Hillary Commits Perjury Under Oath – IOTW Report

Hillary Commits Perjury Under Oath

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13 Comments on Hillary Commits Perjury Under Oath

  1. Between the IRS and Hillary, Comey is carrying a hell of a burden on his shoulders when it comes to paving the way for corrupt, treasonous, bastard politicians. He doesn’t deserve another good nights sleep for as long as he lives.

  2. It’s a sad sad day for our country. On the plus side,I’ll never serve on another jury again. I’ll simply assert that if Hillary Clinton can commit multiple felonies and not spend a day in jail, then no one should, and I’ll never vote to convict anyone of anything.

  3. Trey Gowdy, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell et al. – it is YOUR solemn, sworn duty (and every other representative and senator regardless of party) to see that this vile POS Hillary Clinton is prosecuted for perjury and lying to congress under oath (in addition to a multitude of other crimes against America and its citizens). If you refuse to do your sworn duty, you are just as guilty of treason as her sorry ass is, and I can only hope that the patriotic citizens of America will do everything possible to see that the traditional form of justice for traitors is properly applied against every single one of you!

  4. There is a video which has gone viral of a mother rat saving a baby rat from a snake. There is now another video which has gone viral of a Comey Rat saving fellow Rat Hillary from the federal prosecution snake!

  5. But, but…there was no intent to commit perjury. Isn’t that the new standard? Or does that standard only apply to HRC?

    Old and busted: “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. New hotness: “There was no intent to commit a crime”.

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