Some Dope Running For Congress With “Make America White Again” Slogan Says He Was Inspired By Trump – IOTW Report

Some Dope Running For Congress With “Make America White Again” Slogan Says He Was Inspired By Trump

Nice try, but Trump’s message isn’t racist.

And I’ve got news for this guy. I’m not fond of half the white people in this country.



30 Comments on Some Dope Running For Congress With “Make America White Again” Slogan Says He Was Inspired By Trump

  1. See, my first post here I got some milk toast little pussy white guy thumbing me down. A black man would have posted back the reason why. We need to take a hard look at our selves. 85% of white men I meet are pussies and will melt and fade away if the revolution ever comes. It’s true.

  2. Brad, the pussyboy percentage is a hell of a lot lower out here in the South. And we didn’t let Hillary win in the primary either.
    You should really take a look at coming on over to the redneck side. But good luck with that race war, just the same. It’s a fight that needs to be fought. Gave up all my loyalties to that state a long time ago, and I’m damn glad I did.

    I can’t believe anybody would agree with the sign this idiot came up with. This is like something the 0bama administration would design in order to take votes away from Trump.
    The majority of people in America are not racists. Most are pussies, though, or we would have ever had to put up with 0bama.

  3. Brad, me too. Unless Hillary wins. That bitch will probably outlaw firewood. It gets pretty cold for a good part of the year where I want to build my cabin.

    I’ll be buggin in, not out, if the SHTF before I move.

  4. I bought my snow chains in Sand Point. Great place, full of patriots.
    I have a map of Priest Lake on the wall in my reloading room.
    Miss that fresh air too. Fck’n heat index of 124 here a few days ago. A soldier died at Fort Chaffee from the heat while packing a full load that day.

  5. I suppose this wasn’t raaaacisssss, when NOLA mayor Ray Nagin said:

    “We ask black people … It’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans,” Nagin said Monday. “This city will be a majority African American city. It’s the way God wants it to be. You can’t have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn’t be New Orleans.”

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