DAN RATHER: Hillary ‘health issues’ could come into play before convention – IOTW Report

DAN RATHER: Hillary ‘health issues’ could come into play before convention

AM: Even Dan Rather thinks there may be something to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

During an interview with Larry King, Rather said “no one” should be surprised if the presumptive Democratic nominee for president is indicted.

“A lot of people are saying what if something happens to her. What if there’s an indictment. What if Joe Biden — the Democratic Party can do what it wishes. It’s a private convention. We just happen to go there,” Larry King said.  more

14 Comments on DAN RATHER: Hillary ‘health issues’ could come into play before convention

  1. Charge with a misdemeanor.
    Plead “Nolo contendere.”
    Pay a small fine.
    “Scandal” evaporates.
    Obola gave Comey his instructions during a TV interview.
    Lynch already had her’s.

    May bow out “sick” for appearances.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The president can pre-parden her. If they want Biden my guess would be phony health issues. That would only happen if Trump can keep the pressure up and she needs to bail is how I see it possibly playing out

  3. Non-partisan FBI? Hasn’t been and won’t be when investigating Hillary, otherwise a recommendation would be on Lynch’s DOJ desk.
    Lynch, as the good Marxist progressive will not prosecute.
    Justice for all, is just a cliché’ anymore.

  4. This is setting up “Plan B” if she continues to slide vs Trump. The only question is who will “Plan B” be? Biden, Moose shell, or Fauxahantus. No way they’ll put Bernie in the ring.

  5. Health issues? I’d love to see her have a ruptured aneurism in her brain while giving a live televised speech. You think Janet Jackson’s pierced nipple got a lot of tevo rewinds? This would melt down tevo boxes across the nation.

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