Fact Checking Snopes’ Kim LaCapria – IOTW Report

Fact Checking Snopes’ Kim LaCapria



Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

She wrote a “fact check” article about Jimmy Carter’s unilateral ban of Iranian nationals from entering the country that looks more like an opinion column arguing against Donald Trump’s proposed Muslim ban.

Similarly, Lacapria — in another “fact check” article — argued Hillary Clinton hadn’t included Benghazi at all in her infamous “we didn’t lose a single person in Libya” gaffe. Lacapria claimed Clinton only meant to refer to the 2011 invasion of Libya (but not the 2012 Benghazi attack) but offered little fact-based evidence to support her claim.

After the Orlando terror attack, Lacapria claimed that just because Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat with an active voter registration status didn’t mean he was actually a Democrat. Her “fact check” argued that he might “have chosen a random political affiliation when he initially registered.”

Lacapria even tried to contradict the former Facebook workers who admitted that Facebook regularly censors conservative news, dismissing the news as “rumors.”

Read more: 

ht/ c. steven tucker

15 Comments on Fact Checking Snopes’ Kim LaCapria

  1. I typically find myself googling the bio on bloggers, columnists and whatnot before putting credence in their words. “Fact Checker” is almost a guarantee these days that the analysis is going to be loose with the facts.

  2. I have nothing at all against people who are fat, or fatter than most, but are her two pics above a form of fact check? Or just possibly taking it to different periods of her life? Any way to know? If they were taken in close proximity to each other, she was trying to deceive in the top pic.

  3. I heard about this shill a few months ago. There is a rumor going around that an ongoing investigation discovered that snopes had taken money from the Clinton Foundation in exchange for debunking “certain” DNC members..

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