Straight Shootin’ James Comey – IOTW Report

Straight Shootin’ James Comey


20 Comments on Straight Shootin’ James Comey

  1. I don’t know anything about Comey except one thing –
    DefecRats don’t put anybody in power unless they’re dirty!
    Without the dirt they don’t have the level of control they need and crave in order to manipulate people for their own nefarious purposes.
    That’s one big reason why unscrupulous or unethical activity or crime is a resume enhancer for them!

  2. I believe Comey when he started his press conference by stating that no one had reviewed his remarks. But he had either been told what the FBI’s recommendation would be by someone in the administration, or the decision had been made before the Hillary Clinton interview charade. Comey knew the predetermined outcome of the FBI investigation, and he knew he would have to be the public face of the fix. It seems likely that Comey was told in no uncertain terms that the US Attorney would not prosecute, so the FBI had best get with the program and provide Lynch with some cover.

    That being said, I think Comey’s presser was a way to damage Clinton while still observing his marching orders. He laid out a good case for prosecuting Clinton under the “gross negligence” standard, then stated that the FBI was recommending no prosecution and abruptly left the podium. Comey also went into a lot of detail regarding things Clinton would probably prefer to be brushed under the rug, and which probably could have under the guise of “privacy” or “national security.” A lot of pundits rightfully observed that the Trump campaign only has to lift some of Comey’s remarks verbatim in order to prepare an effective hit piece.

    Comey has no future within the FBI. But inasmuch as his remarks, the way they were delivered, the information imparted, and the way he left the stage utterly failed to put this issue to rest, Comey’s performance has the potential to damage Clinton for weeks to come. I think this was intentional on his part.

  3. After watching his ridiculous televised speech, I first picked my jaw up off the floor and then immediately went to my front yard and lowered my American Flag. With tears in my eyes, I then hung it upside down. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Our American values died a dishonorable death yesterday.

  4. So sorry, please.
    Comey didn’t aim at HRC.
    He didn’t aim at the Clinton Foundation.

    He aimed at Justice – and hit the mark.

    His purpose was to disabuse any remnant Americans, who still believe in America, that Justice is Dead, the Constitution has lapsed, and you better toe the line.

    He will kill citizens with impunity (as with LaVoy Finicum) who question the New Order and will protect the corruption, perfidies, excesses, and abuses of the totalitarian elite.

    The message is clear.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Bill Whittle’s theory is that Comey went all “eye-blinking t-o-r-t-u-r-e” like McLames fellow VietNam hostage pal. Comey was up against the wall, knew he was the sacrificial man, and did what he could to get all the facts out there (for over an hour of televised announcement), effectively trying the case to the American people as best he could.
    stratosphere lounge – ustream

  6. He laid out the facts because that was the result of ALL the hard work the FBI agents under him did in honesty. He could not both let Hillary slide and completely refute his agent’s diligent work. Whether that will be enough to keep most of these agents in the Bureau we will probably not be told. But despite the “factspaining” prior to the no recommendation for prosecution, these agents must be pissed off and not happy with their leader.

  7. The choice was his. He took the easy way out, preserving his position and power at the expense of his profession and credibility.
    He chose to tow the obama/hillary façade of innocence.
    comey lied, justice died.
    An honorable person who believes in “Equal Justice for All” would have resigned and held a nation-wide press conference outlining the political pressure, threats and corruption.
    Ends up he’s no better than obama or hillary.

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