive.
    There were likely 100 cops outside at that time.
    Others hid and waited.

    Questions need to be answered.
    Who the fuck gave the stand-down order?
    The parents of those killed need answers.

    How can so many have time to text relatives and call 9-11 from inside the club and the cops not rush in.
    Fucking ridiculous.

  8. Curious, how many people here carry daily? How many people wish they did but don’t? Let’s be honest. TU for yes I carry daily, TD for I wish I did. Please be honest. I’m dying to know.

  9. Lay there waiting for him to make his way over to you.

    Don’t risk getting up and rushing at him, hurling a barstool at him, tackling him so you and others have a chance at shoving his guns up his ass. Noooooooooooooo, that’s too daaaaangerous, better to lay there and wait your turn to get shot a few times….

  10. A friend was in DEA, had been ‘banished’ to CO because he wouldn’t put up with his superiors’ lack of initiative, and answered the call at Columbine. He was on scene an hour in, armed and ready to go with his partner, set up in sniper position. He was the most prepared person on scene. And his superiors refused to allow him to go in. Just covering their asses, that’s the only reason why. Things haven’t changed.

  11. Loco, Hate the Boob holster and purse carry. A purse is an item crooks love to steal. It’s never totally in your control. The Boob holster is way to slow. There’s a couple new companies that are building carry holsters specifically for women that are pretty cool.

  12. Donald, I thought the same thing.
    But you know, that’s what makes the cops standing down more pernicious.
    They think any second the cops would come to the rescue.
    Surely they will stop this.
    Play dead long enough so that heroes with guys will take him down.
    I would like to think I would charge him.
    People are in shock and they get paralyzed as to what to do.
    You are in a bar, if he is away from you grab a bottle as a weapon.
    This shit angers me to no end.

  13. My decades of training is what makes me always pissed that nobody rushes these shooters except on occasion….we were trained that the best and probably only way to survive an ambush is to instantly ATTACK through it(or as soon as an opening presents itself), make the enemy react to YOU, instead of the other way around, grab the initiative away from him, you’re probably gonna die anyway but attacking cuts down the angles and forces HIM to defend against YOU and it buys precious time for others.

  14. I heard that 0bama leaned on the company to hire more moslems and not spend so much time checking into their backgrounds, because that would be “racist”.

  15. @Loco and Donald – I’ve thought about this phenomenon quite a bit over the years and come to the conclusion that the mindset of people less than about 40 years old is to blame. When I was a kid in school, if somebody picked on me or started a fight with me, I was taught to whip their butt or at least make the attempt even if I couldn’t. Teachers back then knew who caused trouble for the most part and getting into a fight wasn’t a huge hairy deal – the instigator would likely get spanked with a board or maybe in-school suspension for a day or two while the victim often wasn’t disciplined at all.

    Now many kids are taught from the start in school to tell the teacher if someone picks on them and never, ever to fight. If they fight (even in defense) they are made out to be a horrible person that is violent and are likely to be sent home for the rest of the year, and branded as a violent individual that is supposedly a danger to society at large. Kids now never learn to handle problems that require physical confrontation on their own and I think it leads to them having no idea how to deal with violent people if they are ever faced with the scenario.

    Like you guys, my mindset and first instinct if someone attacks me is to attack them back with full intent of ending the incident one way or the other. I’m afraid this instinct in younger generations has been removed by the way our society has evolved (or devolved) to the point that it never occurs to them to meet violence with even fiercer, more brutal violence (which has worked well in my limited experience).

  16. Donald, Nobody needs to die rushing that coward. Pull your pistol and put one in his defective brain. That’s where we need to be. Obama has changed our country. We are at war.

  17. Bubba’s Brother, maybe for white kids that’s the case, but for crying out loud look at the gazillions of videos pouring in over the transom every hour of every day showing black kids attacking each other, attacking teachers, principals, little old lunch ladies, bus drivers, cops, fighting viciously like wild animals at the drop of a hat, sheesh.

  18. Brad, most women carry for self protection. If you know anything about self defense, then you know most women are attacked from behind, around the neck and upper arms, making it impossible to get to a weapon in their belt. But their forearms are still somewhat free to move straight up…. to their bra holster. It’s all a matter of training. I would never consider carrying a loaded weapon in a purse.

  19. Donald – I should have included that caveat (as a general occurrence). Back in my day (1970’s), you could swat the hell out of the aggressor regardless of melanin content. I think some of the black kids these days could learn a lot from taking a beating from a white kid (or other black kids that aren’t troublemakers). Nowadays, they have no incentive not to beat up on helpless victims of any color because the passive kids can’t effectively defend themselves and the aggressive black kids can’t be disciplined because of the “racial climate” that exists.

    When I was in 7th grade, we had a 16 year old black kid that only showed up to school to cause trouble and he was naturally bigger than the rest of us. One day he picked on another black kid that was mild mannered and fairly stout (Stanley), and this kid picked the 16 year old up with a wrestling takedown and slammed him into several desks and followed up with a couple of good licks to the head. The 16 year old never came back to school and nobody messed with Stanley anymore either.

