CONTEST – REARRANGE the letters of One Word of a Movie or TV Show Title and Add Short Synopsis – IOTW Report

CONTEST – REARRANGE the letters of One Word of a Movie or TV Show Title and Add Short Synopsis

Winner Will Receive a Keith Sullivan Memorial Whistle. I will judge. Ends 3 PM Sunday et.

This is the contest. Rearrange the letters in one word of a movie or a TV show and then give a short synopsis.

Batman Begins –>  Batman Binges: Robin gives Batman a Blu-Ray of Game of Thrones. While he binge watches, the Joker takes over Gotham City.

To Kill a Mockingbird –> To Kill a Mr. Bingo Dick: A senior citizen tries to kill a lawyer’s grandkids because he helped a black guy win at Bingo.

Seinfeld —-> Snide Elf: a wise-cracking upper-west side elf and his 3 colorful friends participate in a show about nothing.

200 Comments on CONTEST – REARRANGE the letters of One Word of a Movie or TV Show Title and Add Short Synopsis

  1. My Cousin Yenniv….Two friends are crossing the Russian frontier and are accused of killing a tzar. Their only hope is one of their cousins who just passed the 2nd grade…

  2. Gilligan’s And Lis – Gilligan meets a hot island girl, and they turn the island into a weird reality show in an attempt to steal the Howell’s money.

  3. The Dog Father….A pack of Italian greyhounds start a crime family in New York and are always looking for Fredo, but Fredo couldn’t swim cuz he was shot in the head…

  4. Divorce Court = Divorce Corpse

    Show about a typical moderate muslim family in which the women are veiled and the men shower them with gifts of stone and acid.

  5. Hanes….cowboy flick where a stranger rides into the ranch only wearing tighty whities. befriends a young lad and then the dog dies at the end…

  6. The Silence of the Blams….Silencers are put on all guns and nobody can hear them. Then they eat a leg of lamb. Herb crusted, mint jelly….chased down with a provocative Petit Sirah….

  7. Around The World On Eighty Million Dollars

    Freeloadin president brings his wookie and their demon spawn Sasquatch and Malaria on a globe trotting spending spree to spend as much of hard earned taxpayer’s money as possible.

  8. Iron Nam. A soldier in Viet Nam injured by a bomb, crawls into a cave to recover and build a super suit which he uses to fight the Viet Cong.

    Planet of the Peas: Astronauts on a mission go off course and crash on a planet where giant spherical vegetables rule the planet and have enslaved humans.

  9. Gofar….two small town criminals kidnap a bearded goat that is wealthy and the pregnant sheriff must find them before they get to Gofar ND….and then they chip some tree limbs for sport because there’s no cable in Gofar North Dakota….

  10. Nicer Shit (Christine)
    The story of a vintage automobile possessed by supernatural forces. The car has a fixation for fine excrement and is constantly killing people and regenerating itself in search of the prefect pile of nicer shit.

    (I must be nuts)

  11. Smar Attacks Gay little munchkin contracts aids at a distant gay bar so Smar goes on a rampage while uttering strange religious phases then mows down all his mo com-padres. Kuala ban trackback which translates to I cum in piece.

  12. How the Stew was Won…Martha Stewart gets out of prison and fixes a meal for hunters, trappers, and gold seekers that are out to kill her….Walter Brennon provided the recipe for the beurre blanc….

  13. Nuke Smog.

    Kim Jung un thinks he just nuked South Korea. No one is brave enough to tell him he accidentally took out his favorite bakery around the corner

  14. Pot Gun – Tom Cruise stars as an obsessive/compulsive narcotics squad detective who goes murderously berserk whenever he smells burning marijuana…or, tragically for his family, overcooked lasagna.

  15. A Hard, Dazed, Knight.
    After a jost, but before the ball, the unsuspecting knight is slipped a potion, a mix of local herbal viagra and laudanum. His pimply faced, thirty-eight stone, virgin, third cousin, Geraldine has plans for him.

  16. Stew World – A Yul Brynner look-alike robotic short order cook has a macabre programming failure when he solves his raw ingredient supply problem by falling back on his high-level directive “to serve the customers.”

  17. Good Will Humping. She takes care of the precreational activites of down on thier luck men who have no where else to go, no money to get there and nothing to do once they’ve settled in.

