Donald Trump has summit with house republicans – EVEN PETER KING EMERGED SAYING HE WAS IMPRESSED! – IOTW Report

Donald Trump has summit with house republicans – EVEN PETER KING EMERGED SAYING HE WAS IMPRESSED!

#NeverTrump looking all the more out of sync.

Roll Call-

Trump Rallies House Republicans, Soothes Nerves.

As they emerged from the meeting, some GOP members said they were happy with what they heard from their party’s likely nominee.

New York Rep. Peter T. King, who has been critical of Trump in the past, said the gathering was “Donald Trump at his best.”

“There was no negative moment, no awkward moment,” King said. “He was good…”

Rep. Cynthia M. Lummis of Wyoming, the only woman member of the House Freedom Caucus, described Trump as “exuberant.”

New York Rep. Chris Collins, one of first in Congress to endorse Trump, sounded buoyant as he left the meeting, describing the atmosphere as “supercharged — one standing ovation after another.”

Collins said it was clear the party was united “after witnessing what I watched with the heads bobbing up and down, with the introduction from Speaker Ryan talking about how important it is to elect Donald Trump our next president.”

Rep. David Schweikert of Arizona also sounded caught up in the euphoria.

“This enthusiasm is kind of contagious ,” he said. “What’s fascinating to me is the energy and enthusiasm. It’s truly contagious.”


Enter the negative morons who seemingly want Hillary.

15 Comments on Donald Trump has summit with house republicans – EVEN PETER KING EMERGED SAYING HE WAS IMPRESSED!

  1. The negative morons need to be sent to the corner of the room to stand for a few hours and then be sent to bed without supper, their security blankets, pacifiers and stuffed bears.

  2. And enter the morons indeed.
    Over at Townhall (I know, I know)
    Kurt Schlichter has an article about
    how they should “suck it up” and vote for Trump…
    …after listing b!tch/whine/moan one after another about
    why Trump is so bad.

    “Backhanded compliment” doesn’t BEGIN to describe it.
    And more than a handful of commenters STILL say “no!”.

    Let them jump on the Erickson/Wolk/Kristol train.
    I hear there are plenty of empty seats waiting to be filled
    before heading off the cliff.

  3. the link on drudge goes to politico. They have a totally different spin on this. Claim the R’s are nervous and Trump didnt win anyone over.

    The rinos are restless indeed.

  4. Those negative morons are posting all over social media that they have enough delegates in their pocket to upset the apple cart. I hope they don’t mind Tar, Feathers and Rope. Because that would be about the last straw.

  5. Let’s remember hundreds of millions of dollars have funded close to 100,000 attack ads against Trump. Politicians, we know, are not particularly bright. Many swallowed the attacks whole without bothering to check veracity. When they finally meet Trump the scales fall from their eyes.

  6. Inside the Beltway, in the rarified atmosphere of The Congress, many of these fools missed the FACT that Trump received that thing we use to elect people to office — VOTES. Lots and lots and LOTS of votes.

    Why no transparency of this ‘meeting’? That’s not how Trump operates. Did they also put a gag on him? If they continue to obstruct the will of the people, they should worry about the down-ticket — their own seats.

  7. Not so much: National Review 7/11/16 The Week.
    “Trumps floundering has revived talk of a convention revolt. Such a scenario would require a rules change and defy the wishes of Republican primary voters.” ( They would be us unwashed, blue collar jerks, “incapable of cognitive’ thought.) NR goes on: “They knew of, and presumably discounted, his inexperience, ignorance,
    and instability. But did they reckon on flat-out incompetence?”
    Pretty harsh stuff dontchathink?

  8. What difference does it really make?

    I’m sorry but the FBI just UNILATERALLY redefined the law to get Clinton off the hook. The GOP is going through their usual outrage puppet show but it’ll amount to nothing, just like it always amounts to nothing when the loyal owned opposition is in charge.

    I’m sorry but if the game is THAT tied up in the Left’s favor, then I’m now more convinced than ever it won’t make a damn bit of difference what you, I, Trump, Cruz or anyone else on our side does or does not do in the next few months. They FBI didn’t even bother lying by saying, “Clinton broke no laws.” He as much as said she DID break laws but he’s going to find a reason NOT to prosecute her, laws be damned.

    That is the absolute, rawest essence of a dead republic consumed in lawlessness.

    Sorry to vent but while I knew the Republic was already gone, I did not realize we are THIS far gone.

    The only possible hope I can see now is for Trump to ask Cruz to VP and for Cruz to accept it. Even that probably wouldn’t counter the historic fraud coming in November. But it’s the only shot.

    If you can think of a better one, name it.

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