“Dictators” Always Evolve – IOTW Report

“Dictators” Always Evolve

DM- Trump says Muslims from ANY country can emigrate to the U.S. if he’s president – but people from ‘terror countries’ will be ‘more severely vetted’ (and ‘all you have to do is look’ to tell which countries are dangerous!)

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I get a kick out of how Trump is simultaneously characterized as a dictator and someone whose positions constantly evolve due to criticism.

All dictators are open to criticism and are constantly listening to the people, right?

If you’ve read Donal Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” you’re aware that one of Trump’s techniques is to start at an extreme position, then ramp it back a bit. He arrives at where he wanted to be all along while making the opposition feel like they’ve secured a victory of sorts.

In the end, Trump’s position will still the most right-wing one available to us in November.



91 Comments on “Dictators” Always Evolve

  1. Boyd is right, Steven in Vegas; Regardless of how many hard cocks have passed through his purple lips, Obama has never softened his position on a damned thing in 7 years.

  2. LC Dan,
    I think your observation is KEY. Trump isn’t doing this for the money like Hildabeast and Bernie, nor because he has an ax to grind against America like Obozo.

    Besides loving this country Trump, I think, wants to be loved. And it won’t take him long to figure out that the way to get the people to love him is to actually do what he promised he’d do to get elected.

    The professional politicians simply don’t care what the people think, because experience has taught them that the people will forget by the next election.

  3. Ever notice that all the rage against Mr. Trump is pure hyperbole?
    These people are railing against their own fevered imaginations.
    Mr. Trump is a model of probity. A defender of America, and American values.
    A plain-spoken man who senses, correctly, that America is in steep decline and wants to assist in its rectification.
    I think that is the reason for their hatred and vitriol.
    Nothing else makes sense.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Trump plays the game the same way the left does. He uses Alinsky Rule For Radicals against them (and it’s about time someone did!) which pisses them off.
    Here are a few examples:

    Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. Trump is doing this brilliantly with Hillary after the Orlando massacre. How can she be for LGBT and women when she takes tens of millions from countries that kill gays and enslave women? (He also used it against her for enabling and destroying the women Bill raped and abused)

    Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. Trump marginalized and ridiculed all 16 of his opponents and is now has a website: LyingCrookedHillary.com

    Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. Trump uses social media and is available for every interview on every station no matter how anti-Trump they are. Hillary, even with a staff of 900, is kept on the defensive and, because she can’t match his energy, will continue to have to battle questions about her health and imperialism.

  5. So, Punch drops the Muslim ban idea and accepts even ones from enemy states, and the discussion revolves around ‘dictator’?
    Are there any more shoes that he can drop? Is there anything he has not reneged on?
    All of you that refuse to put pressure on Trump to slow or reverse his steady leftward movement will be to blame when Hillary accepts the oath of office.

  6. Some Muslims from some countries are committed to terror against the west, including the United States. We have no clue as to why leftists ignore this fact, but they do and clamor to import thousands of Muslims from countries that condone and encourage terrorism.

    Trump’s stance on this aspect of United States immigration policy is both common sense and a no-brainer. Terrorists want to come here, we are pretty sure what group they belong to and where they come from, and Trump wants to try to prevent terrorists from coming here. This is not a sign of a dictator – this is something people should expect from a competent leader.

    The dictator is the man who, when he doesn’t get his way, tries to legislate with his pen. This dictator is supported by members of a political party which has been repudiated at the ballot box, and who now resort to a sit in to prevent Congress from working until they get their way. This dictator is supported to by too many members of the media who are willing to lie and distort to protect him. And we are not in the process of electing the man who would be a dictator wanna-be – we already elected him and now we need to make sure he leaves office and is not replaced by a female dictator wanna-be.

  7. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I went to Trumps website and read his statement. Trumps position is to ban all muslims from entering the country. He didn’t say “refugees” or “immigrants”, he said all muslims. When did he say “Muslims from ANY country can emigrate to the U.S…but people from ‘terror countries’ will be ‘more severely vetted’?

    If that indeed is his position, perhaps he should update his site.

  8. Some people are getting too worked up about Trump’s alleged shift leftward. The cold, hard fact is that he has to poach votes from the left, largely because of #nevertrumpers. Paul Ryan just said he won’t pause muslim immigration, so what is Trump supposed to do to get along with that? George Will just power-pouted out of the GOP with his final request that Trump be defeated. Looks to me like #nevertrumpers are inflexible and deaf to criticism, not Trump.

