Judicial Watch president: Lynch ‘blew up’ Clinton probe – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch president: Lynch ‘blew up’ Clinton probe

Tom Fitton is calling on the DOJ Inspector General to investigate the AG’s meeting with Bill Clinton.

16 Comments on Judicial Watch president: Lynch ‘blew up’ Clinton probe

  1. The scum bags running this country are now so brazen that they perform their shenanigans right out in public view with no apparent concern or fear of repercussions!!

  2. You can call on them all you want but they’re not going to answer-in fact count on them doubling down.

    Obama/Jarrett have seen absolutely no blowback to almost 8 years of giving us and a feckless Congress the finger to our face. You think they’re going to change now?

  3. @Sam Samm
    They are brazen about it because they know the media apparatus is on their team , has their backs and will not hold them to account for any wrong doing.

    This is the mortal danger of having a media with one political perspective that is essentially a mouthpiece for one political party.

    The Dem party and the media are simply two components of the same entity.(Ann Coulter correctly labeled the Dems as “the media party”)

    The ideologically driven corruption of the media is the number one public policy issue of our time.

  4. Fitton’s no dummy, but he seems a tad naive.
    He’s been banging his head against the gov’t wall for years.

    They’re corrupt, Mr. Fitton, and they don’t give a fig who knows it.
    In fact, they’re proud of it, and shove it in our faces every chance they get.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. the head of the clinton mafia meets the consigliari of the obomba mafia.

    This is what happens when there is no opposition to your policies, no opposition to your new laws and bills, no one effectively challenging your lies and distortions you acquire carte blanche to do anything your corrupt and traitorous heart desires.

  6. For starters, why are no conspiracy charges being brought against Bill Clinton, for willfully entering (no pun) the situation? He knew exactly what he was doing. He orchestrated the whole meeting.
    Second why has she not resigned?
    Third why is not EVERY law enforcement official connected to the Justice Dept. in this country calling for her head?
    Four, If the fix is not in, why are the President and the Vice President scheduling events with a target of the FBI AND the Justice Dept.
    This is all a sham.
    I expect massive voter fraud, and a Hilary Presidency ruled by Vice and Corruption on a literally global scale
    This depresses a truly positive person

  7. I used to give money to Judicial Watch but after awhile it became apparent that nothing was going to happen. What good is getting the information if you’re not going to use it to PROSECUTE? Nobody goes to jail, gets fired or even reprimanded.
    These people will go down in history as great leaders when in fact they all should be convicted felons and traitors.
    I feel sorry for future generations, they will never know what it was like to live in a FREE country!

  8. Apparently, The Clinton Crime Family® and its army of dirty tricksters, apparatchiks, and paid informers (e.g. Sydney Blumenthal)have dug up something damning and/or possibly criminal against the sitting Attorney General, and the ol’ Slickster just decided to drop it on her.

    “So, what’s a little quid pro quo between folks that have so much to lose?” he asks.

    Damn them all.

  9. “… with no apparent concern or fear of repercussions!!”

    And why should they be concerned or fearful?
    We, the People of the United States, the Sovereign of this (once) great nation, are a giant, retarded, blind imbecilic infant, shitting our pants and grasping at ephemeral “free” shit while being raped, sodomized, and abused by our “elected” and unelected “Masters.”

    If we’re stupid and worthless enough to endure it, why should they change it?

    The fact that we haven’t hanged them (media and the socialists) is proof that we’re NOT going to hang them. Thus; Obola can continue his arrogations, the Clintons can continue their corruptions, the media can continue their lies, the Fed can continue to sabotage the economy, Wall St. can continue its thefts, the Churches can continue to preach Satanism, the IRS can continue targetting, the EPA can continue to confiscate through “regulation,” the illegal alien invading feral rat-people can continue to come here and eat our substance, &c., &c., &c.

    We’re eating shit, and they’ve told us it’s chocolate.
    As long as we keep eating it, and pretending to enjoy it, why should it change?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Judicial Watch is doing a great job in exposing corruption. It is up to prosecutors, the DOJ, Congress, and the media to pursue, prosecute, and jail the bastards. And THAT is the problem. Democrats will not prosecute Democrats. Today’s Democrats have little interest in the future of America, just their own futures.
    #proud American.

  11. Any glimmer of hope I might have had about the AG’s ethics went downthe tube with that stunt. Someone surely gave her a heads up that he was on his way at some point before he was standing in front of her.

    She was obligated to have him stopped or to make sure she was not available to him. Its called Lawyer ethics 101. In most states, licensed lawyers are required to take a class or two on the subject every 3 or so years.
    I guess she missed the class.

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