Ya, Well, Stop the Presses – New Polling Tells a Different Tale Than the Slanted NBC Poll – IOTW Report

Ya, Well, Stop the Presses – New Polling Tells a Different Tale Than the Slanted NBC Poll

The reports of Trump’s demise were greatly exaggerated by an NBC/Washington Post poll that right-wing d-bags were all willing to believe because of their hatred of Trump. (Funny, you didn’t see people on the left gloating. In fact, their message was to not get complacent, that Trump has always been underestimated.)

Earlier this week a Quinnipiac poll had Trump and Hillary in a statistical dead heat.

The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump AHEAD.


The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


At the very least, in order to avoid a rabbit punch to the esophagus, maybe these a-holes who run around saying, “Trump can’t win anyway,” as a way of mitigating their shame in allowing Hillary to win because of their inaction, should STFU.

I have never been more ashamed of and outraged by fellow “right-wingers” that could for one second entertain the notion of allowing a Hillary presidency to take place. Maybe now that this one pillar that they keep leaning on is removed they will start seeing the light.



24 Comments on Ya, Well, Stop the Presses – New Polling Tells a Different Tale Than the Slanted NBC Poll

  1. I spent the last couple days driving around 1200 miles in Oregon and Washington. It is getting noticeable how many Trump signs you see out there. On another note, that damn Mark Levin could not have been more satisfied discussing the polls that showed Trump losing. I am way tired of that guy.

  2. I vow to not pay any attention to any poll forever. They are useless. We cheer for the ones we want and boo when they go the other way, and they never seem to be right. Why do people keep paying for them?

  3. 8 years of Obama giving away unlimited free kool-aid (because of Bush) and people (conservatives as well) are going to be butthurt when the punch bowl is taken away; they want the kool-aid to keep flowing by voting for Hillary (because of Bush). Figure a good chunk of the #nevertrump crowd has been subject to all the failures of the country because of the previous conservative president, Bush. #nevertrump is because of BOOOSH. They can’t stand the thought of another Bush – Even if DJT is the greatest conservative to walk the face of Earth, the democrats hijacked the narrative. It’s also why Jeb! couldn’t poll his way out of a wet paper bag. You thought it was ridiculous that 0bama blames Bush at every goddamn turn for years and years – Ha! It was one of their greatest tactics and now we’ve got conservatives who won’t vote for their representative; they are part of the low information crowd.

  4. You know liberals are entering panic mode when the likes of Jake Tapper start quoting Obama has Trump living rent free in his head and Obama can’t stop his none sensical tourette syndrome like attacks on Trump and he he plans to go on the trail for her next week claiming he is the true populist. This could be entertaining!

  5. Joe Six. I feel the same way about Levin. Last night he reminded us that Trump “just barely won” over the others. I say Trump trounced a field of seventeen good people and tore across the finish line like Secretariat. Levin is smitten by Cruz’s loss. So was I, as I supported Cruz because he’s a damn good man. Levin is acting like a child and it pisses me off. He should throw his full support behind Trump and help, not hinder him. Instead he has joined the elitist snobs like Will,Goldberg,Kristol, Erickson, Beck etc. which can only help Killary. A pox on all their houses.

  6. My big concern with the election is the percentage of voter fraud. They pulled a fast one on us in 2012 and nobody said a word. Now there is so much more at stake I am afraid they’ll double and triple down. The media will hide them, and the gop(e?),they may even commit the fraud themselves. We need monster vote.

  7. Sadly, I have to agree about Mark Levin.
    The other day the Benghazi report was issued.
    What did Levin do?
    He spent his show trashing Trump’s trade speech.
    I had to turn it off.

    Benghazi is tee’d up ready to hit out of the park but no!
    Fuck it Mark, get on board!

  8. Moe, you’re right. Mark Levin and Landmark Legal Foundation has done some great work, but his attitude toward Trump makes him almost intolerable to listen to anymore. Him and the #NeverTrumpers can kiss my homesick ass!

  9. Can’t rely on polls, polls make some voters complacent, and of course there are the sheep, who only want to vote for whoever is most popular.

    I would rather have the lying, manipulative pollsters favor Hillary, and let the lazy, do-nothing Democrats stay home with their hangovers, instead of getting up off of their lazy asses. Much like the good for nothing anti-Brexit, crybaby culties (most of whom have absolutely no idea what the EU even is, even though they live there).

    I’m sure the fraud will be astronomical, and everyone needs to be aware that we need the landslide of landslides to win.

  10. My husband and I loath Trump. We supported Cruz. However, on election day we will wear our “hazmat” gear and vote for Trump. FYI – he won the nomination, any crap at the convention will be ill-advised. Hillary has to be stopped. NEVER HILLARY…NEVER BUSH…NEVER ROMNEY.

  11. Moe Tom and Joe6Pack
    Levin’s attacks on the Republican nominee this year is nothing new.
    Be aware that Levin attacked Romney night after night after the 2012 nomination (and before). I think he attacked Romney as “not a true conservative” more than he attacked the real enemy Obama. Every night. I contend Levin had a chilling effect on Republican turnout, so Obama won. I had to shut off the download of his podcast. He’s kind of whacko at times. Like now.

  12. Levin’s show follows a local w Texas host and I was preparing dinner and it came on. I haven’t listened for 5-6 months now and it used to be a nightly never miss. He played about 10 minutes of George C Scott’s Patton addressing the troops. To what end, I have no fucking idea.

    Then he launched into Trump bashing-fuck him. He’s way past his use date. Unbelievable he and others would rather have Hillary elected. From Day1 she will work to make sure that a conservative is NEVER elected president again.

  13. It’s too early for the polls to mean much of anything. And the downside of this one is that if the dems panic enough they will put someone in the ring without Hilary’s baggage. Nobody had heard of Obozo before he got nominated.

  14. Joe It was Candy Crowley who stomped Romney. I don’t remember if Levin was harsh towards him. But he is not giving Trump a break. He’s all Cruz. See,Ted wouldn’t say that. Ted wouldn’t do that. Ted knows the Constitution. Ted has nice hair. Ted speaks like a President. Ted is the fucking bees knees. We know that Mark, but Ted is not the nominee, and he won’t be. It’s Trump or Killary.
    Make your choice.

  15. I stopped trusting Levin when he ruthlessly attacked the “Birthers” for daring to hold a candidate accountable. Oh and but the way, Obama could have been born in the middle of DC with all 9 Supreme Court Justices present and signing sworn affidavits to witnessing and Obama still wouldn’t be qualified, Barack Sr was Kenyan therefore Dual-Citizen and not Natural Born. Anyway, yes it is still worth harping on because with the right people in power every Bill Obama signed could instantly be nullified!

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