Kennedy a-Holes Hang Trump Pinata At Compound Party – IOTW Report

Kennedy a-Holes Hang Trump Pinata At Compound Party

Why is there a curse, and why have so many Kennedys died miserably and horribly?

Because they are despicable people.

But that’s okay, because bashing effigies in the head with sticks actually becomes a sort of voodoo doll, because by my count lots of the Kennedys have suffered traumatic brain illnesses and injuries.

Vile, vile people.


ht/just the tip

24 Comments on Kennedy a-Holes Hang Trump Pinata At Compound Party

  1. Shouldn’t they be teaching about the dangers of alcohol?
    Oh and murder?
    And swimming?
    And how it’s probably not a wise idea for 2 brothers from the same family to be diddling the same broad?
    Also, don’t leave the scene of a crime…

  2. Hmm. If given the chance, I do believe I would take a swing at a Chuck Schumer piñata. Or Maxine Waters. Or Harry Reid. Come to think of it, there are a whole lot of people whose piñata likeness I’d gladly bash away at.

    Does that make me a bad person? Bad like a Kennedy?
    If so I have a feeling I’ve got a lot of good company.

  3. > why have so many Kennedys died miserably and horribly?

    That 2+2=5 common core has gotten to you. If you truly believe in any sort of divine justice, then the question must be “why have so FEW Kennedys died miserably and horribly?”

  4. @Uncle Al:

    What a great idea. I’m having a nice fantasy imagining smacking the wonderfully punchable face of Andrew Cuomo on pinata form.

  5. Oh, and when Trump becomes president I hope the first casualty of the Obama Administration is Caroline Kennedy’s ambassadorship to Japan.

    I’d prefer somebody who speaks Japanese, you know?

  6. Have to admit that I get a kick out of the never ending successful catastrophe known as the Kennedy Family. Don’t you know they are American Royalty? Like the Borgias, but without the panache. I especially admire the way Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has handled his terrible sense of Catholic guilt over his many extramarital affairs and the suicide of his devoted second wife. But, really, what is a little flotsam along the way to Peridition?

  7. At least while they are swing at Trump, it will reduce the numbers of rapes and drownings that these family events usually involve. Sounds like a good spot for a drug bust, too.

  8. The so-called “Kennedy Compound” was sold after Teddy’s death.
    In the Agreement of Sale, Kennedy family members are permitted to rent a couple of the outbuildings during the Summer months. This maintains the illusion of the Kennedy Dynasty. They sure put the “nasty” in dynasty.

    Now, the Clinton Family is the new stain on America’s history. 🙁

  9. I’m not defending the Kennedy’s when I say this. A point of reference. If some one was running today on JFK’s platform, he would be viewed as ultra conservative.

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