  18. Scarf Ace
    The effete sales guy in the Men’s Wear department who specializes in ties, belts, hats and other accutraments required by any daring and dashing dude.

  19. Laws
    He was known as an ambulance chaser, a wheeling, dealing lawyer, always on the edge of the rules, will to argue any case. For the right price. He was the proverbial punchline of so many lawyer-jokes. He was called The Shark.

  20. The Corky Horror Picture Show

    Mr and mrs Corkys car breaks down in the dead of night. They make their way to a White House where there is a halloween ball in progress. The pResident is Frank N. Furter, an apparent mad man who actually is an alien transvestite who creates a living muscle man named Michelle in his laboratory. The mad man screws everyone, and eventually citizens of the surrounding area discover the treachery and destroy him

  21. “The Bride of Ken-Frank-Stein”

    Boris Karloff’s iconic lurching monster meets his match in his drunken bride at Ken & Franks pub known as the Stein in this darkly witty 1935 sequel to the horror classic.

  22. S.H.A.M.

    A politics-as-usual story of a scamp named Hilarity lying her way almost to the top when her whole house of cards falls right before election day! Spoiler Alert! She’s honored by the Republicans (OH MY!) by having the prison she’s sent to re-named after her. And she likes it! Happy ending rating: 8.5 ( -1.2 points for her being alive at the end of the movie)

  23. Touch of Vile

    returned to his powerful position as police chief in a corrupt texas town, Sheriff Vile opens the borders to allow hundreds of illegal immigrants entrance to his city. Complicit in his treachery is the town board and elected officials. Patriots arise and cast out the turncoats. A story of cruely, treachery and greed and the overcoming spirit of patriots.

  24. Borin’ Hood – Robbin’ an his posse be pissed at da man fo stealin they benjamins. They aim ta take down da Sheriff an Nut ‘n’ Ham when they be comin back fo mo, but they neva show agin. So Robbin’ an posse get tard a waitin an go back to they fun knockout games.

  25. You Got LIMA

    Man with 100% occluded Coronary Artery discovers to his delight that his Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) is the perfect bypass graft. And it will last for ten years!!

  26. Libby the Dik.

    Young boy is orphaned when Mexican illegals shoot down his parents near the Rio Grand. Blames the NRA and goes on rampage to have all legal gun owners disarmed.

  27. Straight outta Lynbrook

    Jewish Princess from suburban Long Island has a big culture clash when she unknowingly sublets an apartment that is in a public housing complex in the gritty Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn.

  28. (NOTE: I typed in the following before I double-checked and saw that Diogenes Sarcastica had already used the movie title. I am going ahead and submitting it because I hate to waste the keystrokes, but please note that I consider this entry disqualified because she got there first.)

    Reservoir Gods – A dyslexic California sorcerer misreads a spell for bringing rain during a drought and accidentally summons the spirits of Neptune and Poseidon, who gain dominance over the L.A. water supply.

  29. The Grand Budapest Helot

    A Spartan serf flees to Hungary where he is enslaved by the Visagoths but eventually marries well, opens a casino and rakes in a fortune off the invading Romans.

  30. Casa Banal

    Rick opens up a boring, dreary nightclub on the outskirts of Newark and is over run by democrats. He falls in love with a club-footed librarian who leaves him after corrective surgery. Rick is last seen boarding a flight to Omaha with his Corgi.

  31. How To Train Your Gonad

    A young viking boy enters puberty with much fear and trepidation but with the help of a friendly mentor, makes his journey into adulthood via pillage and rape.

  32. I salute you all… no shortage of snark or intellect around here! Thanks for the laughs! I submit my humble entry…

    The Long Kiss Gin-hotdog… Amnesiac spy makes out with culinary cocktail.

  33. Debbie Does Sallad

    Hot porn star Debbie uses cucumbers, carrots, peppers and her own special salad dressing to create a culinary masterpiece guaranteed to keep viewers cumming back form

  34. Sad Boot
    The animated tale of a lost right RINO boot separated from the leftist boot it admires and emulates. Meanwhile, the boots longsuffering owner who does not have two left feet, wishes the right boot is found and realizes it proper function.

  35. The DoD Couple – Transgender couple who run the department of defense. [F*ck You 0bama!]

    (I know I’m a day late, had to get that out of my system)

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