What does this list of Representatives and Senators represent? – IOTW Report

What does this list of Representatives and Senators represent?

  • Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick
  • Rep. Bennie Thompson
  • Rep. Dina Titus
  • Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger
  • Rep. Jared Huffman
  • Rep. Jim Cooper
  • Rep. Jim Costa
  • Rep. John Carney
  • Rep. John Garamendi
  • Rep. Keith Ellison
  • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Rep. Peter DeFazio
  • Rep. Peter Welch
  • Rep. Rick Nolan
  • Rep. Ron Kind
  • Rep. Steve Cohen
  • Rep. Tim Ryan
  • Sen. Gary Peters
  • Sen. Harry Reid
  • Sen. Mark Warner
  • Sen. Martin Heinrich
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin
  • Sen. Tim Kaine
  • Sen. Tom Carper

These are the hypocrites who own guns that participated in the gun control sit-in.

12 Comments on What does this list of Representatives and Senators represent?

  1. Id like to know what types of guns they own. Since they exempt themselves from their own legislation, I bet more than a few own guns we peons would be arrested for owning.

    They act as if they have ‘diplomatic immunity’, by exempting themselves from legislation.

    Ask yourselves when they last got raises, (voted upon by themselves, of course). When did you last get a raise? They restrict military and Sicial Security raises to COLA, which is based upon numbers controlled and doctored by the Feds. Last year Yellin declared no raise. Then just after the COLA deadline, she announced that the index had gone up. Sneaky, as usual.

    Congress should NOT vote upon their salaries or the sneaky benefits and perks they receive. We the people should vote upon them. And they should not be reimbursed for more than one business office or home ons what the heck are they doing with government issued cars and drivers!

    Plus, they should not have elaborate housing in Washington, because they should be spending the majority of their time within the state they represent. Give them each nice condos. They only work part time, for heaven’s sake, and even then they spend more time enriching themselves at America’s expense.

  2. Burqa Hussein Obama has proven that we no longer need Congress and the yuge expense they are on the taxpayer wallet! He alone now makes the law and enforces it with loyal backup from the courts. Congresses only job is to take resources from the public and give to him! Heck, he and his minions can do that without breaking a sweat!

  3. Put out some tables with some fried chicken and other eats, just like on Josie Wales.
    Let them put their guns on the gun table and move along or they’ll be kicked so hard they’ll wear their ass for a hat

  4. @ Sam #nevercriminalhillary:

    My last raise was in April 2013. Thanks for asking. My finances are a mess right now because I’m paying 2016 prices on a 2013 income, and no, I DON’T believe the bullshit CPI data the Federal gibmint publishes.

    Many of New York State’s court unions have been without a contract since March 31, 2011–that’s five years, two months, and 25 days. Governonor Douchey-Douche obviously doesn’t see this irresponsible lapse as a priority. Instead he’s focusing on “eliminating civil rights violations against transgendered people in New York State,” being nice to criminals and illegals, keeping New York State mired in perpetual poverty by stubbornly blocking fracking, and sweating Preet Bahara’s next move.

    I agree that our elected officials in D.C. are worse than useless, but right now it’s the clowns in Albany who are really bugging me.

  5. @ greetingsfromyonkers

    I sympathize and empathize. I just left the commie state of Caligornia. People and business are evacuating the state, because of boondoggle Jerry Brown.

    Good luck in New York and God Bless.

  6. @ greetingsfromyonkers – Sorry to hear things are so FUBAR in NY state right now. It just goes to show that incompetent politicians are everywhere, whether it be on the local, state, or national level.

    P.S. – If you ever get totally fed up, remember that the Great State of Texas (and others) can always use good, experienced court workers.


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