Brexit the Movie – IOTW Report

Brexit the Movie

I hate this movie, because it’s taking me away from the work I have to do right now. I envy you if you have an hour to spare. This is time well spent.

ht/ Annie

13 Comments on Brexit the Movie

  1. Is anyone watching the “North American Leaders Summit” in Ottowa this morning? Gah!! I guess they’ve decided to go ahead and operate as though there already is a North American Union. The whole phony baloney ‘justice’ agenda is on tap today: Climate Change, LBGTQ Rights, Diversity, etc. I’m about to throw up. Not a single word yet about islamic terrorism.

  2. I watched it and I will watch it again. Donald Trump should study it to sharpen up on “trade agreements” and maybe get Mark Levin off his back. Go England! Be great again, but with a heart this time.
    Great Movie BFH.

  3. Powerful. Biased. Convincing. You can see how the powers that be in this country are systematically destroying US industry and initiative for the global good. We must establish ourselves again as unique amongst nations and serve our needs above all else. Trump he is the wheel stop before the precipice.

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