Trump: Bill Clinton, AG Met Secretly to Work out Crooked Deal for Hillary – IOTW Report

Trump: Bill Clinton, AG Met Secretly to Work out Crooked Deal for Hillary

Writing on Twitter this afternoon, Donald Trump argued that Bill Clinton’s meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch was neither accidental nor innocent.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her husband wanted to meet with the U.S.A.G. to work out a deal,” Mr. Trump wrote, arguing that Ms. Clinton was well aware of the meeting ahead of time.

trump NM
Mr. Trump

“The system is totally rigged & corrupt!” he added.

The meeting between former President Bill Clinton and the Attorney General comes as Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee for President, is being investigated by the FBI for criminal actions relating to her private email server.

According to both Clinton and Lynch, the meeting was incidental in nature and no serious issues were discussed. Mr. Trump rejected this explanation on Twitter this evening.

Mr. Trump asked, “Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. talked only about “grandkids” and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?”

He added, “The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting “go away, no pictures.”

He also said that Mr. Clinton might be in trouble with Mrs. Clinton “because he got caught.”

17 Comments on Trump: Bill Clinton, AG Met Secretly to Work out Crooked Deal for Hillary

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me, if there had been previous meetings. They just got caught this time.
    I feel sadness when I think (and see) what they are doing to the honor and integrity of this country. The clintons have neither honor nor integrity.

  2. Loretta Lynch [Secret Service code name: WIDELOAD] is expressing regret she got caught meeting secretly with Bill Clinton [Secret Service code name: Wrinkled Rapist] to cover for Hillary Clinton’s [Secret Service code name: Carpet Cleaner] numerous felonies.

  3. Bill Clinton meets secretly with Lynch…
    Obama meets Hillary for a “private” lunch…
    Obama meets with Sanders for a “private” meeting…

    Why do Democrats have such a great need for “privacy”?….

  4. “This kind of thing is just a way politicians get around the fairness doctrine.
    Trump does the same thing, though in a different way.”–JohnS

    Is this some more of that fairness doctrine kung fu trickery that Trump is doing, JohnS? I’m not quite snatching the pebble yet.

  5. I have little faith in the FBI to conduct an impartial and honest investigation.
    I have not a smidgen of faith in the US Attorney General to indict or prosecute Hillary for her role in corruption, incompetence at Benghazi, her pay to play foundation scams, her records act violation or her breach of security of Top Secret documents.

    “Equal justice under law” is a phrase engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C., it has been rarely applied to those who are more equal than others. hillary and bill are certainly more equal than others, look at their unfettered history of corruption, deception and deceit.

  6. the other possibility is that she knew she would get caught and thus be forced to recuse herself so that she could bow out and possibly save her career and her life.

  7. Why the hell is Bill getting a pass?
    Ain’t this shit against the law?
    She should resign, not recuse.
    This is all so a special prosecutor can be brought in at a great delay, (way, way after the election) so the fat bitch can attempt to commit the largest voter fraud in history.
    Vote for Trump or get your Gulag outfit ready

  8. There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
    He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
    He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
    And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

  9. Re: Burner

    Nehlen apparently works for a company called Neptune-Benson. They appear to build water filtration systems for cities, water parks, and industrial clients. Looks solidly legit.

    He is also involved with Blue Skies Global LLC (he might be the outright owner), which appears to be some sort of engineering consulting firm. It looks like this might be an attempt to create jobs with/for American manufacturing firms, in America.

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