Mother in World of Trouble For Giving Her Robber Children a Butt Whoopin’ – IOTW Report

Mother in World of Trouble For Giving Her Robber Children a Butt Whoopin’

Her 6 kids were taken away from her because she hit 2 of them with a belt because she caught then robbing the neighbor’s house.

This is ridiculous.

23 Comments on Mother in World of Trouble For Giving Her Robber Children a Butt Whoopin’

  1. My Dad never had to strike any of his children.
    Mom beat us so hard we were always repentant by the time he got home from work. If a five foot two inch, 100 lb woman could inflict that much pain, even we could envision what he could have done.

  2. If my dad was still alive he would be in big trouble. Maybe it was my fault, but I’ve been whupped enough to get fixed. Everything is good now. Some, kids need to be whupped.

  3. My advise to her is QUIT VOTING DEMOCRAT!!! It’s the fuckin’ liberal running this country that think they know better than the parents on how to raise kids.

    Back in the late 90’s this young black woman I knew professionally went missing for a few days when I finally contacted her she told me she had been in jail. WHAT!!!! Then she told me about how she’s a single mother trying to raise her son and he got suspended from school for calling the teacher a bitch. Her son being in middle school was old enough to know better so she told him to go out and cut a switch. Then she gave him an ass whippin’ (not bare ass). The next day at school he told his friend about it and his friend told him to tell the teacher to call CPS. It all went downhill from there. Even the judge who cut her loose said this shit has to change.

    Last I heard, he son became a COP and I’m sure he looks at calls like this with an open mind.

  4. My mom was really handy with a metal pancake turner. Ouch. I used a wooden spoon on my kids’ arms or other bare (non-face) flesh – wherever I happened to be able to catch them with the spoon.

  5. What was shw supposed to do? I’m against beating children as punishment (the occasionally spanking? A-okay), I would do what my mother did and ground them or send them to a corner for a while.

    But if MY teenagers were robbing the neighbors house… man… I don’t know if I’d let them get away without some sense knocked into them. This woman should be able to keep her children. Very sad.

  6. I got beat with everything under the sun.
    I got learned right from wrong in no uncertain terms
    When my Mama said ‘Go get me a switch’ true terror would arise
    Striped legs for days.
    I understand these are gentler times.
    Law and order and the general peace suffer for it though

  7. Dad was a hard corps Marine, I was the eldest son, we grew up in a very disciplined house.
    98% of the correction I received was more than earned on my part. The 2% I got was when I was innocent. I rationalized it as accepting the correction for the 20% of crap I pulled and didn’t get caught.
    I’m grateful and thankful for the correction I received.

  8. My mother had polio when she was a little girl…..on crutches her whole life.

    talk about having an extended reach. I deserved every ‘adjustment’ i ever got.

  9. My grandmother could take any object and hurl it with enough boomerang force to knock the lights out. Really, any object would do…it only took one time to make you understand that there would be no next time.

    This woman deserves a medal.

  10. I’ve never ever had my children taken away from me (but I did get dirty looks from Germans when I diciplined and swatted my children in public), but being the contrary asshole that I am, I’d say this to the judge and CPA, “Fine, you think you know better than me, you go right ahead and take them, and YOU raise them. But you keep them more then a week, you KEEP THEM. Don’t blame me for what they do next in life. I’m not taking them back after you’ve ruined them.”

  11. They should let her spank the CPS idiots. Every Mom up and down our street had every other Mom’s permission to dispense a whuppin’ to any child if they had one coming.

    Dad turned me up pretty good one night for something my older brother was responsible for, but later when brother confessed, Pop sez, “Just consider that punishment for something you didn’t get caught for. Come on, let’s you and I go fishin.”

  12. Arrest this woman? Oh come on, these kids committed a felony, two to five years in a state pen.

    An ass whippin’ didn’t cost the tax payers a dime and the cardio benefits for both sides of the beating are a big plus.

  13. Responsible parents = no need for government control of children, so the family unit is in the way of the Left’s goals. It will continue to be eroded so that it can be replaced, one way or the other.

  14. I never needed to be switched because I saw another kid get switched by his mom all the way home for the better part of a block, with the kid yelping all the way. I was maybe six, so that was in 1974 at the latest, but it is STILL vividly burned in my mind. Talking about imprinting, that one took.

  15. The lady who lived across the street from us had eleven grandchildren. I was friends with the older ones because they would visit her frequently, including for a good part of each summer. The boys and the oldest girl were all very fresh.

    Mrs. J.’s preferred method of punishment was to wack the offender with a wooden spoon. One day she wacked one of the boys with the spoon so hard IT BROKE.

    This happened more than a half-century ago, and has become the stuff of legend. Since I was an eyewitness, Auntie Yonkers is always very much in demand to tell the story of how Grandma J. broke the spoon on Uncle Mikey to the younger generations.

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