  9. OOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    The #NeverTrump complaint is that he’s not sticking to a platform that #NeverTrump was never enthralled with?
    Got it.

    When Trump said he was banning all Muslims , Ben Shapiro wrote, “Desperate Trump Drops Ugly Policy Bomb: Ban All The Muslims Abroad.”

    So Trump evolves his position to a “less ugly” one and assholes say “he’s “flip-flopping.”

    Seriously, #NeverTrump people, when viewed objectively, are petulant mental cases.


  10. I’m distressed when anyone who claims they are on the right obsesses whether Trump is going to keep out all Muslims or he’s going to keep out some or he’s going to actually vigorously vet Muslims trying to enter when his opponent is of this position—

    Politifact, the left-of-center mainstream media “fact-checker,” has some bad news for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
    Donald Trump was right when he said Hillary Clinton wants “a 500 percent increase in Syrians refugees” in his Manchester, New Hampshire speech on Monday.

    You have to be a special sort of moron when the republican is far right of the democrat, so far that the leading #NeverTrump moron says the position is too ugly, and is still unhappy when Trump gets less ugly and is still to the right of the democrat opponent.

  11. I have no problem with banning all muslims. Islam is incompatible with western society, and there is no such thing as a moderate muslim. The only reason that muslims seem moderate is because until they reach a certain percentage of the population of whatever nation they are in, they keep a low profile. When that percentage is reached, then they start demanding that the host nation start enacting sharia laws, and if that nation refuses, then they start acting out, and by that I mean they start committing terrorist acts.

    Muslims dont integrate into societies, they assimilate them, and if that society refuses, they kill them.

    I don’t want these animals in my country, and any American who does, is an idiot.

  12. And then there is Corona, again, to tell me to suck my Mothers dick.

    Typical Trump supporter right there, and this is what iOTWr has evolved into.

    All I did was link DJT’s official position. You people are pathetic.

  13. Let me summarize and then you can just go back to whatever it is morons do between making moronic comments.

    -Trump says he wants to keep out the Muslims.
    -#NeverTrump, who would still be cleaning up the mess they made from the thrill up their leg had Cruz said it, write screeds like, “Desperate Trump adopts ugly position.”
    – They call Trump a totalitarian dictator.
    – Trump, responding to #NeverTrump, says, “okay, we’ll look at Muslims on a case by case basis and really do a thorough job of vetting before anyone gets in here.”
    – #NeverTrump uses it against him.
    -Hillary says he’s a xenophobe and will increase Syrian refugees by 500%.
    – Morons like JohnS respond by saying Trump has “positively become like Hillary on this issue,” and continues to attack Trump rather than attack Hillary.
    – #NeverTrump gets insulted when I call them the enemy, yet, to any reasonably objective viewer, it’s clear they are constantly on war footing with Trump no matter what he says or does. There is not one thing he can do or say that will satisfy this collection of deranged jerks who are aiding and abetting Hillary.

  14. Trump said ban them all.
    Now he says even ones coming from our sworn enemies can come in.
    Have the courage to tell me how that is not a betrayal.
    If you can’t, at least tell me how his ‘current’ position is different than Hillary’s as she is all into this ‘vetting’ fetish also. (as is Soetoro).

  15. “I don’t want people coming in — I don’t want people coming in from certain countries,” Trump told the Daily Mail. “I don’t want people coming in from the terror countries. You have terror countries! I don’t want them, unless they’re very, very strongly vetted.”

    “People coming from the terror states — and you know who I’m talking about when I talk about the terror states — we are going to be so vigilant you wouldn’t believe it and frankly a lot will be banned,” Trump later told CNN.


    Hillary wants to expand Syrian refugee settlements by 500%.

    Same as Trump, right?

    You’re being an asshole.
    But at least you don’t whine like Menderman, who is seemingly unaware why people dislike his comments.

    When you constantly, over and over, harangue Trump, even when he moves from the position that the #NeverTrump asswipes condemned as “ugly,” you’re going to get called out as an asswipe.