    A lot of the aggressive crap from the kids now could be nipped in the bud with some appropriate push back at all levels. Violent aggression gets to be a habit with them now because they aren’t forced to stop their behavior.

  20. Obama is doing this shit with proxies. There’s a definite pattern in all these shootings. Each one is more blatant and in your face. This needs to be stopped. I hope Trump’s the answer but I fear that he isn’t. I think for Trump to win he has to overcome the votes of the dead, illegals, cartoon characters, and whoever else the progressives can sign up by whatever means. The way things are going, if we aren’t under martial law before the election, we will be afterwards if Trump wins. They have me convinced that they’re willing to kill to retain power. YMMV

  21. B.B. — Exactly, once upon a time the obscene, violent ghetto rap music would have been censored, and unwed mothers faced such adverse conditions and consequences that illegitimacy was rare.

    Now our “authorities” act as if the violent savagery of the black youth subculture is some kind of socioeconomic symptom of whitey discriminating against them by making up unfair standards and rules of behavior, and rigging everything against them, that therefore they should get a pass, and that everyone should just get knocked-out, stomped, stabbed, and shot by them because, um, diversity and equality.

    We didn’t have black kids where I grew up on the Canadian border, except one or two. Fights at school were extremely rare. I swear to you it’s largely genetic as well as cultural….

  22. i practiced cc all day monday (my permit expired in 2011) using a cool concealed holster from n82 tactical. my SW MP 40 fit nicely. Not uncomfortable at all.

  23. I saw an interview of the Orlando Police Chief by Anderson Cooper. The Chief said that the terrorist was confined to the bathroom and did not shoot any for three hours while his officers comforted the wounded etc. There was something lacking in that interview. Three hours? But what do I know?

  24. Our modern day officials are like deer in the headlights when it comes to responding to major incidents. We’ve stood around for hours while the mayor and chief were sniffing each others ass trying to decide what to do. Screw the victims – all they’re worried about is their careers and how any decision will be viewed by the press.

    The cops can’t go until they’re given the go order. Yeah, it looks bad – very bad – people die; but when your orders are to shut it down, that’s what you do. And then you sit there and stew about it going WTF???.

  25. Bad_Brad, I agree with you about carrying concealed, and just blasting the shooter dead, but such a nightclub typically has door security checking for weapons (I’ve done that work myself), so comments like yours–which I see constantly on these kinds of forums–really get old, when people fail to bother to think before they post. And please don’t tell me you don’t already know how the shooter himself got in.

    There are many jurisdictions and places where it’s just not realistic to be carrying concealed.

  26. ….and Brad, before you start up with, “Well, if you have a concealed-carry permit you can show it to the club security at the door,” that doesn’t fly. It’s private property and they can legally bar you from concealed-carrying inside in/on the property. And yes, pat-downs at the door are done, at least we were ordered to do them on male patrons, and metal-detector wanding of females and their purses. At one nightclub I worked in the ghetto, we even had a walk-through metal detector, and yes, I caught a female trying to bring a derringer inside in her purse once, it was buried in the bottom of her bag and took a while to discover why the detector kept going off each time I’d have her walk through….

    Not saying I agree with it all, necessarily(whether CCW holders should be allowed to carry in a bar while drinking/others are drinking is another discussion), just that such is the way things are. For now.

  27. Donald, you misunderstand my point. If my weapons not welcome, I’m not going. Also, CCW’s are subject to zero tolerance with alcohol. Most states won’t allow ccw’s to carry in a business that’s primary function is selling alcholol. So my theory is if I only go where my pistol is allowed, I’ll have it when I need it. Not that tough.

  28. Donald, “Obama has changed our country, we are at war”.

    The solution to some terrorists is to let tactically trained individual and maybe avid shooters arm them selves. We would also need to modify carry laws. Eliminate gun free zones etc. This will not eliminate the pressure cooker crowd and people are still going to die.This has the potential of getting real bad. you seem like you want to argue. I don’t .

  29. Then why did you begin by arguing? I agree with what you’re saying now, but that’s a different discussion after the fact, and I’m not just being argumentative. I was initially addressing a situation like the one in question, in the Pulse nightclub — I was talking about ways for unarmed people to defeat/survive an active shooter. You first replied to me as if it was silly to even think of ways for unarmed people to thwart a shooter, instead they should just pull out their gun and blast him, as if whether being armed in such a situation wasn’t even in question. But the point is that (apart from separate discussion of changing laws, etc.) it’s unrealistic to just knee-jerk default to saying you can pull out your gun and blast him. That’s why your reply made no sense. And your arguing for changing laws and gun-free zones etc., which I nonetheless agree with, is after the fact of the incident and others like it. Not to mention the alcohol factor.

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