‘We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States’: Donald Trump – IOTW Report

‘We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States’: Donald Trump

With this simple statement, “We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States,” Donald Trump has contrasted himself enough to make the choice between Clinton, a leftist dhimmi, and himself, very stark and clear.

Yet, there are still dullard mouth breathers who are conflicted. This is not a joke anymore. As these horrific scenes keep piling up, my loathing of the #NeverTrump, #FreeTheDelegates crowd increases.

The behavior of this assemblage reminds me very much of the leftists in the EU who want to nullify the voice of the Brexiters. The outcome cannot stand because it is an outcome that disappoints. Outcomes that delight are righteous. Second and third bites of the apple are necessary, and righteous, when important decisions are to be made. In fact, some decisions are so important votes shouldn’t have been offered in the first place. In those instances, outcomes must be dictated.

Ironically, Trump was the blocking agent to a GOP dictate – a Jeb Bush coronation. Now we have #NeverTrump dopes looking to the GOP to anoint anyone other than Trump, proving that you cannot fix stupid.

Prior to this primary season these same jackasses looked around and wondered, “how can the GOP keep handing us sh!t sandwiches like Jeb? Where do they get this power from?”

Gee, I wonder where?



  • Trump has reacted to terror attack in Turkey that has left at least 36 dead
  • He tweeted: ‘Will the world ever realize what is going on? So sad.’
  • Also said the US must do everything to stop more attacks happening there
  • Three explosions rocked Istanbul’s Ataturk airport at 8pm GMT Tuesday
  • Deadly attack has injured more than 140 people, death toll expected to rise
  • Presumptive nominee also reiterated his call for return of waterboarding

Watch the #NeverTrump mob condemn waterboarding.

Please don’t force me to google you and resurrect your defense of waterboarding 6 years ago.

Read more:


23 Comments on ‘We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States’: Donald Trump

  1. The thing about Trump, he won’t be President long before he decides we are playing only defense in this war on terror, and decides to go on offense.
    Terrorism is like deferred maintenance to guys like Trump who own and operate properties.
    They cannot abide it, because they know it leads to system-wide failures and loss of revenue and capital and can destroy the whole property.

  2. If what is going on right now reminds us of the EU versus BREXIT, it’s because it IS the same people who animate the fight against people like Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, et al. There are no physical, national borders involved — it is a global force trying to stamp out anti-establishment wild fires. Every single person, from Ben Shapiro to Paul Ryan is knowingly connected, (or is stupidly being used by) these forces.

    Trump has been against globalism — though maybe not calling it that by name — for 30 years.

  3. …and their battle axe (besides literally Killery) is the cry of ___phobe! And “racist!” That is the string of epithets leveled at tens of millions of Americans by Killery on the campaign trail. It is the same charge made against BREXIT’s by the Remains (EU).

  4. TO AA

    You know that phrase, “I didn’t leave the Dems/GOP; they left me”?

    I’d say this is a similar situation, in which Trump, as many of us, have been pro-American for decades yet…with the shift of time and “loyalties/allegiancies”…that same position/attitude has morphed into (been defined more as) “nationalism” (versus “globalism”).

    You can say I’m splitting hairs, but the whole thing seems important to me…especially in the context of the alt-Right/Neo-Nazis (yes, I consider them two sides of the same coin IMHO) pushing the whole “nationalism” thing for an unhealthy goal.

  5. CoD — Can you tell me what you mean in your second para? I got a little confused by “..pushing the whole “nationalism” thing for an unhealthy goal.”

    I completely agree, however, if you mean this election has all come down to Us (nationalists) versus Them (globalists).

  6. “I completely agree, however, if you mean this election has all come down to Us (nationalists) versus Them (globalists).”

    That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been saying. And it’s just stated. I predict you will find out that a lot of these #NeverTrump and #FreetheDelegates groups are getting their strings pulled by very wealthy people or corporations that got that way by watching the middle class burn.

  7. BB — What has been kinda funny to watch (I know, in a dark humor sort of way) is the apparent amnesia that “global” means, like, global. I’m not sure where people, generally, locate “global”, if they seem to think it’s Geo. Soros somewhere in E. Europe or guys with slavic/British accents hole up at the London School or what. I think if we ever knew exactly, it would more likely be a bunch of guys with Texas accents who speak fluent Arabic.

  8. Burner — Actually, my point is that I think when people think of globalists, the last place they think of it’s biggest support is here in the U.S. It only makes sense that those who are best able to drive a global economy are the guys who are in charge of the markets and exchanges. My reference to Texas is about the energy coin of the realm worldwide and its specific tie to OPEC.

  9. He had a plan to do that.
    Ban Muslims until we figure out the security issues.
    Now that he has abandoned that and wants to accept even ones from terrorist countries, what is his plan?
    he says ‘vet’ them, but that is what is already being done.

  10. Vetting is NOT being done.

    Trump has said, “we will not cut off all access to America for Muslims. We will take it case by case and vet and see what’s what.” (paraphrasing.)

    I am fully confident this was said to placate the likes of ASSSSSSSSSHOLESSSSSSSSSS like #NeverTrump and that whiny little bitch Ben Shapiro, who seizes on leftist talking points to denigrate Trump for reasons only known to shitheads like him.
    I am fully confident that Trump’s vetting process is going to result in no Muslims passing the test. That’s the way Trump rolls.
    “Yeah, we vetted. They all failed.”

    But here’s the thing you cannot get through your skull.
    Even if Trump arrives at a plan that is only mildly to the right of Hillary (which I don’t believe will be the case), that’s good enough for me. Why?
    Because I’m not an insane bitch who has a wild hare up his ass about Trump.
    I have a wild hare up my ass about Hillary, as should ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL people on the right.
    If you don’t, I suspect you’re not one of us.

    If there was a person running against Hillary who mirrored everything she said, but they didn’t have the corruption and history of being a Clinton, they’d have my vote.

    Don’t you get it?

    There will be no Cruz. There will be no Walker. There will be no one but Trump and Clinton, so stop your weepy nostalgia and fever dreams.

    If you keep indicating that you are more of an agent for getting Hillary elected than you are for Trump, you are my enemy.

    STFU. This is well past being annoying.

  11. Donald Trump is getting wiped out. Trump is losing all seven of the Ballotpedia battleground polls to Clinton:

    Florida: Clinton +14
    Iowa: Clinton +4
    Michigan: Clinton +17
    North Carolina: Clinton +10
    Ohio: Clinton +9
    Pennsylvania: Clinton +14
    Virginia: Clinton +7
    What a disaster! This poll suggests that Trump is not a serious contender. Further, according to Ballotpedia’s predictive modeling Trump would lose the battleground by 10 points in the two-party vote.

  12. BFH since when is asking a politician for specifics as to how they will accomplish something wrong?
    My question was valid. Trump has changed positions and is now using the exact same word that Hillary and Soeotoro are. If that word, when spoken by Trump means something totally different than it has meant in politics for many many years, he needs to make that point.
    Until then voters can see no difference between what Trump is saying and what the Democrats are.
    Trump used to make the valid point that the vetting process was a failure and needed to be scrapped.
    Most voters don’t believe Trump speaks a different language, so his words are taken at face value.

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