Carly Fiorina – ” if our government won’t make Hillary face consequences, voters will.” – IOTW Report

Carly Fiorina – ” if our government won’t make Hillary face consequences, voters will.”

Don’t count on #NeverTrump, they have a different plan. There’s is the one where the despicable, corrupt, contemptible Hillary Clinton wins and then everything gets better.

Make sure to read the Facebook comments I posted at the end of Fiorina’s rant.

Facebook– Today, the FBI admitted that Hillary Clinton endangered the American people—and confirmed that the worst things any of us imagined about Hillary’s email server were true.

FBI Director James Comey concluded that Clinton was “extremely careless” in handling our nation’s secrets.

He admitted that no reasonable person could have believed putting these emails on a private server was at all appropriate or acceptable.

He admitted that 110 emails on the server were classified at the time they were sent—showing that Hillary not only lied, but knowingly endangered national security as Secretary of State.

He admitted that Hillary deleted work-related emails before turning them over to the State Department, despite her claims otherwise.

And most shocking, Mr. Comey even admitted that it’s likely foreign governments hacked her emails–and that our adversaries could know critical secrets about the U.S. government because of Hillary’s actions.

But when you’re a Clinton, none of this matters. Not when you have the ear of the President, or you can call a secret airport meeting with the Attorney General. Not when you behave as if you’re above the law, and will never be held responsible for your actions.

Mr. Comey admitted that someone caught in a similar situation would “often” be punished. And yet, he announced the FBI would not recommend criminal charges for Hillary Clinton.

It’s not just a miscarriage of justice, but a blow to the very heart of our democracy. This is a shameful day for the rule of law and the security of our nation, no matter what your political beliefs may be.

The Obama Administration might be circling the wagons, and doing all they can to prop up their corrupt, incompetent, untrustworthy Democratic nominee—but the American people know better. And if our government won’t make her face consequences, voters will.


Some comments from Facebook –

Shannon Workman RIP American Justice. I was a Cruz woman thru and thru, after today’s events I am jumping on the Trump train, the Traitor Kilery Clinton must be defeated. If this was you or I we would be headed to jail. Patreus did far less and was ruined. We must TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!

Ken Perdue People have to ask themselves if 4 years of Hillary and a generation of liberal SCOTUS justices is worse than a Trump presidency. I don’t think it is and I’m voting accordingly.
Ed Luis ValentinAt this point, it doesn’t even matter what your political beliefs are. If we don’t want that criminal in the Oval Office, we need to rally around the only man who can stop her: Donald J. Trump.
Jenny HugheyI am not a big supporter of Trump, but as others have mentioned, Hillary must be stopped. This woman BREAKS the law multiple times and is still holding her head up high running for President of the United States. Anyone who votes for this woman has either been living under a rock, or thinks the law shouldn’t matter.
Meghann ThackerRepublican party members: The ONLY way to beat her is go out in numbers and VOTE in November. This is how the Democrats win elections, they pull together behind their nominee ( whether he/she was the favorite or not..) and they VOTE.

Trump may or may not be your cup of tea, but unless we show up at the polls in the fall and let people know our country will not accept this negligent, corrupt candidate, we’ll all be facing Obama’s 3rd term with her in The White House. And that’s just the beginning!

Patti ArkwrightI’m praying that America will make the right decision when we elect our next president. I don’t always agree with what Trump says, but I do believe he believes in America and will make this country great again. Hillary is a disgrace to our United States.
Deborah BussellCarly when will you openly support Trump? America is in distress and EVERY vote matters. We need you and Cruz and the others that are holding back. Together we can unite and win!! NEVER HILLARY!!!
C’mon Trump, say it.
“If I’m elected president I will appoint an attorney general that will prosecute and convict Hillary Clinton. In my presidency Hillary Clinton serves jail time.”
Let’s see #NeverTrump sit on their hands after that.

9 Comments on Carly Fiorina – ” if our government won’t make Hillary face consequences, voters will.”

  1. I didn’t want to say it (so I’ll type it), Hillary wins the election in November. She and the DNC will get their BFF Lynch to sue certain States over voter registration laws and get an injunction before November. She will need non-citizens, especially illegal aliens, to vote for her. The lawsuit will go to liberal activist Fed Judges, who will not decide if a non citizen, etc., can register to vote. The decision will be based on the burden of proof of eligibility going to the State. They’ll say the individual doesn’t need to prove they are eligible, rather the State must prove the individual is NOT eligible. When the individual goes to vote, they’ll only need to say where they live to insure they are at the correct polling place. They States AG will mount a half-heated and limp-wristed defense to these suits, only being vociferous enough to make sure the illegals know they can freely vote when the Feds win the suit. I expect California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, New York and a few other well placed ‘battleground’ States will be sued for this.

  2. Hopefully Trump stays on point and keeps driving this home.
    She is going to attack him personally daily, along with her enslaved media, in hopes of getting him to defend himself and divert his attention but this is the winning narrative that needs to be brought up every single day until election day.

  3. Down vote me if you want, but so far the score is:
    Hillary said she would have the delegates to win the nomination.
    Hillary said the Benghazi hearing won’t indict her.
    Hillary said the email probe wouldn’t indict her.
    Hillary says she’ll win the election.
    If she’s been right about the first 3, why isn’t she right about winning the election? She tends to speak out when she knows it’s in the bag.

  4. “And if our government won’t make her face consequences, voters will.”

    Apparently, Carly hasn’t been paying attention. Congress has a single-digit approval rating, but a 94% re-election rate. That should show Washington we mean bidness!

  5. @Burner,

    Trump said he would win and fought against much more to get here. He called each and every corrupt outcome Hillary benefitted from and by doing so puts himself ahead. I think he will win, huge!

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