The Negro Travelers’ Green Book – IOTW Report

The Negro Travelers’ Green Book

Before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, black people needed a travel guide that would let them know where blacks were allowed to stay. The last Green Book was published in 1966.

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10 Comments on The Negro Travelers’ Green Book

  1. Sometimes I sit back and reflect on the fact that when I was little, Black folks (“Negroes”, actually – “Black” was considered insulting at the time), rode in the back of the bus, had their own separate schools, movie theaters, taxicab companies, drinking fountains, restrooms, etc., etc. Young Blacks today have no concept of how much things have improved to their benefit in my lifetime alone. How could they, really?

    …Now where’s those damn reparations?!


  2. Yeah, the “bad old days” when negroes mostly married and raised their own children, didn’t murder (abort) them at the whim of socialism, and held gainful employment, striving to achieve the American Dream, cuz there was NO gov’t teat to suck off of, generation after generation, and there REALLY is pride in accomplishment, regardless of Hollyweird and the Education Unions’ opinion of the matter.
    Seems the negroes actually did better standing on their own, rather than being the beneficiaries of socialism’s largess. What was the murder rate among negroes in the 50s? The abortion rate? The marriage rate?
    So they get to ride in the front of the bus … to their child’s abortion, or to the next drive-by, or to cop a rock?

    From a thriving, growing, prospering, fairly civilized community to a subservient, pandered, EBT community of feral savages who prey upon their own, in only 70 years.

    WOW! You’ve come a long way, baby!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim: There is a school of thought that proposes that integration was actually bad for Black people as a whole. It goes like this: When Blacks were segregated, the more talented and successful individuals were forced to live within their community and help their fellow Blacks (e.g., create jobs, promote education, discourage drug use, etc.) in order to have an environment where they could all prosper. However when integration came, those individuals were free to move into affluent White neighborhoods and areas that were denied to them before, thus leaving their less-advantaged brethren behind in the ghetto from which they had little means or motivation to escape. This situation, of course, was exacerbated by welfare and other programs which further destroyed the incentive to rise above their station in life.

    A crazy theory? You tell me.


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