  16. Trump’s position is desperate.
    He, and his sycophants are sending the right running for the hills. The left is not embracing him.
    It is not too late to put a full court press on this guy and force him over to our side. He listens to people. His followers cheer with every leftward move while shouting down those who don’t, and his loud critics want him to move even more to the left.
    Just where is our voice guiding him towards our principles?
    Straight up;
    He cannot win as Hillary light. We have seen that fail twice before.

  17. You’re not answering my question John.
    You and Menderman both have that habit.
    It reminds me of my progtard brother.

    Was Ben Shapiro wrong to have written the essay where he called Trump’s position on Muslims “desperate and ugly”?

  18. Read my response.
    I agree with Trump’s original position.
    Actually I agree with the stuff posted on his site, and most of his early positions.
    On the other hand, now, he is going to ‘vet’ them. That is exactly the same position Hillary and Soetoro have on the issue.

  19. Quong,

    I always address everyone’s questions and I engage in substance. I cannot say the same for some on the site.

    My entire post is dismissed by some of these cranks.
    I’ve made several points

    – Trump is simultaneously called a potential dictator and totalitarian and a guy who will “abandon” his position when criticized by critiques.
    Which is it? Dictator or negotiator?

    – Trump often takes an extreme position so that when he softens a bit it looks like a concession, making the opposition feel as if they’ve gained a victory. Meanwhile it was his position all along.

    – This “new” position is still well to the right of the opposition, yet, the Trump cranks on the right are not satisfied, entertaining the notion of a Hillary.

    They won’t say they are backing Hillary, but they are certainly not providing the momentum behind Trump that is needed to defeat Hillary.

    There – substantive arguments.
    They will be ignored, or answered in a slippery shitstainy way.

    I don’t have time for that and that’s when I simply call them fucktards.

  20. So you condemned Ben Shapiro for calling Trump’s original position, the one you claim to agreed with, “desperate and ugly’?

    Trump’s original position was “we are going to put a moratorium on allowing Muslim refugees into this country until we can figure out what is going on.”

    Vetting is “figuring out what is going on.”

    Just because you had something else in mind – the figuring out_ don’t blame Trump.
    His position then was as reasonable and bold as it is now.

    You’re ‘desperately’ searching for stuff to condemn Trump with.
    I’m not at all convinced that Trump’s policy regarding Muslims is at all like Hillary’s, nor would he govern like Hillary once he’s president.

  21. Trump will let them through the gates, but it will be our guy doing it, and that is all that counts.>>>

    Who is “them”?

    …it does not fully alleviate concerns about the undermining of the intelligence apparatus, or the failure to differentiate between religious profiling and a religious ban. It’s clear that Trump’s team doesn’t really understand that latter difference, given their open statement today that they will simply ask people if they’re Muslim, and then do nothing if they lie.

    Trump believes the only way to stop terror attacks like those that happened in San Bernardino would be to ban Muslims from entering the country. That’s idiotic, for at least three reasons.
    There Is A Difference Between Profiling And A Religious Ban. Looking at religious practice as one component of Islamic terrorism makes sense, given the association between religious practice and Islamic terror. But Islamic practice is necessary, not sufficient, for Islamic terrorism – in other words, there are lots of Muslims who aren’t terrorists, obviously.

    American Citizens Have Citizenship.

    Kiss Our Intelligence Apparatus Goodnight. We need to work with Muslims both foreign and domestic.

    I look forward to Shapiro, as well as #NeverTrump, writing very favorable articles about Trump’s clarification that gets in line with their thinking.
    They should be thrilled, no?

    I know you’re not because you loved the Trump that #NeverTrump hated. It was obvious that you loved the old Trump. you could never stop writing wonderful things about him on this site.

    Let me go look for those comments.
    I’ll be back with them… never.

  22. My point is this is a place of solidarity, not a place of name calling, vitriol, and thumbing down. If you have something to say, say it. There’s no need call anything but liberals cocksuckers.

    Trolls are trolls.

  23. OK, on bended knee, Shapirio was wrong.
    To repeat myself, Trump’s ban was a good idea.
    Let me ask you;
    Exactly, and specifically, how is Trump’s ‘vetting’ different from Hilary’s or Soetoro’s?
    Not ‘hope and change’, specifics.

