What’d she do? – IOTW Report

What’d she do?

She did everything on this list, and more, except number 7.

Her phony baloney foundation was set up to launder dirty money and line her own pockets.

She is to public service what Al Capone was to neighborhood watch.

hillary for prison construction sign hacked

2 Comments on What’d she do?

  1. 100% brilliant!

    I still think you should photo shop the zapruder film so Uncle Same is being shot and then photo shop the Lee H Oswald photo where he is holding the gun and the News Paper to being Obama & Hillary with “the only questions is which one was on the grassy knoll and which one was in the book depository- does it really matter?

  2. Through 2014 the clintons raised over $2 billion from U.S. corporations, foreign governments and corporations, political donors, and various other groups and individuals.

    The Clinton foundation was the vehicle for pay to play politics. Insider contracts and grants to family, friends, employees, governments, special interest groups, corporations and they in turn donated millions to the foundation.

    Look at their personal history, Deceit, Coercion and Corruption are the Clinton’s way to wealth and power.
    END the cycle.

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