“Don’t Judge. The Muslims Can’t Help But Be Savages.” – Typical Leftist – IOTW Report

“Don’t Judge. The Muslims Can’t Help But Be Savages.” – Typical Leftist

I don’t disagree, wholly, with the leftist dope. She’s right, in that, Muslims from these middle-east sh*tholes are largely uncivilized and savage. There were 18 sexual assaults a day reported in 2014 in a country of 350,000 Muslims. Factoring out woman and children, that means about 2% of the population in Sweden is committing nearly 80% of the rapes. I think this is what’s known in leftist parlance as a “crisis.”

But leftists are a bit brain-damaged. They’ll continue to import in savagery and tell everyone to look the other way because the Muslims simply can’t help their behavior. Whereas, I would feel bad that I subjected civilized people to abject barbarism, and would still be apologizing as I corrected my failed experiment. My correction would be mass-deportation and the banning of Islam.

Look at what this “refugee activist” in Germany did because she didn’t want to hurt the cause of convincing people that “Muslims are the religion of peace.”

Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has stoked controversy by suggesting that it’s “worse” when Swedish men rape women compared to when immigrants commit sexual assaults.

Sörman, who describes herself as a socialist and a feminist, made the comments in response to what she claimed was too much media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants.

Sörman later tried to walk back the comments, claiming that her sentiments were “clumsily expressed”. She subsequently deleted herTwitter account altogether.

The comments are yet another example of how leftists don’t believe in equality – they think the bar should not be set as high for so-called minorities, otherwise known as the bigotry of low expectations.

Rapes in Sweden have skyrocketed by a shocking 1,472% since the mid-70’s, with 6,620 sexual assaults being reported to police in 2014 compared to just 421 in 1975.

“77.6 percent of the country’s rapists are identified as “foreigners” (and that’s significant because in Sweden, “foreigner” is generally synonymous with “immigrant from Muslim country”), writes Selwyn Duke. “And even this likely understates the issue, since the Swedish government — in an effort to obscure the problem — records second-generation Muslim perpetrators simply as “Swedes.”


ht/ Annie

12 Comments on “Don’t Judge. The Muslims Can’t Help But Be Savages.” – Typical Leftist

  1. Umm….I *DO* believe that is the EXACT textbook example of a bigot/racist (if muzzie filth were a “race”).

    How *queer* Leftists just don’t understand that’s all it is.
    Cognitive dissonance is a dangerous thing.

  2. Slightly off-topic, I’m engaging in a little anti-Muzzie activism today.

    I’m on vacation this week, and I was going to have lunch at a well-known eatery in Manhattan called Serendipity. They’re famous for their ice cream desserts–this is where Jackie Kennedy used to take her children for treats when they were growing up.

    They have an online menu, which I checked as a great believer in being prepared. I almost lost my breakfast. There is actually an entree called “A la Garden of Allah”–sautéed chicken breast on chilled cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, and black olives.

    I just got off the phone with the owner. “Are you aware that a man recently shot more than 100 people in a gay nightclub, yelling ‘Allah Ackbar’? I don’t think you’re being terribly sensitive in naming your entrees, do you?” (I stopped short of demanding a safe space.)

    Silence. Then: “Well, do you think more hatred is the answer?”

    “No, not really. I think the correct answer, for me anyway, is to boycott your ill-informed, offensive, lemmibg-like PC, gay-unfriendly business and urge all my gay friends to stay away too. HAVE A NICE DAY, ASSHOLE!”

    Two can play this game. Maybe I should pursue a lucrative career as a performance artist LOL?

  3. I have taken to, in conversation, refering to anything stupid, offensive, or repulsive as ‘ackbar’.
    The left changes the meaning of words all the time, I figure turn about is fair play.

  4. Dammit, LBS – I thought you were serious! I figured it was breaking news, and I immediately started the celebration. Then I checked online.

    Now I have to try to figure out how to get the corks back in all these champagne bottles…


  5. geofraz,

    I suspect JohnS is only trying to sound “hard line”,
    when in reality his man pussy doesn’t allow him to actually offend anyone.

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