  24. I read JohnS dumb ass quote, started to type a responce and need up deleting it. It’s getting kind of boring. A couple random thoughts about Trump to consider. Trumps not a politician he is an awesome business man that has a damn good record of ultimately getting what he wants. I’ve been reading from many conservative pundits for some time now that a conservative will never be elected again because the electrate is stacked. So Trumps a little bit like religion you either have a little faith in what you can’t prove or you’re a non believer. I find most two dimensional thinkers like Mr. Black and White JohnS have no faith. I’m willing to give Trump leeway in his positions if it gets him elected. But at the very least there’s at least three justices in the balance. If JohnS is comfortable with Hillary appointing them he should change his name to JohnS the Traitor. If JohnS is hoping for the UniParty to pull a new candidate out of their ass he should figure out there’s a bunch of us out here that won’t stand for that.

  25. OK, on bended knee, Shapirio was wrong.>>>>

    Can you name any other specific issues that #NeverTrump feels Trump has incorrect?


    Exactly, and specifically, how is Trump’s ‘vetting’ different from Hilary’s or Soetoro’s?>>>

    Well, that’s easy to answer. Soetoro’s vetting failed miserably —> San Bernardino.
    Hillary said she intends on continuing Obama policy. She said she wants to increase Syrian refugee settlement in the U.S. by 500%.

    Trump will not continue Obama policy because he’s called it a total failure.
    His vetting process will be Trump administration vetting. He could let no one in and say, “hey, I vetted them, they all failed.”

    I have no doubt his governance will not be Obama or Clinton governance.
    He is about America first.
    Obama is about America last.

  26. JohnS, I will bet you $10,000.00 dollars my worste year I netted more than your best year bitch. You keep throwing these whacked fucking aqusations out every time I slam dunk your ass, which is not hard to do. SON.

  27. “Next up, dick measuring”

    That’s Bull Shit. Every single time JohnS starts getting his ass kicked he needs to turn to personal attacks. He can’t remain in the Germaine argument. I deserve the right to defend my self. And honestly I don’t think fucking JohnS is what he says he his. I think he lives in his moms basement in Milwaukee.

  28. Loco, my cell phone likes to try and guess what I’m writing. I’m pretty sure it’s in some damn mode I could change. You know funny thing is I can walk up to the most complicated CNC controls, nut tuff cad/cam systems and figure that shit out on my own but I struggle with cell phones and microwaves.

  29. I’ve read all the comments and I know it centers mostly on what Shapiro wrote.

    What may help some who still have their doubts (or like to say they have doubts when really they just won’t be mollified) are two articles from/about Sebastian Gorka, who advised Trump last year on ISIS, Islam and worldwide jihad. He is still actively advising Trump.

    Here is Gorka’s resume: Dr. Sebastian L.v. Gorka is an American writer (and national security advisor) focusing on irregular warfare, including counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. He is the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at the Marine Corps University[1] and the Chairman of Threat Knowledge Group. He is a founding member of the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs[2] and served as the Associate Dean for Congressional Affairs and Relations to the Special Operations Community at the National Defense University. Gorka is also currently affiliated with USSOCOM’s Joint Special Operations University and the Institute of World Politics,[3] is a regular instructor for the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School in Fort Bragg, as well as the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division. He has testified before Congress[4] on the threat of ISIS and Global Jihadism, and briefed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Intelligence Council, the National Counterterrorism Center and the Commandant of the Marine Corps.[5] Born in the United Kingdom to Hungarian parents, Dr. Gorka became an American citizen in 2012.[6]

    Gorka is the author of 2016 book Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War published by Regnery ~ Wiki

    Here is the article in which Gorka talks about Trump’s ultimate view of radical Islam: Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Trump ‘Wants to Be a War President Who Wins’

    Here is another article in which Gorka compares Trump to Killery: Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Unlike Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump ‘Actually Believes We Are at War, and He Wants to Win’

    I write this for two reasons: 1) I don’t care what Ben Shapiro says about Trump — he and his #NT crowd could number 10M and Trump can (will) still win the election without them. And, 2) It is highly improbable, in my opinion, that Trump would simultaneously wage a definitive war on radical Islam while importing would-be terrorists from any part of the world.

    That’s right, I said 10M. It’s June 25th, I’m done with arguing facts against hard feelings. If someone is still trying to convince voters that Trump is too iffy, too flip-floppy, too much a of risk — they are working “with her.” I don’t care if you say that your voting for him. He is the nominee for our side. Brad Thor isn’t going to rescue you at the convention. And neither is Paul Ryan or that ass in Virginia who is suing to unbind the delegates. If you are still sowing seeds of doubt and baseless fear, it would be better for you to vote for Killery and work for her side.

