A Good Measure of Your Candidate Is To Watch Who DOESN’T Endorse Him – IOTW Report

A Good Measure of Your Candidate Is To Watch Who DOESN’T Endorse Him

Francois Hollande doesn’t like Trump and says his presidency would be dangerous for the EU.

The Times of Israel reports that both the president and prime minister of France thinks Trump is a “bad man.”

What an endorsement!!!!

We’veĀ found ourĀ candidate!!!!

ht/ The Big Owe

10 Comments on A Good Measure of Your Candidate Is To Watch Who DOESN’T Endorse Him

  1. Put the tepid “endorsements” of McConnell and Ryan in the same hopper-right along those flat out rejecting him like Romney, Will, Shapiro, Erickson, Kaminsky, Williamson…

  2. How could he have time to call Trump any schoolyard names when Climate Chaos, the largest threat on Earth, was declared by the French Foreign Minister on May 2014 to take place in 500 days? He’s butthurt about the climate not killing off half the planet yet and has plenty of extra time on his hands, evidently. Go crawl in a hole with Hillary, Francois.

  3. funny, all trump has ever advocated policy wise is for real support and defense of the usa and it’s citizens from it’s national government.

    now who can seriously be critical of a national government or candidate being in support of and defending it’s own citizens?

    I find no controversy in trump stated policies at all, how do these others?

  4. You know how close over target you are by the flak being hurled in your direction. (like monkeys at the zoo hurling their feces)
    I’d say Trump is, if not directly over target, very darn close.

  5. I have never really cared for Donald Trump, he used to call in to Fox News quite often, and I found him annoying in that capacity.

    When he decided to run for POTUS, I didn’t really pay much attention…until John McCain started denigrating him and his supporters…that’s when I started paying attention to what he had to say. When the ‘genteel’ punditocracy started really laying into him, because he said what he thought without PC filters, that’s when I became really interested.

    Now, the more the Democrats and GOP elite criticize Trump, the more I’m convinced he’s the better candidate than any of the political lackeys the Chamber of Commerce, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and all of their little media minions prefer.

    You can definitely judge Trump’s candidacy by the enemies he has accrued.

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