  30. From Menderman’s link-

    “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad.”

    We can replace the last word with another and it sounds like he’s talking about Menderman,

  31. Yes. The operative words are “beyond comprehension.” I’m taking my cue from those words and moving on. To do anything else at this point is utterly futile, exhausting.


  32. Brad,
    I can understand your frustration.
    It definitely seems to me that some on this site cannot accept that 99% of the people here are committed to defeating Hillary, and Trump doesn’t come close to how he is characterized by the detractors.

    But still they plug away, time after time after time, with their obtuseness, expecting a different outcome.

    So, I can understand why you get sucked into what’s become an ongoing pissing match that goes afield from the central arguments.

    I wish it wouldn’t happen, that’s all.
    But I feel your pain.

    I’m continually amazed that Menderman keeps showing up to dig and jab and then balls up in the corner when people express that they don’t want to read his bullshit.

    Trump makes a remark that is ever so closer to the people he admires and his response is to come here and remark that Trump should update his site.

    What is that? How is this not the kind of sniping some bitch would make?

    Does he expect that one day his stupid little remarks are going to have people saying, “you know what? You’ve convinced me. I’m joining your position, whatever the fuck it is you say it is.”

    He seems to be genuinely amazed that the people here are committed to defeating Hillary and do not care for his passive aggressive stupid little comments.

  33. Typical Trump supporter right there, and this is what iOTWr has evolved into.>>>

    iOTW is a site committed to defeating the left at all costs.
    We’re friggin’ NUTS, I tell ya.

    (psssst. We haven’t changed. You have.)

  34. FUR, I’ll try and avoid pissing matches in the future. I identify as a angry young black man. Even though I’m older than dirt.
    Trumps our only card to play at this stage. Some of us embrace it. Others don’t get it.

  35. @BB aha now I get it, the reason y’all are on the trump train is because he has secretly communicated with you in Japanese and since I don’t read it, I have been unaffected. good to know

  36. DaPenguin-
    the widget I found for thumbing up is made by some girl in China.
    When your comment gets enough thumbs down it says
    “comment rating too low to display.” (Or something like that.)
    But if you click the message it displays the comment.

  37. Why? I do get that 5 million dollar goobermint grant that goes with dick measuring, right?
    Wrapping the hands and measure in ice bags in preparation.

  38. “Trumps our only card to play at this stage. Some of us embrace it. Others don’t get it.”

    I get it. I’m just afraid he’s a two of clubs.

    Even so, NotClinton.

  39. BFH, go back and read my first comment. How is that a jab at Trump? It was a simple question. Apparently he told a British paper a different position and I was unaware of that. He needs to clarify that on his official website. I am told I can go to his website and read every position that he holds in great detail, so I did, and linking his official position is a jab trying to elect Hiliary?

    And when the insults started flying, I turned of my computer and watched a movie. There is no debate here anymore, just name calling. I have no need to waste my time with that.

    Now, can you please share a link with Trump’s new Muslim position?

    Thank you.

  40. Our society has been weakened by decades of liberal erosion. Anyone who doesn’t realize the effects of this on our institutions and on our Constitutional guarantees needs to have their heads examined. Preferably first removed from their shoulders prior to the examination.

    I fear that a Hillary presidency will finish the job. Trump is the only other viable Constitutionally friendly alternative that I see.

    As far as Muslim immigration, Trump is absolutely correct.

    Does anyone posting on this thread understand how manpower intensive a background investigation is? How many federal agents/investigators/clerks are be sidelined by this? And don’t forget the medieval conditions under which these immigrant wannabes’ documents are stored in their home countries or the efforts made by their home countries to hide incriminating documents. These immigrants can change their names, country of origin and religious/political affiliations at the drop of a hat; how are you going to drill through the intentional obfuscation without tying up people who could be more usefully employed with present threats to our country rather than potential ones??

    We do not have any legal or moral obligation to open our borders to everyone and anyone who claims they need asylum without first ascertaining whether or not they are a threat to this country.

    We are at war with Islam. We didn’t invite Japs and Germans to immigrate here during WWII and we should follow suite now. Keep them all the hell out until the current dust up is settled. Then and only then pick up this discussion again.

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